College of Natural Sciences Commencement Program
138th Year of
Spring 2022
College of Natural Sciences Commencement
May 14, 2022
Order of Ceremony
Processional – CSU Brass Ensemble
Commencement Emcee – Executive Associate Dean Simon J. Tavener
Presentation of the Colors – Wing Walker Honor Guard
National Anthem – Lucy Logan and Audience
Introduction of Platform Party – Executive Associate Dean Tavener
Dean’s Welcome and Introduction of Commencement Speaker – Dean Janice L. Nerger
Commencement Address – Dr. Jennifer Mueller
Remarks and Conferral of Degrees – President Joyce McConnell
Diploma Distribution – Dean Nerger and Department Chairs
Alumni Welcome – Associate Dean Lisa Dysleski
Closing Remarks – Dean Nerger
Alma Mater – Lucy Logan and Audience
Recessional – CSU Brass Ensemble
Announcer: Dr. Jacob Roberts, Chair, Department of Physics
Marshals: Drs. Steve Benoit, Edward Delosh, Martin Gelfand, Carlos Olivo-Delgado
On the Platform
Dr. Laura Jensen, Vice Provost for Planning and Effectiveness
Ms. Yolanda Bevill, J.D., Vice President for University Marketing and Communications and Acting Vice President for Enrollment and Access
Dr. Don Mykles, Director, University Honors Program
Ms. Joyce McConnell, President, Colorado State University
Dr. Jennifer Mueller
Dr. Janice L. Nerger, Dean
Dr. Simon Tavener, Executive Associate Dean
Dr. Lisa Dysleski, Associate Dean
Dr. Eugene Chen, Chemistry, University Distinguished Professor
Dr. Nancy Levinger, Chemistry, University Distinguished Professor
Dr. A.R. Ravishankara, Chemistry, University Distinguished Professor
MAJ Ryan Raleigh, Army ROTC; Assistant Professor, Military Science
Maj Jason Blantin, Air Force ROTC; Assistant Professor, Aerospace Studies
Dr. Craig Partridge, Chair, Computer Science
Dr. Matthew Shores, Chair, Chemistry
Dr. Deborah Garrity, Chair, Biology
Dr. Laurie Stargell, Chair, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Dr. Kenneth McLaughlin, Chair, Mathematics
Dr. Jacob Roberts, Chair, Physics
Dr. Don Rojas, Chair, Psychology
Dr. Haonan Wang, Chair, Statistics
Faculty Representatives
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology: Drs. Soham Chanda, Santiago Di Pietro, Jeffrey Hansen, Grant Schauer, Tingting Yao
Biology: Drs. Lisa Angeloni, Meena Balgopal, Tanya Dewey, Sean Gleason, Shane Kanatous, Rachel Mueller, Mark Simmons
Chemistry: Drs. Debbie Crans, Joseph DiVerdi, Amber Krummel, Amy Prieto, Anthony Rappé, Harmony Tucker, Joseph Zadrozny
Computer Science: Drs. Nikhil Krishnaswamy, Francisco Ortega, Darrell Whitley
Mathematics: Drs. Jeffrey Achter, Renzo Cavalieri, Michael Kirby, Jiangguo (James) Liu, Amit Patel, Clay Shonkwiler, Mark Shoemaker, Jeffrey Shriner
Physics: Drs. Mark Bradley, Samuel Brewer, Debra Dandaneau, Richard Eykholt; Brian Jones
Psychology: Drs. Martha Amberg, Bradley Conner, Alyssa Gibbons, Tracy Richards, Matthew Rhodes, Michael Steger
Statistics: Drs. Tianjian Zhou, Joshua Keller
Dr. Jennifer Mueller, Commencement Speaker
Dr. Jennifer Mueller is a Professor of Mathematics and Biomedical Engineering at Colorado State University and a Professor Laureate in the College of Natural Sciences. She also holds a courtesy appointment in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. She received her Ph.D. from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and was an NSF Postdoctoral Fellow at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute before joining the faculty at CSU in 2000.
Dr. Mueller is committed to research with a clinical impact. Her research encompasses the development of new hardware, reconstruction algorithms, and clinical applications for electrical impedance tomography and ultrasound acoustic tomography. Supported by the NIH, her work involves close collaborations with mathematicians, engineers, and physicians in the U.S. and abroad.
Professor Mueller currently serves as the Graduate Director in the Department of Mathematics and as an Associate Chair. This semester she is teaching a course on inverse problems with a focus on algorithms for medical imaging. As founder and director of the EIT lab, she provides her students with valuable experience doing hands-on data collection and interdisciplinary research.
Dr. Mueller serves as an Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging and the SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, Inverse Problems. She is co-author with Dr. Samuli Siltanen of the University of Helsinki, Finland, of the book Linear and Nonlinear Inverse Problems with Practical Applications, SIAM, 2012, and they are currently collaborating on a second book, Inverse Problems: A Data Science Perspective.
College of Natural Sciences
Candidates for University Honors Scholar
Spring 2022
Tyler Adams, Psychology major with Clinical/Counseling Psychology concentration. Thesis title: MFT Trainees’ Experiences in an Alternate Clinical Setting.
Sage Allen, Biochemistry major with General Biochemistry concentration and Applied Data Science minor. Thesis title: Kinetics of Double-Stranded DNA Break Induction in Cells by CRISPR-Cas9.
Anna Bautista, Zoology major and Anthropology minor. Thesis title: A Framework for Understanding the Interindividual Variation in Learning Ability in Honeybees.
Megan Brown, Psychology major with Clinical/Counseling Psychology concentration. Thesis title: A Mixed Method Examination of Existential Anxiety in College Students.
Ciana Burroughs, Psychology major with Clinical/Counseling Psychology concentration and Spanish concentration. Thesis title: The Regulation of Negative and Positive Emotions and Their Effect on The Relationship Between Stress and Alcohol Use and Problems.
Benjamin Byars, Physics major with Applied Physics concentration and Geology major with Geophysics concentration. Thesis title: Structural Analysis of an Andalusite-Grade Metamorphic Zone in the Pennsylvanian Minturn Formation Sangre De Cristo Mountains, Colorado.
Erin Campbell, Biochemistry major with Health and Medical Sciences concentration and Biomedical Sciences minor. Thesis title: Biochemical Risk Factors of Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Injuries: Prevention and New Post-Operational Therapies.
Cecilia Carter, Biological Science major with Biological Science concentration and Business Administration minor. Thesis title: Business Case for Integration of Wildlife Acupuncture into the Veterinary Clinic Setting.
Ethan Creagar, Data Science major with Computer Science concentration. Thesis title: Predicting the Movement of Soccer Players Using Neural Networks.
Ianna Debrunner, Biochemistry major with General Biochemistry concentration and Molecular Biology minor. Thesis title: The Interactome of Possible Nucleotide Excision Repair Proteins in Thermococcus Kodajarensis.
Anna Dienstbier, Zoology major and Spanish minor. Thesis title: Who Wakes up After the Sun Goes Down? – A Story of the Nocturnal Animals in the Colorado Foothills.
Jonah Dineen, Biological Science major with Biological Science concentration. Thesis title: Morphometric Analysis of Black-Footed Ferret Skull Changes in Captive and Wild Populations.
Macey Dodd, Statistics major, Economics major and Mathematics minor. Thesis title: Reducing Carbon Dioxide Emissions Through Policy Implementation.
Preston Dunton, Computer Science major with Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning concentration and Mathematics and Statistics minors. Thesis title: Rhythm Regression: Communicating Marching Percussion Audio Data.
Jillian Eddy, Mathematics major with General Mathematics concentration. Thesis title: The Visual Art of Mathematics: An Analysis of Projective Geometry Through Art History and Modern Perspectives.
Matthew Funk, Biochemistry major with General Biochemistry concentration and Creative Writing and Computer Science minors. Thesis title: Chromatin Architecture in H3 and H4 Tailless Octamers.
Heidi Gilbert, Mathematics major with General Mathematics concentration. Thesis title: An Exploration of Inequities in Undergraduate Mathematics Education.
Shlok Gondalia, Computer Science major with Computer Science concentration and Mathematics minor. Thesis title: ML-Based Honors Chatbot for Frequently-Asked Questions.
Leora Greene, Psychology major with General Psychology concentration and Political Science and American Sign Language minors. Thesis title: Antisemitism and Its Impact on Jewish College Students’ Mental Health.
Brooke Harris, Biochemistry major with Health and Medical Sciences concentration. Thesis title: Mechanisms of Kinetochore-Microtubule Attachments and the Implications of Incorrect Attachments on Cancer.
Jack Hermanson, Applied Computing Technology major with Computing Technology concentration and Business Administration major with Information Systems concentration and Spanish minor. Thesis title: Full-Stack Development of a Web Application Using TypeScript, NodeJS, and React.
Sarah Hinman, Biochemistry major and Health and Medical Sciences concentration with Biomedical Sciences minor. Thesis title: Gene Therapy as a Potential Treatment for Canine Dilated Cardiomyopathies.
Thomas Joy, Zoology major. Thesis title: Endangered Cats and Savage Indians: Why Mascot Choices Must Be Carefully Considered.
Hannah Kaiser, Psychology major with Industrial/Organization Psychology concentration and Business Administration minor. Thesis title: Success in Diversity and Inclusion: How Can a Business Foster an Inclusive Culture?
Sydney Kelly, Chemistry major with ACS concentration and Mathematics and Biomedical Sciences minors. Thesis title: Antibiotic-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus: A Research Synthesis.
Adam Kiehl, Data Science major with Statistics concentration and Mathematics minor. Thesis title: Inference on Hippocampal Connectivity Using Multi-Trial Count-Valued Time Series.
Gwyneth Knott, Biochemistry major with ASBMB concentration and Chemistry minor. Thesis title: Analyzing the Effect of Primary Lung Fibroblasts on Chemosensitivity in Triple-Negative and Luminal Breast Cancer Cells.
Devon Leimkuhl, Chemistry major with ACS concentration and Global Environmental Sustainability minor. Thesis title: Synthesis of Nanoparticle Materials for Use in Photovoltaic Cells: Exploring Reaction Pathways and Applications of Reactions to New Materials Using Cu,PSe, as a Basis.
Daniela Leopardi, Biological Science major with Biological Science concentration. Thesis title: Cadaver Usage as an Effective Learning Tool.
Natalie Liberati, Zoology major and Fish, Wildlife and Conservation Biology major with Wildlife Biology concentration and Spanish minor. Thesis title: The Use of Hydrothermal Vents by Skate Species Bathyraja Spinosissima.
Lauren Linderer, Biological Science major with Biological Science concentration and Business Administration minor. Thesis title: An Educational Presentation on Chronic Asthma for Primary School Teachers.
Makaya Mason-Jones, Chemistry major with ACS certification. Thesis title: Fort Collins’ First Interactive Chemistry Themed Bar.
Izabella Mastroianni, Biochemistry major with ASBMB concentration and Spanish and Chemistry minors. Thesis title: Exploring ELT-2’s Role in the Caenorhabditis elegans Intestine and the Effects of Pseudomonas aeruginosa on Intestine Gene Expression.
Noelle Mayer, Biological Science major with Biological Science concentration and Leadership Studies minor. Thesis title: A Phenomenology-Based Qualitative Study: Consciously Identified Themes of Trust and Distrust in Science Communication Among a Small Group of Colorado State University Students.
Kenna Meier, Biological Science major with Biological Science concentration. Thesis title: Examining Living Situations Throughout the Progression of Cognitive Decline and Dementia.
Alexys Murillo, Psychology major with Clinical/Counseling Psychology concentration. Thesis title: Relationships Between Socioeconomic Status and Stress Reactivity.
Jacey Murphy, Zoology major and Equine Science major. Thesis title: How Equine Athletics Have Driven the Technologies Behind the Booming Equine Industry.
Kate Nielsen, Biological Science major with Biological Science concentration. Thesis title: The Effects of Hormone Therapy in a Clinical Setting and in the Physical World: An Investigative and Informative Study.
Emma Perrell, Biological Science major with Biological Science concentration and Chemistry minor. Thesis title: University Students’ Knowledge and Opinions on Civil Asset Forfeiture.
Hendrik Peters, Biological Science major with Biological Science concentration and Chemistry minor. Thesis title: The Rights of the Cache la Poudre.
Lisa Pitsch, Psychology major with General Psychology concentration and Equine Science major and Business Administration minor. Thesis title: Equine Assisted Activities: Business Plan, Facility Layout, and Benefits.
Emily Potter, Psychology major with Clinical/Counseling Psychology concentration and Youth Mentoring with Campus Connect certificate. Thesis title: Depictions of Mental Illness Throughout Art History.
Carter Reiter, Biochemistry major with ASBMB concentration and Chemistry minor. Thesis title: Applying mRNA Vaccine Technology to Cancer Vaccines.
Joseph Riva, Computer Science major with Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning concentration and Mathematics minor. Thesis title: Investigating and Improving the CRC Checksum for TCP.
John Roesler, Chemistry major with Non-ACS concentration and Ethnic Studies and Global and Environmental Studies minor. Thesis title: Fort Collins Housing Documentary.
Joshua Rogers, Computer Science major with Computer Science concentration and Statistics major. Thesis title: Investigations of Natural Gas Leak Indications from Mobile Surveys: Implications for On-The-Ground Surveys and Data Processing.
Elizabeth Schieving, Psychology major with General Psychology concentration. Thesis title: The Effect of Music Induced Emotion on Statistical Reasoning.
Avery Schneider, Zoology major and English minor. Thesis title: Collaboration with Northern Colorado Friends of Ferals to Provide Vaccines in Low Income Areas.
Nicholas Schneider, Computer Science major with Computer Science concentration. Thesis title: Preprocessing Source Code to Reduce False Positives in Static Analysis Tools.
Casey Shaw, Biological Science major with Biological Science concentration and Conservation Biology minor. Thesis title: Assessing Seasonal and Macrohabitat Variation in Avifaunal Composition Across Great Plains Ecological Systems in The High Plains of Northeast Colorado.
Kailey Smith, Biological Science major with Biological Science concentration. Thesis title: You Can’t Spell Girl Boss Without Privilege: How Modern Feminism and Catchy Rhetoric Miss the Mark in Addressing Exclusivity and the Long Road Ahead for Feminists Goals.
Bali Summers, Chemistry major with ACS certification concentration. Thesis title: Considering Novel Electrode Materials for Measuring the Oxidative Potential of Particulate Matter.
Amber Taylor, Biological Science major with Biological Science concentration. Thesis title: Medical Mistrust and Racism in Healthcare.
Lauren Thomas, Biological Science major with Biological Science concentration and Chemistry minor. Thesis title: Paraquat-Poisoning and Parkinson’s Disease: The United States Environmental Protection Agency Needs to Ban the Lethal Herbicide.
Robert Vickerman, Biochemistry major with Health and Medical Sciences concentration and Molecular Biology and Chemistry minors. Thesis title: Using NET-seq to Determine Global RNAP Distribution of Wild Type and Altered Chromatin Landscapes in Thermococcus Kodakarensis.
Melody Weber, Biological Science major with Biological Science concentration. Thesis title: Marginalization in Medicine: How Discrimination Hinders the Ability to ‘Do No Harm’.
Evan Williams, Computer Science major with Computer Science concentration and Mathematics minor. Thesis title: A Multidimensional Analysis of John Conway’s Game of Life.
Morgan Winters, Biological Science major with Biological Science concentration. Thesis title: Why PEPCK Should Be Studied in Relation to Cell Proliferation and Steroidogenesis.
Tatiana Wolf, Biological Science major with Biological Science concentration and Business Administration minor. Thesis title: Howling Rabbitry Business Plan.
Karen Yang, Biological Science major with Biological Science concentration. Thesis title: Best Practices of Animal Shelters in Colorado.
Margaret Yates, Biochemistry major with ASBMB concentration and Chemistry minor. Thesis title: Investigation of Advances in the Pursuit of a Herpes Simplex Virus Cure.
Lina Yi, Zoology major and Psychology major with General Psychology concentration. Thesis title: Neural Mechanisms Through Which Childhood Neglect May Increase Risk for Substance Use Disorders.
Corryn Zylstra, Zoology major and Anthropology minor. Thesis title: Instituting a Procedure for the Curation of a Teaching Collection at Colorado State University.
College of Natural Sciences
Candidates for Baccalaureate Degrees
Spring 2022
College of Natural Sciences
Dean Janice L. Nerger
Computer Science
Watts, Madeline Chloe + *
Stotler, Bailey Nicole +
Applied Computing Technology
Fifer, Jacob Kolman *
Hermanson, Jack N. + *
Lertola, Nicholas F.
Lubwama, Moses Najib
Morefield, Justin R. * ^
Morris, Jackson Timothy
Rippey, Adam Christopher
Schonebaum, Michael Robert
Schwanke, Seth Gene
Sequino, Michael John
Walker, Bryce T.
A’Bell, Madeleine Mae ^
Allen, Sage J. * ^
Blackwell, Peter Kennedy *
Boston, Jordan
Campbell, Erin Anne * #
Carnes, Cameron Michael *
Christensen, Jensen Stewart *
Clark, Danielle McKenzie *
Davidson, Sarah Campbell *
Debrunner, Ianna Sigrid *
Distel, Catherine Renee
Eshbaugh, Sarah M.
Funk, Matthew *
Garcia, Sara Ashley
Guenther, Camryn Sage * ^
Hanna, Alastair Bin
Harbison, Mitchell R.
Harris, Brooke Elizabeth ^
Hawkins, Nicole M.
Haze, Parker Michael
Hinman, Sarah Ann *
Hollenbach, Jordan N.
Kelly, Jenna Lynne
Klemm, Jason Matthew =
Knott, Gwyneth Siobhan *
Kovach, Garrett M.
Lamson, Alec K.
Lenzo, Dawn Meade
Long, Kathryn Elizabeth * ^
Lyons, Ava Clare *
MacDonald, Nico Preston *
Maroney, Mikaela A. *
Mastroianni, Izabella Rose * =
McLean, Sarag Grace
Medina, Ivan Armando *
Miller, Richard Gordon
Nyenhuis, John J.
Parent, Robin Carolyn
Peck, Conor J. +
Powell, William Andrew
Power, Kathryn Dove *
Reiter, Carter Munro *
Roberts, Catherine Marie *
Sadeh, Yinon *
Schwendeman, Dillon James
Sitorus, Ester Christina *
Snyder, Samuel Jackson
Sun, Jiangyu *
Trimmer, Stavros A.
Turner, Emily Rose +
Verschueren, Ashley N. * ^
Vickerman, Robert Lee * ^
Wells, Christopher Michael
Yates, Margaret Lauren *
Biological Science
Adams, Alexandria Cierra *
Afrifa, Lillian Serwaa *
Alhumaidan, Wejdan Jaafar
Almskog, Madeline E. *
Ambrose, Mercedes *
Balla, Drew *
Barnes, Benjamin Lee
Berggren, Monica Jane
Bieker, Katelyn J.
Bodman, Rebecca Jean
Bondi, Gabriella Elizabeth *
Bracy, Elora Rose
Bruneman, Blake Makana * ^
Bukowski, Emma Lucile *
Campbell, Casey B. *
Carter, Cecilia E. * ^
Carter, Olivia G. *
Choquette, Elizabeth M. *
Collins, Piper Frances Grace *
Commerford, Katlyn M. *
Conroy, Tori Nichole *
Cover, Sara Elizabeth
Cowley, Abby Rose *
Culley, Soleil Anaias
Daniels, Jacob Ross
Davidson, Marina Hope *
De Lappe, Gretchen Elise *
Dineen, Jonah Keleher
Facinelli, Mario Paul
Felix-Rivera, Johanna Marian * ^
Finger, Donna Michelle
Friedrichs, Kristina Elise *
Frimpong, Quinsker A. *
Fuller, Grace R. *
Gaona, Emily Ann *
Geist, Madeline FangFangRao *
Goedeker, Alyssa Maxine
Greenhut, Kelly Maureen *
Griffiths, Sky Li *
Grubb, Jessica Lynn *
Hanel, Gavin John * #
Harris, Seth Colten
Hinz, Gunther Ritter
Ho, Michaela Anne =
Hoffman, Riley Blayne *
Holland-DeVore, Nicole Danielle *
Howard, Hannah E. *
Ibarra Meraz, Ana Maire
Iversen, Megan Marie
Jester, Sean Charles
Jones, Addison Rae
Jones, Isabelle Laura
Kassel, Brandon Scott *
Keenan, Jake Martin * ^
Klos, Katelyn Jayne *
Koch, Olivia Nicole *
Kovalenko, Gabriela * #
Krakker, Priya Patel
Lane, Aubrie Ann
Lechman, Joshua Alec
Lee, Katerina Elizabeth Severa
Lee, Koryn R.
Lemley, Madison S.
Lempp, Kaileen Elaine *
Lenyshyn, Nadiya
Leopardi, Daniela Grace
Lewis, Kallista Daicee
Lievois, Jason John
Linderer, Lauren Brooke *
Liu, Rayne C. *
Lopez, Seth Antonio
Lyu, Heyuan
Macurdy, Brandi Jean
Mantilla, Diana *
Mayer, Milo Noelle * #
McBride, Kaylin Alice *
McCarthy, Sarah J.
McCracken, Lydia Bailey
McKinney, Joseph N.
McMahon, Conor Thomas *
McNary, Max E.
Meier, Kenna Jean
Miller, Erin Christine *
Moffett, Abigail Mackenzie
Mullane, Jackson M. *
Mullins, Kelton Grace
Muñoz, Lizbeth
Munyon, Olivia C. *
Murray III, John Wesley
Neiberger, Delayne Ann *
Neuenschwander, Kevin R.
Nielsen, Kate Ann
Norsworthy, Celeste Aragon *
Oku, Megan Mie *
Paddock, Joseph Matthew *
Peralta, Mikayla Raquel
Perrell, Emma Kayla * #
Perry, Victoria
Peters, Hendrik C. * ^
Presch, Jaocb Wiliam
Price, Annie C.
Psiropoulos, Jeremiah L.
Reynolds, Camden A. *
Reynolds, Julia Elizabeth
Reza, Gabriela
Rezak, Rebecca Anne *
Riedemann, Macy Anne
Rollman, Samuel W.
Rossino, Magdalena I.
Sakakida, Paige Konomi *
Salinas, Willy
Schineller, Hannah E.
Schmitz, Andie Margaret
Schmitz, Nichole J.
Schneider, Korey Scott
Schoenberger, Noah Aaron
Schulz, Haley Megan *
Scott, Jordan
Searcy, Alissa Janae ^
Shaulis, Annika Lola *
Shaw, Casey John * ^
Siebenaler, Connor E. *
Siskind, Mckenzie Lee
Smith, Clara Louise
Smith, Elizabeth Rose *
Smith, Kailey Ann
Soules, Alexis Jewel *
Spencer, Mary
Stack, Ryan Colton
Stamps, Sarah Marie *
Strother, Ethan Russell
Stull, Makenna Lee *
Szatkowski, Abigail Kathleen *
Taylor, Amber Lynn
Thomas, Lauren Aileen * ^
Tidwell, Mariah Noelle
Todd, Alexa Anne
Tompkins, Trinity Marie
Tooley, Addi G. * ^
Torres, Marlowe Elizabeth
Troyer, Brennen Tyler
Tulley, Cheyenne Lynn * ^
Valadez, Bridget
Vantrease, Cecelia T.
Von Feldt, Cory Richard
Walsh, Cameron James
Weber, Melody Maurina ^
Wilson, Zane Alan ^
Winters, Morgan
Wolf, Tatiana Joy * ^
Wolfgramm, Kasoni Elijah
Wood, Maile Elizabeth *
Worku, Makida D.
Yang, Karen
Yong, Zhiyi
Yount, Ryann Kathleen *
Zadow, Elvina M. *
Zappolo, Sophia Alexandra
Zeleny, Blake W. *
Zick, Trevor Douglas
Zingerman, Zoe Theresa
Zuchegno, Sophia Marie
Anderson, Frederic Mitchell
Antrobus, Logan C. +
Bellows, Rae Ann #
Cardinalli, Stephanie Michelle + * ^
Christenson, Jack Raymond
Claiborne, Alexander David
Dolence, Allison E. =
Fieseler, Kate Kirk * ^
Gaffney, Darah Michelle +
Gin, Nathan Brandon * =
Gomer, Ethan T.
Hill, Olivia L. *
Hodge Pardo, Bianca
Kelly, Sydney Paige * ^
Kingsley, Melina A.
Leimkuhl, Devon P. * ^
Mason-Jones, Makaya M.
Miller, Alana Faith
Nelms, Ryan
Olsen, Angelena Marie
Pullen, Aiden Vinton
Reed, Ian Burke *
Richards, Eric A.
Roesler, John Benton * #
Rohloff, Russell Herman
Rudolph, Layton J.
Schilling, Thomas M. *
Shah, Shruti +
Summers, Bali ^
Tian, Bingxin
Tran, Vi Tuong *
Trent-Ringler, Beth A. *
Computer Science
Alexander, Carter Bond *
Aubin, Zach
Bambusch, Robert Alexander
Barkman, Christopher Matthew
Barram, Kassidy Marija ^
Barth, Jacob S. *
Bauer, Deionus Xavier * ^
Bauers, Michael Ryan + *
Bazan, Samuel Galen
Bell, Nathan A. *
Bhalavat, Jimit C. * ^
Bonafe, Carl Samuel
Booher, Megan Jane *
Boone, Michael D.
Bosch, Christian Samuel
Brightwell, Cameron Michael
Brock, Cole J.
Bulbula, Amanuel Amenu
Carmin, Kordell
Castillon Prado, Iliana Julissa
Combs, Benjamin Robert
Connell, Cameron Hughes
Cregut, Leah Eade
Cuccia, Logan Justin *
Cummings, Kyle J.
Dachel, Hayden James
Daley, Maxwell Hughes
Davis, Morgan Elijah Richard *
DeBlois, Matthew Ryan
DeYoung, Grant Alexander
Donis Paz, Andy
Dunton, Preston Bay * ^
Elkady, Muath
Faubus, Cobey Ryan
Felix, Amy Fernanda
Fitzpatrick, Evan
Flores, Arysa
Flores Dominguez, Edwin O.
Fout, Mason
Funston, Margaret S.
Garica Carrillo, Jose Daniel
Gifford, Trevor Allen
Golightly, Dakota Tyrel
Gondalia, Shlok Gopalbhai * =
Grandin-Guarneros, Boston Ray
Gunn, Erin M.
Han, Lu
Hanson, Adam Michael
Haziq, Farhan
Holen, Ethan Jonah
Holland, Trevor
Hooten, Alexander T.
Hosier, Indiana J.
Howard, Chase R.
Howlett, Spencer Vaughn
Huang, Yuxin +
Hughes, Vanessa Jayvie
Ioerger, Jason D.
Ives, Henry Charles + #
Jaffe, Sarah E. ^
Jason, Jesse T. *
Jensen, Joshua M.
Jepson, Jacob Christian *
Joshi, Kaleb Ronald
Jost, Kiera Nicole
Kathan, Kyler
Kelly, William Caleb
Kerr, Michael David
Key, Casey James Gordon
Khadka, Anup
Kouma, Sean Arthur =
Krosky, Kiley B. *
Lacrete, Moise Breville
Lamfers, Jason Patrick
Larson, Tor Brennick
Lee, Cathy Kwan
Likes, Brandon R.
Lopez, Matthew Vincent
MacKenzie, Christopher M. ^
Manchala, Sai Teja
Martin, Christopher E.
Martin, Tucker Steven
Mavrakos, Paul Theodore *
May, Tanner J.
McCormick, Ryan Baker
McDonald, Walton Connor
McGuire, Nathan LaJoie
Minning, Chad ^
Moore, Michael H.
Moran, Alec M. *
Munro, Ian ^
Muppala, Vivek
Myers, Charles E.
NaJera, Hervey M. *
Newman, Mason Riley
Nguyen, Huy Gia Do *
Nguyen, Tri T.
Nicholson, Edge H.
Nolan, Brendan Patrick
O’Mara, Miles
Ott, Brody Walter
Paschke, Jack Robert *
Pashak, Lindsey Marie *
Peyton, Michael F.
Pfoff, Jonathan Tyler *
Phan, Tony Dinh
Poulos, Wyatt Anthony *
Pritchard, Emmet Towne
Qureshi, Ahsen Waqar
Rehberg, Daniel B. * ^
Renstrom, Hayley Gray
Rice, Eileen Anne
Riva, Joseph Anthony * =
Rogers, Joshua Scott + =
Ruffalo-Burgat, Jean-Marc
Samson, Maria Natalia
Scalf, Joseph Maxwell
Schneider, Nicholas W.
Schwebke, Alex Lynn
Senovaitis, Lukas
Shannon, Nicholas Joseph
Siebert, Caspian Lorence *
Siler, Benjamin Grady *
Small, Kobe Terrell
Smith, Braeden C.
Smith, Pierce D. #
Steinle, Beau B. #
Storckman, Damion J.
Strain, Justin Shawn
Swonger, Malachy Cameron
Taylor, Ian McQueen
Trcka, Jordan Ross
Urrutia, Edward David
Valez Martinez, Alberto *
Vasilchenko, Bogdan Alexandrovich *
Vasquez, Tomas Enrique +
Waguespack, Kyla Makenzie
Wallace, Wesley Witt
Walsh, Zachary T.
Walz, Sarah P. * ^
Wang, Hao
Williams, Evan
Wu, Devin Ming *
Yost, Ryan
Zavadil, Griffin Gunnar
Zeng, Kaiyan
Data Science
Baxter, Hayden Emerson *
Brazil, Zachary Austin
Brown, Mandey Tara
Charles, Richard Bryson *
Charrier, Kilbourne Christopher *
Creagar, Ethan William ^
Fortescue, Samuel Ethan *
Garnder, Mark A. +
Hamilton, Emmaline Katherine
Isaacson, Trevor Thompson *
Kessler, Evan Josef *
Kiehl, Adam Carl * #
Magalhaes Rio, Henrique + *
Moreno, Kristy J.
Olavarria, Jonathan Joseph +
Piccaro, Nicholas Carl
Thorpe, Ian A.
Arnold, Sean David *
Askew, Luke Arlen ^
Barnhart, Scott Joseph
Burns, Angela Renee *
Clay, William Anthony
DeBuhr, Heidi
Deshaies, Elijah N.
Echohawk, Coyote E.
Eddy, Jillian Nicole ^
Fixmer, Sydney Kay ^
Flynn, Samuel Klein *
Fonseca, Ofe +
Gilbert, Heidi Jeanne
Hamblin, Clayton D. *
Hartley, Nina Helen
Hedeen, Ryan T. *
Kaczmarek, Michelle Vernice
Kovac, Kara Ashley
Kueny, Makenna Elizabeth *
Leautaud, André Karl + #
Maiberger, Gabriel Nathan *
Martinez, Alyssa Nicole *
McCrystal, Avery P.
Merrell, Jon Christian
Moffett, John M.
Parra-Arreola, Daniel
Place, Evan S.
Rudd, James D. + #
Schnarr, Ivey *
Singdahlsen, Andrew Tate
Solzman, Alexander Justin
Taye, Izana Genene
Watkins, Griffin Archer + #
Natural Sciences
Ridgeway, Hunter Bennie
Schroeder, Graeme Sturn
Schulte, Eric C.
Sydow, Brenna Taylor
Wartell, Haley A.
Alleman, Christopher Michael Neal
Awoitauw, Andrey Sakharoov
Byars, Benjamin M. +
Castaneda, Ivan
Dague, Brandon K.
Dodd, Tyler C. *
Felmlee, James William
Gunkelman, Robert W. *
Koch, Liam A. *
Mingus, William David *
Morris, Stephen Alexander
Plocher, Kevin Ian, Alec, Liam, Tristan
Pradhan, Naveen Singh
Roessler, Ryan J. *
Sheridan, William Patrick
Soderstrom, Joseph Michael
Stephenson, Tanner A.
Tang, Zibo *
Turner, Cyrus Travis *
Tuttelman, Connor Michael *
Adams, Delaney Ireland
Adams, Jessie Marie
Adams, Tyler Ann =
Alimam, Raneem
Almand, Jessica Leigh
Arnold, Ryan A. *
Arvold, Abigail Marie
Ashby, Austin J.
Baker, Seth Alden
Bakir Sudki, Iman
Barela, Faith Sarai
Barnes, Germain O.
Bates, Brittni Lynn
Battista, Kaley Marie
Beasley, Alexis C.
Bergen, Ashley N.
Bittner, Taylor
Bjercke, Danielle
Blades, Elle T.
Bond, Catherine Ann
Boone, William J.
Borski, Jordan L.
Boss, Kyler Stone
Bradford, Mariah Rachel +
Brawner Yahm, Jacob
Brech, Hannah ^
Brotherton, Briana
Brown, Hannah Rose
Brown, Madison Taylor
Brown, Megan Elizabeth #
Burroughs, Ciana Grace *
Buzzard-Jaimez, Ayala S.
Camp, Sofie Corin *
Carson, Hayden James *
Casady, Julia Rose *
Cates, Jacie Lauren
Chance, Devin Wade
Chaney, Benjamin C.
Chapman, Mark Daniel
Chart, Madilynn Taylor ^
Chastain, Camille RR
Christensen, Brenden J.
Clements, Gabrielle F. *
Clockston, Mark A.
Collins, Alexandria Renee
Connor, Zoe A.
Cook, Marie Elizabeth
Correa Romero, Ashley
Craig, Payten Jean
Crocker, Jonathan C.
Crones, Emily Rebecca
Cronin, Breanna L. ^
Crown, Chrystina Moritz
Czura, Saskia *
Davis, Christianne Hampton
DellaRosa, Jacqueline Rose *
Derstine, Carly Elyse
Diaz, Samuel
Donahue, Grace Sheila *
Dorfler, Ricki Renee
Dotson, Mallory Mae
Duffner, Patrick Joseph
Durkin, Charlotte Cile
Eccher, Rachael Anne
Ellenberger, Allison Lucille *
Elliott, Paige Michelle
Fairbairn, Emily Anne Drysdale =
Fiedler, Yeun Lee
Fleming, Melissa Marie
Flores, Sara Elizabeth ^
Forrest, Owen Patrick
Foulk, Lyta Elizabeth *
Francis, Daniel Isaac *
Gomez Garcia, Karla Daniela
Gonzalez, Haley *
Grady, Grace E.
Granger, Carlin Helene
Gray, Rachel Nichole *
Greene, Leora Yaffa * #
Grimes, Samantha L. *
Guerrero, Reagan Jessi
Hahn, Alyce Crissy
Hamilton, Madison E.
Hanke, October A.
Harper, Madeline Kay
Hart, Mary ^
Heichman, Isabelle Jean *
Hendricks, Kealey N.
Henke, Melissa Marie
Herrera, Danielle Adrianna
Hightower, Andre Jacquon *
Hopkins, Madeline Laree
Houseman, Belle
Humeyumptewa, Rasa Inara *
Irby, Janelle Arlene
Johnston, Sidney Lee Louise
Jones, Bryce Alan
Jungmann, Catherine Nichole
Kaiser, Hannah Leigh * =
Karr, Lara ‘Jasper’ Valerie K.
Kearns, Delaney Clare *
Keeling, Kat
Keller, Jake Warren
Kent, Sarah A. #
King, Brianna M.
Kittelsen, Shannon N.
Koul, Aroma *
Krueger, Tara LeeAnn
Lavier, Dorian James
Lethin, Carolyn M.
Levine, Lauren Anne
Lister, Nikol
Livits, Rita Gabriela * ^
Llanos Camacho, Olga *
Lopez, Audrey Lucile
Lord, Chelsea Jeanette
Lowry, Ashton Faith
Luevano, Samanta Brillet
Maalul, Arielle Y.
Mahony, Ryan Thomas
Malkuch, Casey D.
Martin, Akilah Danielle
Massie, Allison Taylor
McCormick, Kathryn Lea
McDaniel, Christie Ruth
McKinzie, Olivia Ann +
Melendez, Briana Marie
Meyer-Beyer, Leigh
Michelli, Fiona Katherine
Mielke, Jacqueline A.
Mignard, Maiele
Mika, Reiss Edward * ^
Miller, Jessica L.
Miller- Forrest, Grace Mary
Mohamed, Hagir
Montoya, Mariya Benita
Moore, Bryan J.
Moss, Kathryn Mae *
Murillo, Alexys Syera *
Mutlu, Yaren Umay
Narvaez, Mikaela
Norgard, Colette A. * ^
Oberkofler, Erin Nicole
O’Connor, Devin M.
Pacheco-Neri, Sonia
Parisi, Skye Laurel *
Parrent, Matthew Ty
Phillips, Beck Harrison *
Phillips, Erica
Pitsch, Lisa + *
Price, Alexis Maree
Price, Mekenzie Kathleen
Pritchard, Ciera Dawn #
Ramey, Matea Rose * =
Ray, Genevieve Louise
Roseland, Emily Jolene ^
Ruiz, Valeria
Rustgi, Rayne C.
Ruth, Morgan Ann ^
Sandoval, Haylie T. *
Schankweiler, Kendra Marie
Schieving, Elizabeth Alma ^
Schodorf, Kylie
Schreiner, Tamara L.
Scott, Cole S.
Sego, Brandon Lane
Selbe, Jacob Keith
Simonsen de Oliveira, Manoela +
Slater, Hunter Ryan
Slavkin, Zachary L.
Smith, Alexander Kelly
Smith, Hayden J.
Smith, Retta K.
Smith, Tyra J.
Smith, Victoria Paige *
Solarte, Quaid A.
Sowder, Lilly Anna
Spognardi, Kelsey Nichole *
Stanek, Brooke Jordan *
Steller, Jena Grace
Stone-Myers, Kaz
Stoneburner, Mary Katherine #
Sullivan, Sarah Elizabeth
Sullivan, Sydney Lynn
Sullivan, Taylor Brenda
Sun, Haoji +
Swisher, Sydney Marie-Claire
Taylor, Alyxandria N.
Taylor, Gabrielle Christin
Taylor, Niamh Patricia
TenBarge, Ethan James
Thompson, Justin E.
Trejo Cabrera, Flabia Michell
Umland, Samantha Leslie *
Undercuffler, Kathryn Myers
Villezca, Jose Rodolfo
Walker, Lindsay Maclean
Weichel, Chelsea L.
Weiss, Gabrielle Nicole
White, Cole Thomas Scott
Wilson, Tayla Sharynne *
Winter Caballero, Aidan Dario
Wood, Camdyn William
Young, Natalie Taylor *
Zoolakis, Ara Andreana *
Allen, Jackson Patrick
Bayley, Matthew R. *
Bostwick IV, William Edward
Brems, Baylee A. +
Chong, Paul +
DeMeyer, Jasmine Sarah
Dodd, Macey Olivia + * ^
Downs, Samuel Conrad Stephen
Dunnahoo, Megan Flinn
Hemenway, Nathan Alexander *
Hempstead, Tyler Vaughn
Mellor, Ryan Marie
Palen, Arthur C.
Queen, Alexander Scott
Angelo, Claire Elizabeth
Antilla, Nicolas William *
Archuleta, Chanel Alicia
Arellano, Aubrey Lynn
Bailey, Brandon T.
Bartucci, Elyse E.
Bordner, Majesty Vail *
Bridge, Caitlyn C. *
Cabanting, Kayla B. * =
Carlberg, Kelli Elizabeth
Carlile, Bailey R.
Chang, Lauren Elizabeth
Cherry, Jasmine Nichelle Ann
Clarke, Madison Rose
Cockrell, Ariana M.
Cook, Cheryl Michaela
Czajka, Jackson Francis *
DiNatale, Alexandra A.
Donivan, Cole B. *
Dooling, Amy Lynn
Drager, Sierra Flora Nicole
Dunbar, Michela Elisabeth
Dyck, Alison Christine Marie
Eftang, Sara Elizabeth *
Estrada-Olivas, Amindra Alejandra +
Fillmore, Jing-Mei Lu *
Foster, Tabitha A.
Fulk, Renata Fang Fukuhara
Ghiazza, Kelly Paige
Gibson, Kaiya L.
Gillespie, Corbin Scott
Goetz, Jacob Steven *
Guerrero, Tatiana Ashley
Hurteau, Victoria H. *
Ingalls, Colton Christopher
Jackson, Kaitlyn E. *
Jivan, Aashi *
Johnson, Brianna Rose *
Johnson-Claudio, Nhi’ez J.
Joy, Thomas Monroe
Kinder, Kirsten Marie
Kirwan, Katherine Ann +
Knox, Hannah Rose + *
Lakey, Kimberly Ann +
Liberati, Natalie Celeste + * ^
Liu, Yitong
Lokey, Dallas Kathleen *
Luke, Jack Travis
MacDougall, Aubrey N.
Maynes, Kyleigh Helen *
McCabe, Joshua Taylor
Morris, Skyler J.
Mountain, Katrianna L.
Murphy, Jacey Elizabeth + ^
Murphy, Julia Rose *
Nie, Jiaxin
Ouellette, Emily Lauryn
Pollard, Ezra I.
Prokey, Ashley Nicole
Ramos, Leslie *
Reyes, David Franco
Roo, Megan Y. *
Rosales, Molly *
Ross, Abigail Margaret
Salzano, Binyamin + ^
Samuel Jr., Sean R.
Saxe, Cody Robert
Scott, Lauren Amanda *
Shassetz, Sarah Elizabeth
Slade, Nathaniel Lantz
Sopkin, Cora Carolyn
Southerland, Payton Alyssa
Stein, Vivian Rene
Steinebrey, Emma Grace
Stoneman, William Joseph
Strong, Samuel Timothy
Thorkildsen, Amanda Christine *
Tu, Meihui
Wilson, Susan Grace Burlingame
Yi, Lina + ^
Zylstra, Corryn Michele *
College of Natural Sciences
Candidates for Baccalaureate Degrees
Summer 2022
College of Natural Sciences
Dean Janice L. Nerger
Applied Computing Technology
Garcia, Michael C.J. *
Wallace, Joshua S.
Farrell, Katherine Grace
Ferguson, Celia Catherine
Rhoads, Russell A.
Biological Science
Alvarez, Jacob D.
Arthur, Leu C.Y.
Bailey, Calvin Charles *
Blakeley, Casey James
Bower, Brendan Jacob
Briscoe, Hunter Thomas
Capriotti, Elexis Marie
Chubb, Ian Andrew *
Ciniglio, Francesca
Dardano, Kaylie Ann
Delnevo, Louisa Elizabeth
Duff, Katherine Lorraine
Eldridge, Chris
Garza, Taylor Grace
Gonzalez, Jazmin G. *
Ham, Kaylee Faye
Hickman, Jennifer Danyelle Enid
Kopycienski, Dahlia
Maisells, Allison Anne
Meriwether, Victoria Elizabeth *
Miller, Paul Matthew
Morgan, Kersten Rena
Moss, Liana Sophia
Murray, Rachel L.
Nance, Laurel Anne
Nazloyan, Amy
Neujahr, Dalton C. *
Olson, Sasha M.
Overby, Shawna Kathleen
Parsons, Rachel Lauren *
Perez, Angelica Denise *
Pettersson, Emelie Anne
Rodriguez, Jesse
Sabel, Anthony J.
Sisk, Mattye Marie
Stahl, Jesse L.
Strider, Isaac Harrison
Tillery, Austin B.
Tompkins, Trinity Marie
Holtorf, Genevieve Camille
May, Melissa K.
Computer Science
Al-Rawahi, Abdullah Ahmed
Cornelius, Devin B.
Courchesne-Owades, Isaac
Dziak, Lauren Anne
Egues, Michael Shelton
Espy, Michael D. ^
Hyatt, Jacquelyn A.
Jenkins, Daniel Kei
Julian, Allie Quinn
Kinsella, Kedrick Joseph *
Lara, Gary
Montoya, Vanessa Judit
Snyder, Ian Renno
VanHook, Alexander Nicholas
Wu, Tianyu *
Data Science
Alsadeed, Hawas Asaad Hawas Kanaan
Collins III, Robert O.
Jacobi, William Ward
Rodriguez, Paige Andrea
Natural Sciences
Snow, Kelsey J.
Seefried, Ethan Jon + *
Taylor, Connor Dean *
Walter, Buzz A. + *
Adair, Joseph Ryan
Aguilar Guillen, Anajely *
Aleksiev, Hannah Marie
Alrahbi, Razan
Baker, Robert T.
Balcombe, Siobhan Jonquil
Blasi, Alexandra Constance *
Bonca, Emma Christine
Burlingame, Bryson M.
Butkovich, Maddison Nicole
Canning, Izabelle *
Carson, Sarah E.
Charneskie, Abigail Mia
Donovan, Sydney R.
Foster, Haley Elisabeth
Fuhr, Dylan Michael
Gibbons, Trisha Velora
Groce, Rachel Claire *
Henderson, Francine Elizabeth + *
Hopkins, Madeline Laree
Hundertmark, Anna Kathryn
Kelley, Laura Jean
Kelly, Tess Elizabeth
Kugel, Mikaela Rose =
La Fleur, Samantha Elizabeth
Levy, Michelle
Maloney, Teagan Sarah
Martindale, Madison Elizabeth
Means, Jessica Olivia
Merriweather, Victor Shane
Moore, Bryan J.
Mora, Jared Nehemiah *
Munk, Kennedy Erin
Nelsen, Kacie Robin
Nims, Connor William
Pacitto, Antonio
Parker, Sarah Elizabeth
Peña, Crystal Alicia
Potter, Emily Rose
Reyes Dominguez, Yutziri
Rivera Garfio, Michelle *
Roth, Brittany Lee
Samperi, Alexandra C.
Santoyo, Bianca D.
Spring, Montana Lee
Stark, Megan Caroleen
Swearingen, Samantha Louise
Terrazas, Eunice Idaly
Thomas, Riley Kaye
Tirrill, Sabrina Jewell *
Van Sertima, Alexander
Vargas, Itzael Omar
Vazquez, Alejandro R.
Villa-Baeza, Nohely
VonWeller, Shilo Kelsie *
Walterman, Amy Cherie
Ward, Carly
Webber, Haley Kay
Wells, Macie Lynne
Wilmot, Andrew S.
Wipke, Rose Elizabeth * ^
Withem, Jonina Jeanette Kristin
Andales, Daniel Flores
Santillan-Lensink, Claudia Cecilia
Adams, Abigail M.
Aldridge, Amber Jolene
Bautista, Anna Isabel * =
Billings, Madison R.
Dienstbier, Anna Grace *
Liao, Pei-ru *
Lynton, Neena Leona
Maka, Madison Taylor Rochelle
Marcial-Rodriguez, Ashley Yamilet *
Mosal, Grant Wayne * ^
Naves, Brett A.
Reyes, Pedro Jose
Rounds, Bailee Leah *
Schneider, Avery Nicole *
Schuyler, Lauren
Sieps, Amanda Kay
Stafilas, Athanasia F.
* Candidates with minor
+ Candidates with second major
^ Candidates for cum laude
# Candidates for magna cum laude
= Candidates for summa cum laude
‡ Awarded posthumously