Walter Scott, Jr. College of Engineering Commencement Program
139th Year of
Spring 2023
Walter Scott, Jr. College of Engineering Commencement
May 14, 2023
Order of Ceremony
Processional 1 – Colorado State Brass Quintet
Presentation of Colors – Wing Walker Honor Guard
National Anthem 2 – Emmanuel Bonilla and Audience
Welcome and Introductions 1 – Dean David McLean
Announcement of Newly Commissioned Officers – CPT Mark Chaka
Recognition of First Generation Graduates – Dr. Karan Venayagamoorthy
Recognition of Honorary Society Members – Dr. Venayagamoorthy
Recognition of University Honors Program Scholars – Dr. Shawn Bingham
Introduction of Speaker – Dean McLean
Commencement Address – Jennifer Pfeiffer
Conferring of Baccalaureate Degrees
Presentation of Class – Dr. Venayagamoorthy
Conferring of Degrees – Dr. Rick Miranda
Diploma Distribution – Dean McLean and Department Heads
Charge to the Graduates – Dean McLean
Welcome to the Alumni Association – Kori Eliaz
Closing Remarks and Announcements – Dean McLean
Alma Mater 2 – Emmanuel Bonilla and Audience
Recessional 1 – Colorado State Brass Quintet
1 Audience will stand
2 Audience may remain seated
On the Platform
Dr. Dan Baker, Teaching Associate Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Dr. Shawn Bingham, Director, University Honors Program
CPT Mark Chaka, Army ROTC, Assistant Professor of Military Science
Dr. V. Chandrasekar, Associate Dean, International Programs
Dr. Edwin Chong, Department Head, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Dr. David Dandy, Department Head, Chemical and Biological Engineering
Kori Eliaz, Systems Engineer, Lockheed Martin
Dr. Matt Kipper, Associate Dean, Graduate Programs
Lt Col Scott McCoy, Air Force ROTC, Assistant Professor of Aerospace Studies
Dr. David McLean, Dean
Dr. Rick Miranda, Executive Vice President
Jennifer Pfeiffer, Global Director of Operations, Dow Incorporated
Dr. Ketul Popat, Director, Undergraduate Program, School of Biomedical Engineering
Dr. Christian Puttlitz, Department Head, Mechanical Engineering
Dr. Kenneth Reardon, Associate Dean, Research
Dr. Alan Rudolph, Vice President for Research
Dr. Charles Shackelford, Department Head, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Dr. Karan Venayagamoorthy, Associate Dean, Academic and Student Affairs
College Marshals
Dr. Dan Baker, Marshal
Susan Benzel, Assistant Marshal
Heather Hall, Assistant Marshal
Betty Sims, Assistant Marshal
Jennifer Pfeiffer, Commencement Speaker
Jennifer Pfeiffer is currently the Global Director of Operations for the Industrial Intermediates and Infrastructure envelope with Dow Incorporated (Dow). In this role, she is accountable for translating and implementing the business strategies within Operations across all Industrial Intermediates and Infrastructure manufacturing facilities and technology centers globally. This envelope within Dow represents 60+ manufacturing facilities and more than 3,400 employees globally.
Jennifer began her career in 1997 as a production engineer with Dow. From 1997 through 2007, she held many engineering and leadership positions with Dow in the Houston, TX area. In 2012, she relocated to Midland, MI, where Dow is headquartered, to take on a Business Excellence and Global Supply Chain Director role for the Polyurethanes business. In 2014, she relocated to Boehlen, Germany to serve as site director for Dow’s Olefins site in the region. In 2016, Jennifer relocated back to Midland, MI to take on the role of Technology Center Director and Business Manufacturing Director for Dow’s Performance Silicones business. She assumed her current Global Director role in 2021.
Jennifer holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemical Engineering from Colorado State University. She is a recipient of the Manufacturing Institute’s Women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Production (STEP) Award and serves as the chair for the Dean’s Advisory Board for the Walter Scott, Jr. College of Engineering at Colorado State University.
Walter Scott, Jr. College of Engineering
Candidates for University Honors Scholar
Spring 2023
Marjorie Anast, Biomedical Engineering major and Chemical Biological Engineering major. Thesis title: Sniftek 22-23.
Ainsley Burch, Mechanical Engineering major. Thesis title: 1. General Purpose Steam Turbine Pneumatic Trip Actuator.
Samuel Burke, Biomedical Engineering major and Mechanical Engineering major. Thesis title: Bridging the Gap from Biotech Innovation to Business Ownership.
Nicholas Chastain, Chemical and Biological Engineering major and Mathematics minor and Entrepreneurship and Innovation minor and Chemistry minor. Thesis title: Desulfurization of Anheuser-Busch Waste Ethanol.
Grady Cole, Environmental Engineering major. Thesis title: Bennett Creek Trout Passage.
Sierra Curdts, Biomedical Engineering major and Chemical Biological Engineering major. Thesis title: Blood Bag Heat Exchanger Design and Model.
Weston Dall, Mechanical Engineering major. Thesis title: Turbine Trip Valve Actuator.
Jordan DeCrescentis, Computer Engineering major with Aerospace System concentration and Computer Science minor. Thesis title: Improved Signal Manipulation for the Hearing Impaired.
Sara Dmytriw, Biomedical Engineering major and Chemical and Biological Engineering major. Thesis title: Blood Heat Exchanger with Terumo BCT.
Kelsey Eichelberger, Mechanical Engineering major. Thesis title: Senior Design: RUCK Moto Bikes.
Erith Evans, Biomedical Engineering major and Mechanical Engineering major with Chemistry minor. Thesis title: Canine Exoskeleton for Rehabilitation.
Abigail Fennell, Biomedical Engineering major and Chemical and Biological Engineering major. Thesis title: Microbiome of Culicoides Sonorensis (Biting Midge).
Jack Forman, Chemical and Biological Engineering major and Biomedical Engineering minor. Thesis title: Scalable Manufacturing of Mesenchymal Stem Cells for Cartilage Regeneration.
Ashley Geraets, Environmental Engineering major and Japanese minor. Thesis title: An Exploration of Bedroom Air Quality in Fort Collins Homes.
Sawyer Halingstad, Biomedical Engineering major and Chemical and Biological Engineering major and Mathematics minor. Thesis title: Single Cell Measurements and Discrete Stochastic Models to Quantify and Predict DUSP1 Gene Expression.
Hailea Henry, Environmental Engineering major. Thesis title: Larimer County Canal Flume Design and Sediment Trap Design.
Cameron Holmes, Electrical Engineering major with Lasers and Optical Engineering concentration. Thesis title: Development of a High Average Power Laser.
Keegan Hughes, Mechanical Engineering major. Thesis title: FSAE Chassis/Aero.
Cody Hyman Colon, Mechanical Engineering major with Aerospace Engineering concentration. Thesis title: FSAE Chassis/Aero.
Brycen Jones, Mechanical Engineering major with Aerospace Engineering concentration. Thesis title: Compliant Bistable Mechanisms for Aerial Perching and Grasping with Drones.
Brayden Jonswold, Biomedical Engineering major and Mechanical Engineering major. Thesis title: In-House Manufacturing Method for Prosthetic Feet.
Elana Kadish, Biomedical Engineering major and Mechanical Engineering major and Mathematics minor. Thesis title: Development of a Low-Cost Diagnostic Device for RNA-Based Viruses from a Cell Free Reaction.
Emily Kaplan, Biomedical Engineering major and Chemical and Biological Engineering major. Thesis title: Scalable Manufacturing of Mesenchymal Stem Cells for Cartilage Regeneration.
Jack Kearny, Environmental Engineering major. Thesis title: Larimer County Canal Rehabilitation.
Amy Keisling, Biomedical Engineering major and Mechanical Engineering major and Music minor. Thesis title: Custom Upper Protheses for Independent Eating.
Justyn Knapp, Biomedical Engineering major and Mechanical Engineering major. Thesis title: Self-Cleaning Laparoscope.
Rachelle Koly, Civil Engineering major. Thesis title: CSU TMI Building Design.
Kalyn Kosmiski, Chemical and Biological Engineering major and Mathematics and Chemistry minors. Thesis title: The Murk in Microbiomes: Uncovering Assumptions Made in Microbiome Studies.
Bailey Latka, Chemical and Biological Engineering major and Languages, Literatures and Cultures major with Spanish concentration. Thesis title: The Upscaling Process of Metakaryote Cell Line.
Jacob Lerner, Mechanical Engineering major. Thesis title: Pilot Fuel Synthesis for Large Marine Engines.
Mackenzie Lucas, Chemical and Biological Engineering major. Thesis title: Exploring the Synthesis and Manufacturing of Artificial Blood.
John Luebbers, Mechanical Engineering major. Thesis title: Design of a Toroidal Pump Test Stand with Obermeyer Hydro, Inc.
Veronika Makowski, Environmental Engineering major. Thesis title: Total Phosphorus Removal CMCMD Wastewater Treatment Plant.
Evan Malloy, Environmental Engineering major. Thesis title: Reintroducing the Greenback Cutthroat Trout to North Joe Wright Creek.
Erin Martinez, Civil Engineering major. Thesis title: Fort Collins Heated Bike Lane Project.
Elliot McCormick, Electrical Engineering major with Electrical Engineering concentration. Thesis title: MRI Scanners.
Joshua Mcmartin, Civil Engineering major. Thesis title: ASCE Concrete Canoe Design, Construction and Competition.
Lars Mitchel, Mechanical Engineering major. Thesis title: Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Integrated with an Internal Combustion Engine for Power Generation.
Naser Moin, Computer Engineering major and Computer Science minor. Thesis title: GoKart Senior Design ProjectO.
Alexa Morgen, Biomedical Engineering major and Chemical and Biological Engineering major. Thesis title: Neonatal Oxygen Measurement and Adjustment Device.
Claire Paschke, Environmental Engineering major. Thesis title: Bear Proof Composting Facility at Colorado State Mountain Campus.
Jacob Pollard, Mechanical Engineering major. Thesis title: Ruck EBikes.
Emma Raisley, Biomedical Engineering major and Chemical and Biological Engineering major. Thesis title: Transmission Properties of North American Sheep Scrapie Prions in Transgenic Cervid Mouse Models.
Jasalyn Reyes, Civil Engineering major. Thesis title: CSU TMI Building Design.
Krista Roerty, Mechanical Engineering major. Thesis title: General Purpose Turbine Pneumatic Safety Trip Actuator.
Kirk Russell, Mechanical Engineering major. Thesis title: Ruck E-Moto (Electric Bikes).
Geneva San Nicolas, Mechanical Engineering major. Thesis title: 5 Axis 3D Printer with a Mixing Head.
Charles Sanders, Mechanical Engineering major. Thesis title: Utilitarian E-Bike.
Amanda Schmidt, Chemical and Biological Engineering major and Chemistry minor. Thesis title: The Effect of Inoculum to Substrate Ration of Rewired Anaerobic Digestion for Butyric Acid Production.
Ethan Schultz, Electrical Engineering major with Electrical Engineering concentration. Thesis title: Development of a Diode Pumped Amplification Stage.
Alison Shad, Biomedical Engineering major and Chemical and Biological Engineering major. Thesis title: Inference of Spatial Stochastic Models to Capture Transcription, Diffusion, and RNA Degradation in Mammalian Nuclei.
Jonathan Steiner, Mechanical Engineering major and Machine Learning minor. Thesis title: W.M. Keck Observatory Automatic Telescope Balance System.
Wyatt Suit, Electrical Engineering major with Electrical Engineering concentration and Computer Science minor. Thesis title: The Integration of Image Processing and Augmented Reality into a Robotic Welding Arm.
Gwyndolyn Tari, Computer Engineering major. Thesis title: Electrical and Computer Engineering Senior Design: RamBOTs.
Elise Thompson, Mechanical Engineering major with Aerospace Engineering concentration. Thesis title: Keck Observatory Automatic Telescope Balancing System.
Abigail Waugh, Mechanical Engineering major and Military Science minor. Thesis title: Upright Ruggedized Walker.
Ailsa Young, Biomedical Engineering with ME major. Thesis title: Neonatal Automatic Oxygen Adjustment Device.
Walter Scott, Jr. College of Engineering
Candidates for Baccalaureate Degrees
Spring 2023
Dean David I. McLean
Biomedical Engineering
Adams, Caitlin Elizabeth +
Ailes, Zachary Shane + ^
Anast, Marjorie Anne +
Benitez, Yeilin A. +
Burke, Samuel David +
Burr, Catherine Angelica + =
Coe, Mykala Marie +
Curdts, Sierra Sigel + ^
Dean, Angela Christine + ^
DiNorcia, Angelina Peri +
Dmytriw, Sara Anne +
Encinias, Julia Maria +
Evans, Erith Katherina + * =
Fennell, Abigail Iona + =
Fiechtner, Alexis Marie +
Fiore, Dillon James +
Garcia, Marcus David +
Halingstad, Sawyer Fredrick + * #
Harlan, Maxime Michael +
Hayden, Devan Alexander +
Henderson, Connor James + *
Higgins, Lucas +
Hill, Blake +
Jones, Bailee +
Jonswold, Brayden + ^
Kadish, Elana Danielle + *
Kaplan, Emily Taylor +
Keisling, Amy Michelle + * =
Kinealy, Maguire Brighid +
Knapp, Justyn Raymond +
Mahmoud, Hassan +
Mahoney, Ryan Thomas +
Matsushima, Matthew Taylor +
Moore, Jacklyn Frances +
Mooty, Stephanie Ann + ^
Morgen, Alexa Anne +
Morrill, Carter J. + *
Musgrove, Julianna Ryan +
Nakamura, Carly K. +
Ornes, Jacob Michael +
Ortega, Roberto +
Palmer, Kileigh Summer +
Raisley, Emma Kate + =
Roush, Courtney Elizabeth + ^
Schymanski, Jared Mark +
Shad, Alison C. + =
Snyder, Garret Max +
Stephens, Matthew Scott +
Stienike, Elizabeth K. +
Tang, Samuel Drake +
Utech, Connor James +
Valdez, Isabel Anastasia +
Wilemon, Zachary Aaron +
Young, Ailsa Ann + ^
Chemical and Biological Engineering
Adams, Caitlin Elizabeth +
Ahuna, Ethan Gabriel Kanikalio
Alamer, Abdulrahman Mohammed + *
Amii, Asia Amii K. *
Anast, Marjorie Anne +
Antillon-Bencomo, Diana Lizeth *
Barker, Jon Michael
Bowen, Carmen Elizabeth * #
Brandtjen, Isabel Kathleen
Breuninger, Nathaniel Drew *
Caballero, Frankie Alonso *
Carver, Emily Brooke
Case, Dylan Andrew
Chastain, Nicholas Franklin * #
Conrad, Rachel M. ^
Curdts, Sierra Sigel + ^
Curtis, Kyle Edward
Derting, Ariel Jean *
DiNorcia, Angelina Peri +
Dmytriw, Sara Anne +
Dumesnil, Bryan Andrew
Elhaddad, Shehab A.
Encinias, Julia Maria +
Farhar, Taryn Monica * ^
Fennell, Abigail Iona + =
Ferrell-Carretey, Elliot Jerome *
Forman, Jack Robert *
Garcia, Marcus David +
Halingstad, Sawyer Fredrick + * #
Henderson, Connor James + *
Hess, Andrew Henry
Johnson, Taylor Sayge *
Kaplan, Emily Taylor +
Karp, Maja Wiktoria * ^
King, Kaden Landers
Knab, Madelynn Mae *
Kosmiski, Kalyn Noelle * =
Lucas, Mackenzie Abigail
Lundeen, Eric * ^
MacArthur, Landon A. *
McCarthy-Zayach, Kaylee May *
Miller, Jacob Anthony +
Moody, Mackenna Leeann * #
Mooty, Stephanie Ann + ^
Morgen, Alexa Anne +
Musgrove, Julianna Ryan +
Neuendorf, Quinn Sandwisch *
O’Donnell-Sloan, John J. * #
Palmer, Kileigh Summer +
Parra, Anissa J. *
Perkins, Georgia Kate
Raisley, Emma Kate + =
Roush, Courtney Elizabeth + ^
Salmon, Jonathan Parker
Schmidt, Amanda Iris * =
Schott, Jacob M.
Schwartz, Jacob R. *
Shad, Alison C. + =
Sherrer, Adam David
Skillicorn, Mary Katherine ^
Slane, Jessica Faith ^
Stephen, Riley W. *
Stephens, Matthew Scott +
Tamayo, Rebecca
Torri, Baylee Renee *
Traller, Kelley
Walker, Allison M.
Wilson, Brett Matthew *
Zagrocki, Taylor N. *
Civil Engineering
Aguilar Ricalday, Maria Del Consuelo
Al Amri, Saud
Albusaidi, Saif Hamed
Alhajri, Abdullah Salim
Al Shihi, Abdul
Amin, Diyar Mohammid
Arkley, Katie Elizabeth
Baker, Kobe M. *
Baumstark, James Scott
Birkmeier, Ryan Jeffry
Boyle, Amber Olivia
Brachtenbach, Bailey Robert
Brady, Ryan Fletcher
Clark, Olivia Mackenzie
Crippen, Daniel John
Dellamano, Cameron Anton *
Dondershine, Avery
Dring, Margaret Ann *
Eifert, Matthew Aaron
Frye, Bryan L. *
Gerner, Noah Daniel
Gore, Brady K.
Gusdorf, Kevin Joseph
Harmann, Alexander
Heidner, Eric J.
Holtzclaw, Amanda Jane
Howryla, Austin *
Jagerhorn, Emily C.
Jakatdar, Isha Nikhil
Johnson, Andrew David
Jones, Lauden
Koly, Rachelle Lanae
Lasewicz, Sawyer Steven
Lenihan, Isabella *
Long lll, William Hart
Lowe, Austin James
Martinez, Erin Skye
Maxwell, Eric D.
McCallan, Thomas Alexander
McMartin, Joshua Douglas ^
Merkle, Jillian Marie
Milligan, Kayla Jo
Minjarez, Ron Thomas
Newbanks, Michael J.
Pedersen, Ashley Louise
Plath, Cade A.
Price Jr., Wesley John
Priebe, Maya Kathryn =
Pruden, Brandon Matthew
Reyes, Jasalyn Danielle
Robertson, Jacob Alexander *
Rock, Kyle Austin
Ryan, Gilliana Genett
Saenz-Quiroz, Araceli
Salmon, David Willem
Sanchez Hurtado, Jesus Eduardo
Smith, David B. *
Soto Velasques, Neyver ^
Springer, Jaclyn *
Taylor, Drake C.
Telles, Alex Michael Paul
Tucker, Ryan Michael
Valantas, Trent R.
Wagner, Kyle Nelson
Weber, Lauren Elizabeth
Williams, Derek T.
Computer Engineering
Andreson, Garrett J. *
Arbach, Joshua
Biggs, Tyler C. *
Bovee, John Tyler O’Hara
Chase, Scott *
DeCrescentis, Jordan Rosa *
Felix, Brendon Crawford *
Gharbi, Noah Robert Ali
Grote, Ashlen Blake * ^
Hassman, Evan Paul *
Lyon, Jacob O.
Moin, Naser Noor * ^
Nguyen, Su
Percin, Eric T. * =
Reber, Leevi Franklin *
Robbins, Cameron Parks
Rockwell, Jonah Nicholas *
Seo, Hyojin *
Tari, Gwyndolyn S.
Zhu, Qianya *.
Electrical Engineering
Alajji, Obad Ahmad
Alamos Corral, José Alejandro
Al Ismaili, Saleh *
Al-Jarwani, Mohamed
Bearly, Michael Allen *
Bender, Brandon Matthew *
Biskupski, Kyle
Chadwick, Ethan James
Chwojko-Frank, Isaac Guinness
Day, Alec Hunter *
Eldridge, Jack
Fox, Zachary D.
Gaub, Grant Stephen
Gilmore, Matthew Alan *
Gungel, Dylan Alexander *
Holmes, Cameron Dane ^
Hulse, Adam John
Jeski, Jordan T. *
Kapayo, Spencer Charles *
Kinealy, Maguire Brighid +
Kolodzik, Alex B.
Labata, Chester F.
Laskie, Joshua Edward
Loma Arteaga, Leonardo
Matsushima, Matthew Taylor +
McCormick, Elliot Ming #
Moore, Jacklyn Frances +
Palma-Perez, Gerardo Javier
Risch, Iliya S.
Schultz, Ethan
Suit, Wyatt James * =
Syed, Adeel *
Thompson, Corby Tay
Win, Naing A.
Engineering Science
Jones, Bethany Colette
Pecos-Duarte, Perry Francisco
Engineering Science and International Studies
Frimat, Sebastien G. *
Mellinger, Shawn M. *
Environmental Engineering
Allen, Aidan Thomas #
Al Mohamed, Asal Ahmed Mohammed
Al-Sabah, Jaber Nasser
Barraclough, Connor Andrew
Bullock, Benjamin William ^
Cole, Grady McHale
Connell, Ryan B.
Cyr, Danielle *
Daughtrey, Carlie Ann
Farrell, Kaitlin
Garcilazo, Osvaldo
Ge, Xijia
Geraets, Ashley Gloria * =
Harrington, Noah Francis
Henry, Hailea A.
Hirst, Kennedy McKenzie *
Innes, Amanda Mary =
Jackson, Colette Marie ^
Kearny, Jack Alexander
Kulish, David Michael
Larson, Derric William
Lee, Paxton Magdalena #
Makowski, Veronika Agata
Malloy, Evan T.
Marti, Marissa Alexandria ^
Mendoza, Rose M.
Nelson, Thomas C. *
Paschke, Claire
Phillips, Clayton John ^
Polinski, Daniel L. * #
Siebel, Cassidy Kathleen
Soran, Alexandra Leigh *
Tee, Swee Suen
Van Der Sluys, Beau J. * ^
Vervaecke, Julia Kate *
Yuan, Tony
Zook, Sofia Patrice
Mechanical Engineering
Abbott, Ryan Parker
Ailes, Zachary Shane + ^
Al Sanad, Abdullah
Anderson, Nicholas Ryan #
Awa, Saej Kekaiolohiaipulamaiamekealoha Yukio
Bartley, Katelyn Marie ^
Baucke, Dawson Peter Thomas
Benitez, Yeilin A. +
Bolton, James Patrick
Bono, Jason Andrew
Bowman, Alexander Michael
Brennan, John Patrick
Brooks, Jacob Ronald
Burch, Ainsley Marie
Burke, Samuel David +
Burr, Catherine Angelica + =
Carroll, Samuel Crawford
Cobb III, James Tillman
Coe, Mykala Marie +
Dahal, Sujan
Dall, Weston J. ^
Daniels, Kenneth Allen
Dean, Angela Christine + ^
Demgen, Tyson D.
Diaz, Julianna
Dietrich, Owen Benjamin
Diker, Emre
Dodd, Brandon Christopher
Drysdale, Matthew R.
Eichelberger, Kelsey Ann
Elmer, Collin P. ^
Eriksson, Alexander Mikael
Evans, Erith Katherina + * =
Fiechtner, Alexis Marie +
Fiore, Dillon James +
Fish, Garon Keith ^
Fleischman, Jaren
Flowers, Hunter Ryan *
Freed, Clayton Charles *
Freeman, Nathaniel James
Gedney, Jacqueline Marie
Gokan, Haley Umeyo Kapualilia
Gravelding, Connor Reuben *
Green, Copeland Scott
Haberkorn, Jaden Andrew *
Hajj, Nathan Isac Webster
Hamilton, Kyle Bradley
Hanes, Keelan Paul *
Hanlon, Marisa Renee
Harlan, Maxime Michael +
Hayden, Devan Alexander +
Hegy, Conor
Hickenbottom, James Barry
Higgins, Lucas +
Hill, Blake +
Howard, Shaun Allan
Hughes, Keegan Alex
Hulbert, Jacob Parks
Hunt, Timothy N.
Huntingdon, Matthew Bryan
Hyman, Cody J.
Johnson, Derrick Kurt
Jones, Bailee +
Jones, Baylor Cade
Jones, Brycen Barnard
Jones, Drew Benjamin
Jonswold, Brayden + ^
Jordan, Walter ^
Juarez, Adrian Carter
Jungen, Nicholas Paul
Kadish, Elana Danielle + *
Karandikar, Ishaan
Keisling, Amy Michelle + * =
King, Scott Russell
Kjosen, Liam Patrick
Klotz, Ryan Oliver
Knapp, Justyn Raymond +
Koford, Cameron Scott ^
Kuck, Max Carter
Kuntz, Alexander Patrick
Landa Carbajal, Jonathan
Laudan, Nathan David
Le, Ryan Phuong
Lehman, John Thomas *
Leopold, Ross Eli
Lerner, Jacob Eli ^
Lopez Mendez, Priscila
Luebbers, John Paul
Luker, Cameron B.
Macqueene, Emily Mei + * ^
Mahmoud, Hassan +
Mahoney, Ryan Thomas +
Malloy, Eduardo Antonio
Manifold, Jack R.
Marcum, Bryce Allan
Mariea, Laura Ann
Mason, Blake Augustus
Matlack, Elliot Samuel
Mauro, Ethan J.
McGrew, Logan Alexander
Middlemist, Clint Robert ^
Mikesell, William Conner
Mitchel, Lars Jared-Brian ^
Montez, Vincent James * ^
Moore, Kyle Steven
Moran, Bailey Patrick
Morrill, Carter J. + *
Muterspaugh, Andrew J.
Nakamura, Carly K. +
Noyes, Journey
Olson, Eric Alan *
Ornes, Jacob Michael +
Ortega, Roberto +
Patterson, Cary Alexander *
Perez, Michael William
Pflaum, Konstantin Jeremias
Pollard, Jacob J.
Profilio, Miles V.
Radosevich, Samuel Jason
Ramels, Theo Akira
Ramsey, Lauren Mackenzie
Reisbeck, Kenneth William
Reszetucha, Luke Harrison
Roberts, Jadon Andrew
Robertson, Zachary Kramer
Roerty, Krista Ann #
Ronzone, Evan J.
Russell, Kirk Frank
Ryan, Kelly Patrick ^
Ryterski, Max Eric *
Sandeno, Olen Scott
Sanders, Charles Robert
San Nicolas, Geneva Vannalee
Sansburn, Jacob Sean
Schmer, Kyle Dean
Schmid, Frederic
Schymanski, Jared Mark +
Sharma, Varun
Shea, Duncan Stephen
Sheive, Nicholas Todd
Shelton, Connor Keith
Sheppard, Keaton Neil
Sherer, Ryan Andrew
Snyder, Garret Max +
Solomon, Matthew
Stafford, Nathaniel F.
Steiner, Jonathan D. * ^
Stevenson, Cole J. A.
Stewart, Brayden Kent
Stienike, Elizabeth K. +
Stroud, Trevor
Tang, Samuel Drake +
Teeter, Spencer Jake
Thompson, Elise Nicole
Towle, Hunter L.
Trimble, Gus Davis
Utech, Connor James +
Valdez, Isabel Anastasia +
Van Hoesen, Scott Grady Young
Veatch, Evan J.
Watne, Ethan Frasier
Waugh, Abigail Hope *
Wells, Donovan S.
Wilemon, Zachary Aaron +
Yohe, Alex John James
Young, Ailsa Ann + ^
Zulch, Rebecca Aida
Walter Scott, Jr. College of Engineering
Candidates for Baccalaureate Degrees
Summer 2023
Walter Scott, Jr. College of Engineering
Dean David I. McLean
Biomedical Engineering
Duran, Ryan Zachary +
Macha Astorga, Alfredo Felix +
Chemical and Biological Engineering
Ahr, Timothy W.
Duran, Ryan Zachary +
Herrera, Derek *
Jellison, Aaron Drake
Kelly, Brian James *
Wettlaufer, Ian D. *
Civil Engineering
Tsimbalist, Artem Aleksandrovich
Computer Engineering
Barber, Joshua
Edling, Christopher Lawrence
Electrical Engineering
Alfailakawi, Ali Abdullah
Higgins, Mason E.
Macha Astorga, Alfredo Felix +
Richardson, Truett Jack
Environmental Engineering
Breen, Bailey Henderson *
Karkouh, Hashem
Marsh, Julia Renee *
McWilliams, Claire Lee
Mechanical Engineering
Brisben, Blake Jeffrey Clifford
Higgins, Steven Connor
Leuzze, Dominic Michael
Menefee, Carson J.
Stockton, Nicholas Michael
* Candidates with minor
+ Candidates with second major
^ Candidates for cum laude
# Candidates for magna cum laude
= Candidates for summa cum laude
‡ Awarded posthumously