College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences Commencement Program
138th Year of
Spring 2022
College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences Commencement
Department of Biomedical Sciences
Department of Environmental and Radiological Health Sciences
Department of Microbiology, Immunology, and Pathology
May 13, 2022
Order of Ceremony
Processional 2 – “Pomp and Circumstance,” CSU Brass Ensemble
Posting of the Colors – Wing Walker Drill Team, Colorado State Air Force ROTC
National Anthem 1 – CSU Brass Ensemble
Welcome and Introductions – Interim Dean Colin Clay
Student Remarks – CVMBS Student Speakers
Charge to the Class – Provost Mary Pedersen
Recognition of Outstanding Achievements of Graduates – Dr. Sandra Quackenbush
Presentation of Class – Dr. Quackenbush
Conferring of Degrees – Provost Pedersen
Diploma Distribution and Recognition 2 – Department Heads
Welcome to the Alumni Association – Dr. Phillip Quirk
Closing Remarks and Announcements – Interim Dean Clay
Alma Mater and Recessional 2 – CSU Brass Ensemble
College Marshals: Mr. Chase Weldon, Dr. Sarah Maddox
Student Remarks: Gaby Brown, Biomedical Sciences; Keelan Kenny, Biomedical Sciences and Environmental Health; Marshall Thomas, Microbiology; Sunbul Zeerak, Microbiology
Diploma Distribution: Dr. Quint Winger, Associate Head, Associate Professor, Department of Biomedical Sciences; Dr. Phillip Quirk, Director, Assistant Professor, Undergraduate Neuroscience Program; Dr. Joshua Schaeffer, Director, Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental and Radiological Health Sciences; Dr. Jennifer McLean, Associate Head, Associate Professor, Department of Microbiology, Immunology, and Pathology
On the Platform
Dr. Mary Pedersen, Provost and Executive Vice President, Colorado State University
Ms. Jenelle Beavers, J.D., M.P.H., Vice President for Strategy
Ms. Yolanda Bevill, J.D., Vice President for University Marketing and Communications and Acting Vice President for Enrollment and Access
Dr. Colin Clay, Interim Dean, Professor, College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences
Dr. Sandra Quackenbush, Professor, Associate Dean for Academic and Student Affairs
Dr. Naomi Nishi, Assistant Dean of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Dr. Gregg A. Dean, Head, Professor, Department of Microbiology, Immunology, and Pathology
Dr. Phillip Quirk, Director, Assistant Professor, Undergraduate Neuroscience Program
Dr. Alexander Brandl, Interim Department Head, Associate Professor, Environmental and Radiological Health Sciences
Dr. Noreen Reist, Professor, Director of the Molecular, Cellular and Integrative Neurosciences Program
Dr. Quint Winger, Associate Head, Associate Professor, Department of Biomedical Sciences
Dr. Joshua Schaeffer, Director, Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental and Radiological Health Sciences
Dr. Jennifer McLean, Associate Head, Associate Professor, Department of Microbiology, Immunology, and Pathology
Dr. Christianne Magee, Associate Professor, Biomedical Sciences
Dr. Sheryl Magzamen, Associate Professor, Environmental and Radiological Health Sciences
Mr. Pete Justice, Faculty, Microbiology, Immunology and Pathology
Dr. Leslie Stone-Roy, Associate Professor, Biomedical Sciences
1 Audience will stand
2 Audience may remain seated
College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences
Candidates for University Honors Scholar
Spring 2022
Shidizja Altamirano, Biomedical Sciences major and Zoology minor. Thesis title: The World’s Serpents: Comparative Gross Anatomy of Snakes.
Jordyn Becker, Biomedical Sciences major. Thesis title: Intra-Articular Phosphate Buffered Saline Injections to Treat Post-Traumatic Osteoarthritis in a Mouse Model.
Alexandra Bower, Biomedical Sciences major. Thesis title: Cause and Effect of Shifting Anatomy Instruction Virtual.
Raechel Brady, Biomedical Sciences major. Thesis title: Effects of Chronic Stress on the Cardiovascular System.
Gabriele Brown, Biomedical Sciences major and Spanish minor. Thesis title: Novel Virus, Novel Response: How Colorado State University Responded to the COVID-19 Pandemic Through Widespread Testing and Why the Response Was Unique.
Lauren Brown, Biomedical Sciences major and Creative Writing minor. Thesis title: Branches of Responsibility: A Collection of Science Fiction Short Stories.
Miranda Coldren, Neuroscience major with Behavioral and Cognitive Neuroscience concentration and Languages, Literatures and Cultures major with Spanish concentration. Thesis title: Mechanisms of Action for Autoantibodies Against AMPA and NMDA Receptors in Anti AMPA and Anti NMDA Encephalitis.
Kamiyah Corinaldi, Microbiology major and Chemistry minor. Thesis title: Effective Antimicrobial Treatment Against Nontuberculosis Mycobacteria.
Jessica Craig, Biomedical Sciences major. Thesis title: Effects of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury History on Selective Attention and Target Detection: An EEG Study.
Gracie Eaton, Microbiology major and Biomedical Sciences minor. Thesis title: Chimeric Antimicrobial Enzyme: Jel-Endo.
Paige Fortunati, Microbiology major and Chemistry minor. Thesis title: The Feeding Ecology of the Gastrointestinal Tract in Wild Canids and Pinnipeds.
Alice Gugel, Biomedical Sciences major and French minor. Thesis title: A Creative and Bilingual View into the Human Cardiovascular System.
Sophia Gugel, Biomedical Sciences major and French minor. Thesis title: Exploring the Human Cardiopulmonary System in English and French.
Taylor Heap, Biomedical Sciences major. Thesis title: Development of an Educational Support Brochure for Intersex Individuals and Families.
Maximilian Henneke, Neuroscience major with Cell and Molecular Neuroscience concentration and Computer Science minor. Thesis title: Age-Based Classification of rsfMRI Data by Convolutional Neural Networks.
Luisanna Hernandez Jeppesen, Microbiology major, Zoology major and Chemistry minor. Thesis title: Characterization of Crustacean Hyperglycemic Hormone (CHH) Superfamily Receptors in the Blackback Land Crab (Gecarcinus lateralis).
Lauren Houdesheldt, Environmental Health major. Thesis title: Combating the Spread of Zoonotic Diseases.
Cheyanne Izon, Biomedical Sciences major and Chemistry and Leadership Studies minors. Thesis title: Seasonal Cold Prevents Obesity-Related Glucose Intolerance In Golden-Mantled Ground Squirrels.
Swati Jujare, Biomedical Sciences major and Chemistry minor. Thesis title: Analysis of Metabolic Defects Caused by Barth Syndrome and the Testing of Novel Therapeutics.
Keelan Kenny, Biomedical Sciences major, Environmental Health major, Spanish minor and Spanish for Animal Health Care certificate. Thesis title: An Analysis of the Course “Sustainability in Our Lives.”
Julia King, Neuroscience major with Behavioral and Cognitive Neuroscience concentration and Chemistry minor. Thesis title: Literary Review of Current Methods of CTE Diagnosis and Perspectives on Treatment.
Marin Konopelski, Biomedical Sciences major. Thesis title: A Guidebook for Taking Prescribed Medications Safely.
Wyatt Kuper, Biomedical Sciences major. Thesis title: Short-Term Impacts of Therapy Animals in Assisted Living Communities.
Hannah Lewin, Biomedical Sciences major and General Sociology minor. Thesis title: Impact of Diet and Exercise on Circadian Clock Rhythms in Human Muscle.
Jaylin Mandley, Neuroscience major with Cell and Molecular Neuroscience concentration. Thesis title: Manipulation of Recombination-Dependent DNA Replication in Thermococcus Kodakarensis.
Alyssa Martinez, Biomedical Sciences major. Thesis title: Inspired Activism: The Relationship Between Nationalist Ideas Produced by World War II and 9/11, and a Surge in Activism Among Youth.
Kate McKnight, Neuroscience major with Cell and Molecular Neuroscience concentration. Thesis title: Substance Use and Bouldering: An Analysis of Alcohol and Marijuana Use in People Who Boulder.
Jaelyn Montgomery, Biomedical Sciences major. Thesis title: The Case of the Girl and Her Mysterious Leg Pain: A CRPS Case Study.
Jessica Nelson, Biomedical Sciences major. Thesis title: The Happy Heart: A Cardiovascular Health Book for Kids.
Jason Oki, Biomedical Sciences major and Animal Science major and Agricultural Business minor. Thesis title: Analysis of the Repercussions of Initiate 16 in Colorado.
Alyssa Padilla, Biomedical Sciences major. Thesis title: A Review of the SMYD Family of Lysine Methyltransferases.
Brielle Patlin, Neuroscience major with Cell and Molecular Neuroscience concentration. Thesis title: Neuronal Innervation and Immune Presence in an Organotypic Lung Slice Model.
Jacob Powell, Biomedical Sciences major. Thesis title: A Study on The Mental Health Crisis in The Field of Veterinary Medicine.
Kaitlin Reed, Neuroscience major Behavioral and Cognitive Neuroscience concentration. Thesis title: Drosophila Melanogaster: A Genetic Model for Studying the Role of Synaptotagmin at the Neuromuscular Junction.
Abigail Richard, Neuroscience major Behavioral and Cognitive Neuroscience concentration and Chemistry minor. Thesis title: Adaptive Yoga Intervention – Changes in Mind-Body Connection and Functional Connectivity in Participants with Acquired Brain Injury.
Jessica Roberts, Neuroscience major with Cell and Molecular Biology Neuroscience concentration and Spanish minor. Thesis title: Selective Coactivation of α7- and α4β2-Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors Reverses Beta-Amyloid-Induced Synaptic Dysfunction.
Sidney Ruiz, Environmental Health major. Thesis title: An Evaluation of the Resources Available to Military Families with Special Needs Children.
Cierra Ruybal, Biomedical Sciences major and Chemistry minor. Thesis title: Mock Grant Proposal for Control of Propionibacterium Acnes Through an Anti-Quorum Sensing Approach.
Jessica Sherwood, Biomedical Sciences major. Thesis title: Loss of cGMP-Dependent Protein Kinase II Alters Ultrasonic Vocalizations in Mice, a Model for Speech Impairment in Human Microdeletion 4q21 Syndrome.
Kambrie Smith, Biomedical Sciences major. Thesis title: Does Inhibition of CDK8/19 Mediator Kinases Have Anti-Inflammatory and Antiproliferative Effects in Canine Cells?
Marshall Thomas, Microbiology major and Environmental Health major. Thesis title: Method Development for the Enrichment of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Extracellular Vesicles from Human Sputum Using Concanavalin A.
Alyssa Uhl, Environmental Health major and Spanish and Global Environmental Sustainability minors. Thesis title: Ramigos: Espanol Afuera.
Kaylee Valenzia, Biomedical Sciences major and Chemistry minor. Thesis title: An Analysis of Mental Health Holds.
Molly Vetter, Biomedical Sciences major and Chemistry minor. Thesis title: A Comparative Review of Physical Differences Students at Colorado State University Who Vape Notice Compared to Those Who Have Vaped and Successfully Quit.
Marit Wang, Biomedical Sciences major. Thesis title: Validating the Cooking Process for Shelf-Stable Ready-To-Eat Beef Snack Sticks.
Madison Watt, Biomedical Sciences major with Anatomy and Physiology concentration. Thesis title: Placental Corticotropin Releasing Hormones as a Pregnancy Indicator in Felines.
Aria Witt, Biomedical Sciences major and Chemistry minor. Thesis title: The Effect of ROS Inhibitors on Rotenone-Treated C57 Mouse Glial Cells: A Parkinson’s Disease Model.
Emily Wrede, Biomedical Sciences major. Thesis title: The Way to Someone’s Brain Is Through Their Gut: Microbial Regulation of Tryptophan Metabolism via the Kynurenine Pathway (KP) and the Potential Link It May Have to Depression.
Sophie Zook, Biomedical Sciences major with Chemistry minor. Thesis title: Colorado Municipality Trash Ordinances and Black Bear Conflicts.
College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences
Candidates for Baccalaureate Degrees
Spring 2022
College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences
Interim Dean Colin Clay
Biomedical Sciences
Ahner, Laura Eileen *
Altamirano, Shidizja Merlinda *
Andrews, Roy P. *
Becker, Jordyn Rae +
Berta, Kathryn E. *
Bower, Alexandra Lynn ^
Brady, Raechel Michelle
Britt, Olivia Grace *
Brown, Gabriele Delaney * #
Brown, Jake Riley ^
Brown, Lauren Grace *
Castro, Colton Wyatt * ^
Conroy, Molly Ray #
Craig, Jessica Rose
Daniels, Madeline Mckenna *
Dillow, Ashley Lynn
Egan, Sydney Anne
Erickson, Inga Marie + *
Fleming, Callie Misty Mae
Goerke, Allison Grace
Gugel, Alice Mei *
Gugel, Sophia Mei *
Heap, Taylor Elizabeth ^
Henderson, Avery Rae ^
Ibarra, Ashley Ann ^
Izon, Cheyanne Shirley * ^
Jozefczyk, Nicole Marie *
Jujare, Swati * =
Kenny, Keelan Tehya + * ^
Konopelski, Marin Nicole
Kuper, Wyatt Joshua LeDoux
Langer, Alexis Elizabeth
Lewin, Hannah Elizabeth * ^
Lock, Amelia M.
Maher, Katelyn Eck
Martinez, Alyssa Marie
Mitcham, Victoria Lynne
Montgomery, Jaelyn Neal
Nelson, Jessica Noelani =
Oki, Jason H. + *
Olson, Michael T.
Padilla, Alyssa Elizabeth
Patton, Kayley May
Peckosh, Tori Allison
Pellegrino, Kaitlin Jane
Powell, Jacob Maddux
Preston, Cameron J.
Ruybal, Cierra Irene *
Sherwood, Jessica K. =
Smith, Kambrie Elaine
Staebell, Rachael Nicole
Stookey, Megan Lynette
Strong, Tarryn
Talbott, Victoria Marie
Tasdelen, Serhat * #
Tipton, Madison ^
Valenzia, Kaylee Nicole *
Vetter, Molly M. * ^
Wang, Marit Bergen
Ware, Alexa Chanel *
Watt, Madison Leigh =
Webb, Morgan + *
Witt, Aria Carolyn * ^
Wolyn, Catherine Frances #
Wrede, Emily Susan ^
Zook, Sophie Jeannette * =
Environmental Health
Alzuhayri, Hala Hameed
Bear, Jordyn Maryel
Boedigheimer, Jason Miller *
Dobbs, Baylee Elizabeth *
Houdesheldt, Lauren Mae
Kraus, Olivia Gabrielle
Lesansee, Jordan David
Mueller, Maddison Ann *
Phelps, Cole LaFave
Ruiz, Sidney J.
Saraduke, Madeline *
Uhl, Alyssa Jacqueline * #
Wilmer, Ada Marie *
Aldaz, Devin A.
Allen, John Nicholas
Archer, Marley Drake
Bailey, Matthew Howard *
Christensen, Grace Louise
Corinaldi, Kamiyah A. *
Dunkleberger, Henry James ^
Eaton, Gracie Lane *
Fortunati, Paige *
Goldstein, Daniella Emily *
Hamilton, Atticus Hale
Hernandez Jeppesen, Luisanna Christina + *
Hines, Amelia Day *
Huffman, Heather S.
Hunter, Madison Ann
Iavornic, Denis B.
Kennedy, Jacob Alan
Knight, Ashley Laurel
Lam, Ha Hai
Marina, Rhiannon
McDonald, Kaidlyn Alexis
Rocereto, Mitchell Ken
Sedinger, Drew Sebastian Markus
Sorensen, Samuel Quinn
Staat, Rachel Grace + *
Stockett, Halie M. *
Stoltz, Madison Jo *
Thomas, Marshall William + =
Williams, Kaitlynn Anne
Woods, Dylan L. * ^
Zeerak, Sunbul
Bernard, Angel Rae
Boland, Sean William
Cohen, Eli C.
Coldren, Miranda Lee +
Dalaty, Giulia
Deihl, Ennis William
Doles, Jordan Timothy
Elias, Vincent Van *
Endres, Blake Thomas
Griffith, Delaney Julia Marie
Henneke, Maximilian Andrew * ^
Hokeness, Sasipha
Hoy, Madison Ashleigh *
King, Julia Cileste *
Mandley, Jaylin Lena
McKnight, Kate Jean Saggar
Mendoza, Estella Alejandra
Moorhead, Chloe Grace
Nyman, Tristan James
Ocampo, Abril A. *
Olson, Danielle Nicole * ^
Olvera, Pedro Angel *
Pankowski, William Wyatt
Patlin, Brielle Honor
Pendleton, Cameron B. ^
Pointet, Maude *
Potocsnak, Stephen William
Press, Denny Julian
Reed, Kaitlin Madison ^
Richardson, Zoe Elizabeth
Roberts, Jessica Paige * =
Shanklin, Grace Elizabeth
Sherif, Merall Ahmed
Smith, Quin A.
Strong, Adrian Michael
Teo, Shih Ning *
Thiebaud, Christopher M.
Trevizo, Jaime Isaac
Trimm, Sidney Leanne
Zaytseva, Anastasiya
College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences
Candidates for Baccalaureate Degrees
Summer 2022
College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences
Interim Dean Colin Clay
Biomedical Sciences
Moore, Juliana Josephine
Perez, Carolina Amber
Sinaloa Acosta, Nichole M.
Environmental Health
Nowak, Kathryn M. *
Kerby, Erin Julia
O’Toole, Paul Kevin =
Machado Dionisio, Sofia
Morgan, Ryan Nicole
Richard, Abigail K. *
Schmidt, Isabella Grace
Silva Goytortuo, Denisse
Wheeler, Emma Margaret
Zulic, Leila N.
* Candidates with minor
+ Candidates with second major
^ Candidates for cum laude
# Candidates for magna cum laude
= Candidates for summa cum laude
‡ Awarded posthumously