Are you ready to graduate?

Review checklists to ensure you have checked all the boxes in preparation for graduation and commencement in the spring. 

Prepare for the big day

From commencement events and traditions to regalia and diplomas, review the details to make sure you are ready to participate and enjoy the celebration of all you have accomplished!

Graduates are required to dress in traditional regalia (caps and gowns) for University-wide Commencement and recognition ceremonies, with the exception of the Honors Program ceremony. Review the regalia FAQ for details.

Get answers to your questions

There’s a lot to navigate as you prepare to finish your time at CSU. Review common terms and frequently asked questions and reach out if you’re unsure of something that isn’t included. We’re here to help make your commencement experience the best it can be!

Email [email protected] with questions.

Helpful CSU resources

CSU is here to support you and help you prepare for your next steps, whether you’re starting your career or continuing your education. The Office of the Registrar can support students on any academic and diploma-related questions.