139th Year of
Spring 2023

College of Health and Human Sciences Commencement

May 13, 2023

Order of Ceremony

Processional, “Pomp and Circumstance” – Dr. Jennifer Aberle/Colorado State Brass Quintet

Presentation of the Colors – Wing Walker Honor Guard

National Anthem – Mainstreet A Cappella

Land Acknowledgment – Dr. Michelle Foster

Introduction of Platform GuestsDr. Aberle

Dean’s Welcome – Dean Lise Youngblade

Recognition of Students

Presentation of Degree Candidates – Dean Youngblade

Conferring of Degrees – President Amy Parsons

Charge to the Class – Dr. Susanne Jalbert

Honorary Societies – Dr. Shawn Bingham

University Honors Program – Dr. Bingham

Announcement of Newly Commissioned Officers – Col Gregg Johnson

Individual Recognition – Dean Youngblade and Department Heads/School Directors

Student Speaker – Kaylee Rookey

Welcome to the Alumni Association  – Jordan Acosta

Alma Mater – Mainstreet A Cappella

Closing – Dr. Aberle

Recessional – Dr. Aberle/Colorado State Brass Quintet

On the Platform

Dr. Jennifer Aberle, Associate Dean for Undergraduate Affairs

Jordan Acosta, Alumni Speaker

Dr. Albert Bimper, Interim Director, School of Education

Dr. Shawn Bingham, Director, University Honors Program

Dr. Barry Braun, Department Head, Health and Exercise Science

Dr. Julie Braungart-Rieker, Department Head, Human Development and Family Studies

Dr. Charlotte Bright, Director, School of Social Work

Nicole Dufalla, Construction Management, College Marshal

Dr. Michelle Foster, Assistant Dean for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Justice

Dr. Christopher Gentile, Department Head, Food Science and Human Nutrition

Dr. Paul Goodrum, Department Head, Construction Management

Dr. Matthew Hickey, Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Programs

Dr. Blanche Hughes, Vice President for Student Affairs

Dr. Karen Hyllegard, Department Head, Design and Merchandising

Col Gregg Johnson, Air Force ROTC, Professor of Aerospace Studies

Dr. Dawn Mallette, Coordinator, Family and Consumer Sciences

Amy Parsons, J.D., President, Colorado State University

Kaylee Rookey, Outstanding Senior, Health and Exercise Science

Dr. Alan Rudolph, Vice President for Research

Dr. Jennifer Weaver, Assistant Professor, Occupational Therapy

Dr. Lise Youngblade, Dean

Susanne E. Jalbert, ’97, ’99

Chief of Party of the United States Agency of International Development (USAID)-Iraq Durable Communities and Economic Opportunities Project

Susanne E. Jalbert (M.Ed., ’97; Ph.D., ’99), is a global gender equity advocate, economic development activist, and women’s rights political strategist. Basing her life and international career in Fraser, Colorado, Dr. Jalbert has employed economic development as an essential growth tool to create a more equitable, safe life for women in more than 50 countries broken by war, political transition, and instability over the last 30 years. Dr. Jalbert is passionate about mentoring women to become activists, successful entrepreneurs, and effective global professionals. She credits CSU with upgrading her analytical ability and results-driven problem-solving. She was named the college’s 2011 Honor Alumna and was inducted into the Colorado Women’s Hall of Fame in 2022.

Kaylee Rookey, ’23

Kaylee Rookey is from Colorado Springs, Colorado, and is graduating magna cum laude with a B.S. in health and exercise science and a minor in business administration. Since being named Key Cluster Member of the Year in her first year at CSU, Kaylee has honed her skills as a leader. As president of the College’s Dean’s Leadership Council, she was instrumental in organizing the Rams Against Hunger Passion Project and represented the college at Choose CSU and Ram Welcome events. Kaylee helped plan the Homecoming 5K race, motivated a community member through Adult Fitness, and educated patients in the UC Health cardiac rehabilitation center. She seeks out opportunities to make a difference in people’s lives, and has made a significant impact at CSU and in the community.

College of Health and Human Sciences

Candidates for University Honors Scholar
Spring 2023

Kathryn Atkins, Human Development and Family Studies major and Business Administration minor with Early Childhood Professions concentration and Entrepreneurship certificate and Pre-Health Professions concentration. Thesis title: Leaping for Joy: The Social and Emotional Benefits of Creative Movement in Early Childhood Development.

Isaac Bast, Health and Exercise Science major with Sports Medicine concentration. Thesis title: Use of Lumbar Markers to Assess Center of Mass Kinematics in a Bilateral Stop Jump.

Megan Battleson, Human Development and Family Studies major with Prevention and Intervention Sciences concentration. Thesis title: Impact of Army Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) on College Adjustment.

Madison Boekes, Human Development and Family Studies major with Prevention and Intervention Sciences concentration. Thesis title: The Reality of Relationships.

Ashley Bollinger, Health and Exercise Science major with Sports Medicine concentration. Thesis title: Play for Life: The Importance of Physical Education.

Alison Brand, Human Development and Family Studies major with Prevention and Intervention Sciences concentration. Thesis title: The Gut Biome, Mental Health, and Cooking.

Samantha Cahill, Health and Exercise Science major with Health Promotion concentration. Thesis title: A Comprehensive Guide to Posture, Balance and Healthy Aging.

Kelley Dungan, Early Childhood Education major with English minor. Thesis title: Digital Storytelling and Early Childhood Teacher Preparation as Critical Teacher Development.

Griffin Ganz, Health and Exercise Science major and Physics minor with Sports Medicine concentration. Thesis title: Clinical Biomechanics Laboratory Ground Reaction Force Research.

Jacob Geiger, Health and Exercise Science major and Biomedical Sciences minor with Sports Medicine concentration. Thesis title: The Relationships of Mitochondrial Oxidative Stress, Aging, and Exercise.

Kiersten Haas, Fermentation Science and Technology major and Food Science/Safety and Business Administration minors. Thesis title: Malt Mastery: An Exploration of the Malting Process and Understanding the Creation of a Malt COA.

Grace Harbo, Human Development and Family Studies major with Early Childhood Professions concentration and Prevention and Intervention Science concentration. Thesis title: Implementing Mindfulness-Based Practices in Early Childhood Education.

Dana Lervick, Health and Exercise Science major with Sports Medicine concentration. Thesis title: Smartphone Instrumented Clinical Test of Sensory Integration and Balance for Use in Remote Clinical Applications.

Mackenzie Lorenzen, Early Childhood Education major. Thesis title: Trauma-Informed Practices for Early Childhood Educators.

Liza Stefani Lunina, Nutrition and Food Science major with Dietetics and Nutrition Management concentration. Thesis title: Designing and Implementing a Cooking Class with Nutrition Education for Female Collegiate Swimmers.

Lauren Maresh, Social Work major. Thesis title: Queering Social Work: An Examination of Queer-Affirming Care.

Sophie May, Health and Exercise Science major with Health Promotion concentration and Spanish minor. Thesis title: How Exercise Improves the Lives of Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities.

Brayden Minney, Construction Management major. Thesis title: Sustainable Construction Practices.

Ellen Napolitano, Human Development and Family Studies major with Prevention and Intervention concentration and Gerontology minor. Thesis title: How Universities Perpetuate Systems of Rape Culture, Secondary Victimization, and Institutional Betrayal.

Kaizen Oudom, Health and Exercise Science major with Sports Medicine concentration. Thesis title: How Does the Rise of Quadruple Jumps in Women’s Figure Skating and Consequential Training Techniques Affect the Bodies of Young Female Figure Skaters?

Rachel Priola, Health and Exercise Science major with Sports Medicine concentration. Thesis title: Feeding the Future: Combatting the Increasing Prevalence of Childhood Obesity.

Molly Smith, Nutrition and Food Science major with Food Safety and Nutrition concentration. Thesis title: Analyzing the Effects of Various Sourdough Starters.

Riley Smith, Social Work major with Prevention and Intervention Science concentration and Human Development and Family Studies major. Thesis title: Evaluating Curricular Development Within the School of Social Work at Colorado State University: An Assessment of Racial Bias and Associated Effects on Undergraduate Student Engagement.

Cyros Strickland, Construction Management major. Thesis title: Entrepreneurial Exploration – Product Design and Development.

Abigail Wiggans, Human Development and Family Studies major with Prevention and Intervention Science concentration and Spanish minor. Thesis title: Rooted in Resilience: An Interdisciplinary Study to Trauma, Resilience, and Systemic Adversity Through Nature.

College of Health and Human Sciences

Candidates for Baccalaureate Degrees
Spring 2023

College of Health and Human Sciences

Dean Lise Youngblade


Human Development and Family Studies

Soleau, Angelle Leigh +


Apparel and Merchandising

Astudillo, Jasmine Paz

Carballo-Rodriguez, Doris Esperanza *

Enghaus, Joseph Daniel

Floyd, Caroline Leslie

Hartley, Benjamin

Huber, Grace Elizabeth

Iwerks, September Lynne

Li, Yvonne N. ^

Martischang, Hanna Katherine

McCarthy, Mary Elizabeth *

Mikulich, Pixel

Mrogheim, Hailey Marie

Norris, Camryn *

Pearson, Jordan Anne

Pineda Soraca, Laura Valentina *

Rakotovao, Sheilah Cua

Reschl, Emily Ruth *

Rivas-Mireles, Angel *

Rosley, Isabella C. *

Ross, Ryan F.

Scarpone, Nicholas Perry

Scarrow, Sydney E.

Sena-Chavez, Anthony Lorenzo

Serrano, Sofia Isabela *

Song, Yuyang #

Trujillo, Julia H.

Utecht-Juntunen, Grace M.

Valdovinos Rodriguez, Maritsa

Vanvelkinburgh, Darius Samuel

Walters, Riley M. *

Wierda, Katherine Case *

Construction Management

Alley, Montanna Nicole

Anderson, Joshua T.

Arrington, Austin R.

Avery, Jacob Charles

Bakken, Clayton Allen *

Balderrama, Brianna *

Bannec, Samuel Andrew

Begue, Joseph Desire

Beltran, Anthony

Bernardy, Joseph John ^

Bidgood, Chelsea Meredith

Boe, Ryan G.

Bosch, Treden P.

Bruner, Tucker Wade

Bunsness, Zachary T.

Carter, Kendall Marcus

Chavez Casillas, Adolfo *

Coleman, Dillon R.

Colwell, James Reid

Contreras, Adrian Emmanuel *

Crews, Thomas J.

Dolinsky, Daniel Anthony *

Eikanger, Ava Elizabeth ^

Espinoza, Max Lucrecio *

Flemke, Karl William

Franklin, David Richard

Freeland, Zachary D.

Gibler, Carson Todd

Golden, Nicolas Joseph

Gomez-Lopez, Juan Antonio

Gorski, Kyle James ^

Gutierrez, Ashley Yahaira

Harkins, Briana Lee

Henderson, Kaden Mark

Hewett, Whitmire Richard

Huck, Julia Rose

Hurley, Camryn E.

Huthmacher-Howell, Marcus Edward *

Keller, Robert W.

Kilmer, Kaylyn Grace * #

Kirkland, Garrett Rourke

Konrad, Mac C.

Kraus, Riley Joseph

Kuppinger, Peter J.

Lemmers, Daniel Lawrence

Loveland, Randall Marshall ^

Lussier, Jaiden Breanna

Madrick, Thomas Dugan

March, Sawyer William

Martinez, Ava Dove

Martinez, Robert Paul *

McKee, Heather Elizabeth

Mecham, William

Mielke, Toby Allen

Minney, Brayden Matthew

Munson, Lesley Marie

Muth, Dillon T.

Neufeld, Austin Richard William

Novinger, Preston Scott

Noyes, Swayde Alan

Olden, Tatsen

Ordóñez Smith, Renata Julia =

Paschall, Garrett R.

Pesavento, Troy D.

Peterson, Kendall P. * =

Quint, Dustin Ray

Ramirez, Braulio E.

Rickard, Jack Martin

Robinson, Kyle Michael

Rocke, Andrew Joseph

Rossi, Peter J.

Ruder, David George Peter

Sale, Jordyn Kassidy Ruth

Sanchez, Anastasia

Sandberg, Trevor Carl

Schell, Andrew Palmer

Sherwood, Ryan James

Steiger, Madeline Grace

Stotland, Andrew P. *

Strickland, Cyros Vincent

Surawski, Carrie Faye *

Tannel, Luke Andrew

Tsige, Tesfalem

Unruh, Gabriel Drake

Upham, Bradley Cain ^

Vallejos, John Levi *

Vong, Franklin T.

Willis, Evan Sweeney *

Wright, John M.

Young, Zachary Robert

Early Childhood Education

Azralon, Danielle Devorah

Baker, Anna Rose

Becker, Adeline G. #

Bonaccorsi, Katherine A. =

Butler, Paige Nichole

Doyle, Peyton Elizabeth

Dungan, Kelley Riana * =

Edwards, Robert Scott =

Ekern, Alexa Marie #

Folkerts, McKenna Paige =

Haines, Payton Sonja * #

Harmon, Cameron Elizabeth ^

Jones, Randilyn R. ^

Keon, Julia Mary

Knutson, Madison Ann

Krieger, Fiona Tyne ^

Lasensky, Sophie Ann ^

Lorenzen, Mackenzie Rae #

Nelson, Cecilia Noel

Offerman, Lauren Inger ^

O’Keefe, Abigail Carolyn

Peters, Jenna Renee

Robillard, Maura Kaitlyn

Scott, Christina Danielle

Van Diest, Jayde Elise

Wartell, Jenna Reece + #

Family and Consumer Sciences

Buntin, Julia Michele =

Duer, Anna Lois

Lastra Mendoza, Litzy Fatima

Metts, Mollie O.

Riker, Tanner Elizabeth

Taylor, Olyvia Raye *

Vigil, Damon R.

Fermentation Science and Technology

Allen, Austin Louis

Britton, Matthew E. *

Brown, Michael Andrew

Carter, Josh N.

Dawrant, Sydney Carol *

Day-Lewis, Brianna C.

Dickinson, Sam C. *

Goering, James Arthur

Haas, Kiersten Lynn * #

Lundell, Jaden Paul *

Makuissu, Audrey

Munoz, Tomas

Pearce, Ryan Michael * #

Phillips, Ryan P. *

Sisler, Daniel R.

Sullivan, Sean C.

Waller, Rachel Lynn

Health and Exercise Science

Abram, Tatum Blue

Abrams, Kaitlyn Brooke

Akrie, Mya Jean

Albanna, Jessica Rose * #

Albrecht, Allison Erika

Almaraz Barrios, Jonathan

Ariola, Elena Marie *

Armstrong, Nicholas Kenneth

Arroubi, Nora Aicha

Ashley, Callum

Austman, Hannah Salome

Bagley, Ariana Jordan

Bast, Isaac Evans #

Bates, Hannah Michelle *

Beck, Garrett Nathaniel

Benway, Lillian E.

Bergsdottir, Andrea

Bishop, Delaney

Blanke, Samuel R.

Blatter, Mary Frances A. * #

Blount, Britten Bailee *

Bohan, Katherine R. *

Bollinger, Ashley Nicole =

Bramante, Elena M. *

Brendefur, Faith #

Broyhill, Tatum Louise * ^

Buckley, Lauren Renee

Bull, Courtney Alexandra * ^

Calzada, Jazmin Alejandra

Carlson, Halle Grant

Chaparro Gonzalez, Heriberto

Claus, Gavin Alexander

Conde, Emily F. *

Dammarell, Emma Katherine

Dargie, Steele William

DeHerrera II, Anthony Ray

Delgado Navarrete, Vanessa Livier

Dykema, Brock Henry * ^

Dyquisto, Sarah L. ^

Eiten, Paige Gabrielle

Erickson, Logan Ashley * ^

Eritenel, Amber Ray

Essl, Maximilian Alexander *

Evershed, Elcee M.

Fanning, Alexi Marie *

Fenoglio, Lydia Louise

Fiore, Benjamin E. =

Funk, Christina M.

Ganz, Griffin S. *

Garner, Sapphira

Geiger, Jacob Earl * =

Goetz, Courtney Denise *

Goss, Benjamin Paul *

Griffith, Jessica Nicole + #

Guggiana, Marc Nicholas *

Hart, Colleen Elizabeth * =

Haynes, Malachi Lionel *

Henander, Claire Marie

Hess, Kiera Lyn *

Hunt, Ryan Alexander

Janes, Madison Ann *

Johnson, Grace A.

Johnson, Madelaine Delaney *

Jordan, Gavin R.

Kirkpatrick, Caroline Forrest

Knott, Charles Brian

Koirtyohann, Kathryn Paige

Krauss, Kari A.

Lee, Benjamin Eluterio *

Lervick, Dana Kathryn ^

Levin, Allyson C.

Litzman, Sophia Rose ^

Lopez, Josephine S.

Luna, Jacob Bradley *

Martinez Garcia, Brandon Jiurgue

Matthews, Kyle Steven *

McIntyre, Susanna Jane *

McMillan, P. Mckenzie

Michel, Amber L.

Miller, Madison N.

Moore, Dakota J.

Moreno, Francisco Javier *

Murath, Garrick Nash

Norwood, Corissa Nicole

O’Connor, Allison Paige

Olive, Jake =

O’Neal, Mary Elizabeth Ann

Oudom, Kaizen P.

Overberg, Alex C.

Paradise, Riley Ann

Passaro, Monica *

Perila, Laura Ashley *

Perry, Caroline Elizabeth #

Pratz, Payton Audrey

Price, Daniel P.

Priola, Rachel Marie

Ramey, Ethan Victor

Rasco, Leah Marie

Romero, Autumn Ru

Rookey, Kaylee O. * #

Ryno, Hayden Hawkins

Sanchez, Cierra Grace

Santana Meraz, Gabriela

Schwarting, William Robert

Siebmann, Grace Loretta

Smyth, Andrew Donisthorpe

Snyder, Isabelle Hope * ^

Sodon, Ashley Brooke

Soto Orona, Karime

Spencer, Jared Thomas * ^

Stein, Madison Kendall

Stewart, Braedan R.

Talavera-Bermudez, Alejandra

Taylor, Allison

Terry, Derek Dewey

Thompson, Drew A. * ^

Thornhill, Maxon E.

Tilden, Coby William Ciccarelli

Trujillo, Devon J. *

Vanvelkinburgh, Alias Samuel

Vigo, Morgan Lily

Walker, Trace Allen

Walker, Woodrow William Lane

Watkins, Grace Lindsay ^

Watkins, Kyle Bruce

Watson, Michael Dunn ^

Westby, Morgan

Wilson, Mikayla Marie

Wilson, Sebastian H.

Woodruff, Thomas Frazer #

Worsham, Taylor Joan

Yoder, Shelby Yoder Rhianne

Young, Keanu Takeshi

Hospitality Management

Anderson, Megan Rae *

Begay, Christopher Johnathan

Campbell, Kevin Jay

Cao, Lifeng

Effinger, Caroline Abigail

Frommell, Kira A. *

Gara, Grace Leigh *

Hall, Emma Louise *

Hepburn, Alyson A. *

Isler, Courtney Michelle *

Lambert, Madison Bryan *

Lauder, Nicholas *

Mertens, Jordan Elizabeth *

Morehead, Sydney Maren

Newman, Annalaura Grace

Painter, Danielle Irene

Parker, Tori Elizabeth

Purinton, Jack David

Schieferecke, John Joseph

Shim, Grace Kyung Won

Snavely, Shalleen Mae *

Soth, Vinnita S.

Soto Delgado, Ayleen Sabrina *

Thero, Rhiannen Grace *

Tracy, Sophia Marie

Watner, Rael Sinclair *

Human Development and Family Studies

Adams, Hasim Salahadeen

Ahrens, Avery

Akers, Abby Renee ^

Andrade-Oregon, Yamilet Virginia *

Arce Mendez, Nayeli

Arzola, Victoria Odette

Atkins, Kathryn Renee * =

Auw, Molly Katherine * ^

Averill, MacKenzie Anne ^

Balderrama, Bianca Esther

Barba, Kimberly Selena

Barden, Lauren Elizabeth

Bargeski, Rachel K.

Battleson, Megan Elizabeth =

Benson, Alyssa C. ^

Bjerkelo, Tomine

Blaisdell, Lydia Rae

Boekes, Madison Marie #

Borra, Lucia Alyssa *

Boyd, Rilee Elisabeth

Brand, Alison Esther

Brenner, Alison Janel

Britt, Nicole Lisa * ^

Brown, Cheyenne Marie

Brown, Peyton ^

Burciaga Garcia, Cynthia

Burt, Alexis Ann #

Buscher, Rosemary M.

Callahan, Erin Elizabeth

Carbajal, Faith Elizabeth

Cárdenas, Alexis Brianna

Cotter, Julia Faith *

Daly, McKenna Danielle

Davis, Parker R.

DeFord, Jordan Patricia

Drouin, Leandra Amelia

Durland, Megan Ann *

Duvall, Caroline Apprill

Espinoza, Elyssa Rae

Fehrnstrom, Grace Anne

Flagg, Stella Boland

Frawley, Julia Lenore ^

Freeburg, Abigail Mae

Fulkerson, Alexa Lee

Garcia, Julia A.

Grace, Rachel E.

Graner, Kate C. *

Grant, Vanessa J.

Grauberger, Margaret Emma

Gray, Linden Victoria

Greear, Kaitlyn R. * #

Griego, Antwinique Danae

Harbo, Grace Cecelia =

Harrigan, Abbie Noelle #

Havens, Sadie C. =

Hayes, Cassidey Rose

Henningsen, Griffin D.

Hodges, Brooke

Hoff, Joseph R. *

Hoffman, Amanda Danielle ^

Hunter, Edward Alfredo

Jepson, Hannah

Juarez Barralaga, Dayanna M.

Judd, Ian R.

Kamara, Mohamed

Keller, Alexis Maria

Keller, Awilda

Kramer, Caroline Ann

Lahoe, Ashley June

Lapan, Jane Paisley ^

Lawrence, Audrey Kallai

Layman, Blake Ashleigh

Lees, Nicole RaeAnn

Leonard, Terra Marie

Lopez, Allaria Dawn

Lopez Saavedra, Paola *

Losty, Jillian Elizabeth

Lux, Elizabeth Noelle

Maldonado, Tessa Rose

Mamo, Abele Taye

Martinez, Mariné Marisa

Massey, Brittlyn Celeste

McKenzie, Cameron Dianne

McLoughlin, Makayla R.

McMullan, Meghan Kathleen *

McNiece, Larissa A.

Miscio, Isabella Taylor

Mobley, Janelle A.

Montgomery, Lilah K.

Moore, Katherine Lynn * ^

Morquecho Quinones, Edit

Mueller, Jessica Joy

Napolitano, Ellen Louise * ^

Navarro Flores, Brisa Jaqueline *

O’Connor, Megan Nicole ^

Offerman, Morgan Riley *

Oliver, Fiona Winter #

Ortega, Victoria Nicole

Ortiz, Gabriele Kinleigh

Patrick, Samantha T.

Paul, Mariela Irene ^

Peterson, Heidi Ellen =

Piccone, Sydney Lea

Pitts, Olivia Jane

Poore, Lindsay Leigh

Quadhamer, Ally Elizabeth

Reiner, AnnaMarie Elizabeth #

Renner, Macie Jeanette

Roach, Elizabeth H.

Roberts, William D.

Robinson, Vera Lillian *

Romero, Alysia L.

Russo, Katelyn Hope

Sanfacon, Megan E.

Schaad, Emily Grace #

Schaul, Madison Jane

Scheppmann, Josie Peyton

Schnurpfeil, Alexis Nicole

Schultz, Allayna Anamika *

Schuster, Katelyn Haley ^

Septon-Nordine, Sara Ann

Serrano, Michelle Renée * #

Simmons, Alexis Sullivan *

Smullen, Grace E.

Son, Sehna S.

Stein, Taylor Nicole

Stoneburner, Samantha

Struble, Zoe Elizabeth *

Tapia, Cyndi

Tellez-Arce, Yareli Esperanza ^

Thompson, Meili

Tielbur, Kirsten Ann

Tovar, Kyla

Unmisig, Allie Nicole

Wachter, Kaitlyn E. *

Walker, Emily Amanda *

Walsh, Kyra Diane

Walther, Autumn J.

Warner, Tiana

Watson, Madison Kaitlyn =

Weimer, Erica Michael

Westphal, Kaleigh Ashton *

Whitty, Sydnee Diane *

Wiebold, Taylor J.

Wiggans, Abigail Ellen * #

Zelinger, Mikaela Juel ^

Interior Architecture and Design

Archer, Ashlynn Renee

Beardsley, Chelsey Marjorie * #

Bridges, Kierston Lila *

Bullock, Zoe Grace ^

Cantu, Jayla Mason *

Covell, Christina *

Fullmer, Jaymie *

Gandara Rodriguez, Anahi Y.

Gross, Nevo S. Y.

Holloway, Danielle J.

Hsin, Tzu Yu Susan * #

Inghilterra, Louis Sam *

Labovitz, Gabrielle Hannah *

Luo, Chenyi * #

Marrufo, Karime *

Minervini, Melissa Nicole

Peterson, Kamry ^

Rodriguez, Piper Elizabeth * ^

Ross, Justin M.

Shell, Kelsey Jo + ^

Taddei, Alyssa C.

Tomlinson, Brooke Megan

Trujillo, Mailey Renee *

Welch, Annie R. *

Nutrition and Food Science

Akey, Railyn D.

Bergman, Sophia Rhiannon

Coca-Gallegos, Mya +

Coons, Corrin Elizabeth =

Coons, Sydney Nicole =

Donaghy, Ian James

Eagle, Jessica Anna

Elsby, Olivia Rose ^

Fleming, Christina Elise

Frascella, Shannon Elizabeth

Hagel-Pitt, Riley L.

Johnson, Brenna Elise ^

Kloster, Erin Elizabeth #

Le, Truc Thi Kim ^

Levario JR, Alonso

Lin, Hsien-Te

Link, Aiko Rosemarie

Lopez, Alejandro Nunez

Lunina, Liza Stefani I. #

Madachy, Alexandra ^

McAdoo, Hayden Scott

Michelz, Abigail Grace * ^

Mitchell, Chloe Karoniahawe

Motley, Lila Mae

Mundy, Sarah Elizabeth

Nacey, Aaron T. #

Nathanson, Brianna Erin

Smith, Molly Carolen ^

Survis, Josh Matthew

Sykes, Hannah Abigail *

Thorson, Emma Nicole

Toler, Shelby Ann =

VanHouwe, Gabrielle Lee ^

Walker, Alexandria Katherine *

Wilson, Mackenzie


Social Work

Andrade Uribe, Lux Elena * ^

Atwell, Margaret Hannah +

Barreras, Juan C.

Boyer, Crystal Dawn + *

Brown, Grace Elizabeth #

Bundy, Reece Quentin

Carlson, Livia Juniper

Clapp, Ava M.

Detor, Autumn Jade #

DiPietro, Caitlin Cheree

Ferguson, Alexis Rae

Flannery, Rebekah S. ^

Franzen, Jessica F. + #

Gammeter, Jeremiah Joseph

Gelormino, Maya Elizabeth

Giles, Alana Kay

Gonzalez Varela, Daniela

Guinee, Katherine Ann

Gutierrez, Savana Alexis

Guyor, Margaret M. *

Hermance, Lawrence Henry ^

Herrera Santos, Brenda *

Johnson, Megan Sarah *

Jones, Julie Ann ^

Koso, Lillian Bishop

Lazzeri, Allea Marie *

Maresh, Lauren Elizabeth #

Marsden, Sydney Grace *

Martín-Mendoza, Mariana * #

Maxson, Maya Marie

McBride, Claire Ann

Naves, Ana Mari

Nguyen, Bach Tuyet

Nye, Alyssa Nicole

Ortega, Itzel ^

Penley, Amanda Marie

Pildner, Christopher Dylan Eric *

Quarm, Samantha Tyler * ^

Reed, Jena

Reed, Matthew Richard =

Sanchez Portillo, Sasha A. ^

Santander, Chloe

Schaeffler, Chapin T.

Serrano, Jaqueline Melissa

Smith, Riley Cedric + #

Sutter, Camryn Marie

Swoyer, Madelyn Anne *

Tabeling, Caitlyn Elaina #

Tumbleson, Ashlynn Elise

Way, Rachel Emily Pitonak *

Winningham, Leah J. ^

Wise Buck, Seth Christianson =

Wolfe, Jamie L.

College of Health and Human Sciences

Candidates for Baccalaureate Degrees
Summer 2023

College of Health and Human Sciences

Dean Lise Youngblade


Apparel and Merchandising

Battenberg, Savaya Lee *

Castro Vaca, Andrea *

Cech, Rowan Elizabeth

Clark, Rivers Kennedy *

Correa, Layra Marlynn

Courtney, Hudson Michael

Curtis, Grace

Ferguson, Rilea B.

Garcia-Torres, Ana F.

Harrison, Miles Walker

Hoffner-Heinike, Chloe Ann Yong-Hee

LaVia, Donna Chanel

Lee, Alena G. *

Long, Emma Irene

MacInnis, Graeme Ronald

Martin III (Tre’), Larry V.

Micek, Carly Ann

Moxcey, Ella *

Penrod, Joshua Spencer

Pfeifer, Kiara Ray *

Roldan Espinoza, Alexa J.

Schmidt, Emma Kathlyn *

Seltman, Martha Ann *

Snow, Taylor Victoria + *

Tang, Xingchen

Tarzian, Jared John =

Walsh, Zachary James

Weisz, Elias

Wright, Cierra C.

Yanushonis, Kaylee Diane

Zarate, Joseph Angel

Construction Management

Zbozien, Adam Michael

Early Childhood Education

Grounds-Tinsley, Sierra Nikole

Health and Exercise Science

Acosta-Soto, Christopher

Aguilar Ricalday, Antonia

Baltierras, Skyler James

Barckholtz, Rachel Jia Wen

Barlow, Sebastian Christian

Bolt, Madeline Rhea *

Booth, Bailey Cheyenne

Bradsby, Paulina Erika

Brizic, Derrick A.

Cahill, Samantha Rae

Cheema, Sanjot

Chen, Lea J.

Christensen, Kylee B.

Clarkson, Alyssa Kay

Collopy, Carli Rose *

Colon Reyes, Jonathan

Cook, Braden D.

Dalton, Sebastian C. R.

DeLeo, Adalis Lacy

Downs, Taylor Rose

Dozsak, Olivia Eve

Etzler, Connor William

Freed, Korrin Hannah

Garcia Jiménez, Mario Junior

Gault, Max Henry

Gonzalez, Abel Guadalupe

Hasley, Aubrey J.

Hunter, Allison Lynnette

Iraheta, Kimberly Stephanie *

Johnson, Matthew Heinrich

Kappel, Reagan =

Kattau, David Anthony *

Kim, Elijah Daniel

Logan, Kylee Alise

Lovato, Kaleb D. ^

May, Sophie Elizabeth *

Mikolajczyk, Brendan Alexandre

Miller, Danielle Gwen *

Montoya, Tyson R.

Moran, Brianna Lee

Peirce, Morgen

Perry, Clifford Quinten

Pribble, Kohlton Lee

Quiroga, Cian K.

Ray, Lona H.

Rice, Daniel Alan

Rinehard, Johanna S.

Sanchez Jr., Jeffrey Louis

Santos, Sarah

Schmeda, Alejandro

Van Es, Sydney Jean

Weiman, Paige Alexandra

Whitworth, Grace Michele

Hospitality Management

Atencio, Caleb Ben *

Hopf, Joanell Alexandria

King, Julia Jeanne

Rascon, Julio A. *

Stettler, Alec Chester

Thiel, Hannah Elizabeth

Vander Horst, Katrina Eliese *

White, Hope Debra

Human Development and Family Studies

Beedy, Hannah Marilyn

Benjamin, Angel

Bowers, Jenna Mary

Brace, Kayla M.

Brendle, Elliana Grace

Brown, Andre Trevon

Canter, Reese J. *

Chambers, Max I.

Chavez, Sofia Christine

Craney, Emma Taylor

Cunningham, Emilee Grace

Dice, Kaylina Shae *

Faust, Maggie Kay *

Folarin, Boluwatife

Fortier, Jerilyn

Fraley, Concetta M.

Fuller, Holly Mia ^

Gonzalez, Daniela

Greenstein, Sadie Drew

Harcrow, Michelle Nicole +

Harrington, McKenna M.

Hazleton, Marlis Leigh

Himmel, Emily Anne

Hoffman, Sydney Ann

Hollowell, Dylan Kaleb

Johannes, Amelia Aaron

Johnson, Alexis Monét

Kinzer, Kendyll Nicole

Kline, Hannah M. *

Kraemer, Makayla Rae *

Layton, Olivia Grace

Lopez, Katya Elizabeth

Martinez, Arthur Ray +

Mejia, Samantha R.

Miller, Ireland M.

Montes, Jennifer

Montes-Vazquez, Sebastian

Muñoz, Kimberly N.

Poitras, Emma R.

Revilla, Estefany

Rosas Mares, April Jocelyn

Rubenstein, Holly Nicole W.

Sackett, Jennifer Emily *

Sandel, Stella

Schnell, Kendall Ryan

Sohn, Emily #

Solletti, Bryanna Riley

Spitz, Haley Devon *

Steinle, Autumn Faith

Stoller, Anne Elizabeth

Struble, Zoe Elizabeth *

Symolon, Emily C.

Tripoli, Ella Rose

Trujillo, Jaylyssa Aubriona

Velasquez, Olivia A.

Watler, Sarah Kathleen

Zurbrigen, Rylee Nicole

Interior Architecture and Design

Davis, Maya N. +

Mann, Devlynn Taylor *

Strope, Lois C.

Nutrition and Food Science

Bruecker, Todd N.

Clausen, Madeleine Gesa Marie

Eades-Kasinger, Bridget 0.

Erickson, Katie

Jacobucci, Jordan Nicole

Patrick, Rachael Marcella


Social Work

Abeyta II, Clifford Joseph

Favela, Hannia J. +

Moncayo, Laura Patricia

Munoz Arreola, Yaneli Anahi

Perez Flores, Jose *

* Candidates with minor
+ Candidates with second major
^ Candidates for cum laude
# Candidates for magna cum laude
= Candidates for summa cum laude
‡ Awarded posthumously