138th Year of
Spring 2022

College of Liberal Arts Commencement

May 13, 2022

Order of Ceremony

Processional – CSU Brass Quintet

Welcome – Dr. Benjamin Withers

Presentation of Colors – Wing Walker Honor Guard

National Anthem – Emmanuel Bonilla

Introduction of Platform Party – Dr. Withers

Recognition of Undergraduate Students – Dr. Roze Hentschell

Student Commencement Speaker – Corinne Neustadter

Commencement Address – Dr. Tony Frank

Presentation of Class – Dr. Withers

Conferring of Baccalaureate Degrees – President Joyce McConnell

Distribution of Diplomas – Department Chairs

Closing Remarks – Dr. Hentschell

Alma Mater – Emmanuel Bonilla

Platform, Faculty, and Student Recessional – CSU Brass Quintet

Members of the Platform Party

Armando Valdez, Vice Chair, CSU System Board of Governors

Joyce McConnell, President, Colorado State University

Dr. Donald Mykles, Director, University Honors Program

Dr. Sue Doe, Chair of Faculty Council

Dr. Blanche Hughes, Vice President for Student Affairs

Lt Col Benjamin Fulk, Assistant Professor of Aerospace Studies, Air Force ROTC

CPT Joshua Curtis, Assistant Professor of Military Studies, Army ROTC

Dr. Benjamin Withers, Dean, College of Liberal Arts

Dr. Roze Hentschell, Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies

Dr. Ellie Light, Assistant Dean for Student Success

Dr. Ryan Claycomb, Associate Dean

Dr. Mica Glantz, Chair, Departments of Anthropology and Geography and Interim Chair of Ethnic Studies

Dr. Ellie Moseman, Chair, Department of Art and Art History

Dr. Greg Dickinson, Chair, Department of Communication Studies

Dr. Elissa Braunstein, Chair, Department of Economics

Dr. Louann Reid, Chair, Department of English

Dr. Robert Gudmestad, Chair, Department of History

Professor Kevin Foskin, Program Director, Interdisciplinary Liberal Arts

Professor Greg Luft, Chair, Department of Journalism and Media Communication

Dr. Jonathan Carlyon, Chair, Languages, Literatures, and Cultures and Interim Director of International Studies

Dr. Dan Goble, Director of the School of Music, Theatre, and Dance

Dr. Beth Tropman, Professor, Philosophy

Dr. Bob Duffy, Chair, Political Science

Dr. Pete Taylor, Chair, Sociology

Dr. Caridad Souza, Program Director, Center for Women’s Studies and Gender Research


Dr. Caridad Souza, Program Director, Center for Women’s Studies and Gender Research

Dr. Ryan Claycomb, Associate Dean

Dr. Robert Gudmestad, Chair, Department of History

College Faculty Marshals

Dr. Elizabeth Sink, Master Instructor, Communication Studies 

Dr. Philip Cafaro, Professor, Philosophy

Dr. Cate DiCesare, Associate Professor of Art History

Professor Gina Robinson, Instructor of Interdisciplinary Liberal Arts

Dr. Samuel Tham, Assistant Professor of Journalism and Media Communications

Nathan Seymour, Student Engagement Coordinator, Art and Art History

College of Liberal Arts

Candidates for University Honors Scholar
Spring 2022

Brynne Adams, Political Science major with U.S. Government, Law and Policy concentration and Legal Studies minor. Thesis title: Community in Schools: Building a Culture of Care to Reduce the School-to-Prison Pipeline.

Taylor Baptiste, Theatre major with Performance concentration and Business Administration minor. Thesis title: Ms. Craw’s Diamond Ring: A Script Development.

Ryeson Berne, Political Science major with and Criminology/Criminal Justice minor. Thesis title: The Decay of Federalism when Analyzed Through the Case of Colorado Legalizing Marijuana.

Cooper Bisset, Geography major. Thesis title: Asset Based Community Development with Habitat for Humanity Fort Collins.

Reilly Blakeslee, Economics major with General Statistics concentration and Mathematics minor. Thesis title: The Viability of Wind, Solar, and Geothermal Energy from an Economic Perspective.

Meghan Boe, Music major with Music Therapy concentration. Thesis title: Songs with Lyrics by Dorothy Fields.

Cassandra Brandriff, Music major with Music Education concentration. Thesis title: Trauma-Informed Approaches for Teaching Undergraduate Voice Students with Disordered Eating Experiences.

Sophia Corioso, Sociology major with General Sociology concentration and Ecosystem Science and Sustainability major. Thesis title: Globalized Tensions in Biodiversity Conservation: 2 Case Studies from the Global South.

Peyton Dailey, Political Science major and Languages, Literatures and Cultures major with French concentration and Russian Studies and Spanish minors. Thesis title: Thesis title: Examining the Precedent of Racism Both Set and Perpetuated by the Supreme Court During Four Respective Eras: De Jure Slavery up Until the Passage of the 14th Amendment, de Facto Slavery After the Establishment of the 14th Amendment up Until.

Katherine Dillon, Art major with Graphic Design and Painting concentrations and Creative Writing minor. Thesis title: Social Movements During COVID’s Isolation, an Illustrative Study.

Corrina Farho, Political Science major with Environmental Politics and Policy concentration and International Studies major with Middle East and North African Studies concentration. Thesis title: The Environmental History of the Globeville and Elyria-Swansea Communities Since the 1800s.

Aspen Flores, Journalism and Media Communications major and Spanish minor. Thesis title: Students Come First – The Journey of CSU’s First-Generation Students in The Honors Program.

Jayden Frable, International Studies major with Latin American Studies and European Studies concentrations and Spanish minor. Thesis title: Edification of Exploitation: The Ethical Implications of Short-Term Missions.

Autumn Haase, History major with Digital and Public History concentration and Religious Studies minor and Museum and Cultural Heritage Studies certificate. Thesis title: Body Modifications in the Ancient Mediterranean.

Greer Hagerman, Journalism and Media Communications major and Sports Management minor. Thesis title: Ethical Values that Guide Influencer Marketing and How Consumers Attitudes are Impacted.

Aspen Hensley, Political Science major and Sociology major with General Sociology concentration and Legal Studies minor. Thesis title: Social Media: Vehicle for Democracy or Deception?

Madeline Hodgson, Anthropology major with Archeology concentration. Thesis title: Colorado Bound: Raw Materials and Migration Patterns in Colorado’s Rawah Wilderness.

Gabriella Jones, International Studies major with Middle East and North African Studies concentration, Sociology major with General Sociology concentration and Legal Studies and Arabic Studies minors. Thesis title: How Sharia Law and the Tradition of Muslim Jurisprudence Have Leveraged Cultural Relativism in Defense of Its Traditional Practices – To What Extent Should International Law Accept the Defense of Traditional Practices on Culturally-Relativist Grounds?

William Kleisner, Political Science major and Legal Studies minor. Thesis title: Separate and Unequal: The Impact of de Facto/de Jure Segregation and Gentrification on the Development of Communities of Color.

Audrey Koenig, Political Science major with Environmental Politics and Policy concentration and Ethnic Studies and Legal Studies minors. Thesis title: Seed Sovereignty in Fort Collins and Northern Colorado: Implementing a Seed Library Through Poudre River Public Library District.

Mackenzie Larrenaga, Political Science major with Global Politics and Policy concentration and Spanish and Legal Studies minors. Thesis title: Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization Amicus Curiae Brief.

Eliana Lee, English major with English Education concentration. Thesis title: Shrews, Virgins, and Whores: Female Representation in Classical Literature.

Katrina Leibee, Journalism and Media Communications major with U.S. Government, Law and Policy and Political Science major. Thesis title: The Development of the Music Profile: Targeting the Components of the Music Profile.

Carmen Lighthiser, Economics major and Merchandising minor. Thesis title: Reversing the Cycle: An Evaluation of Fashion Waste Through Up-Cycling.

Jesus Madrigal Garcia, Political Science major, History major with General History concentration and Legal Studies minor. Thesis title: Politicizing the Death Penalty.

Audrey Mayer, Sociology major with Criminology and Criminal Justice concentration and Legal Studies minor. Thesis title: Veteran and Active Duty Suicide Awareness: Shaping Suicide Prevention Curriculum for The Military’s Next Generation of Leaders.

Madison Mayle, Communication Studies major and Media Studies minor. Thesis title: What Social Media Influencers Are Really Influencing: An Analysis of Kim Kardashian’s Instagram.

Krista McAllister, Communication Studies major and Music, Stage and Sports Production minor. Thesis title: Conflict in Romantic Relationships: Finding Success in Relationships by Managing and Matching Conflict Styles.

Gunner McEntee, History major with Social Studies Teaching concentration. Thesis title: Where the Earth Meets the Stars: Devils Tower.

Amy Meredith, Communication Studies major and Global Environmental Sustainability minor. Thesis title: Designing a Deliberative Forum Guide: Plastic Pollution.

Natalie Montecino, International Studies with Asian Studies concentration and Political Science, French, Japanese and International Development minors. Thesis title: Rural Identities and Sustainability in France and Japan: A Comparative Study.

Aspen Moon, Sociology major with Criminology and Criminal Justice concentration and Legal Studies and Women’s Studies minors. Thesis title: Queer (mis)Representation in Film.

Jenna Moore, Music major with Performance concentration and Arts Leadership and Administration minor. Thesis title: Study Abroad Program Proposal: Music in Italy.

Laura Moritz, Communication Studies major and Leadership Studies minor. Thesis title: The Use and Impact of Deliberative Pedagogical Skills Amongst Post-Graduate Leaders of Colorado State University’s Center for Public Deliberation.

Corinne Neustadter, Political Science major with Environmental Politics and Policy concentration and History major with Digital and Public History concentration. Thesis title: North America’s Switzerlands: Comparing the Histories of Banff and Rocky Mountain National Parks.

Rhiannon Palone, Communication Studies major and Business Administration minor. Thesis title: Relational Dialectical Theory and Family: An Assessment of Adult-Children in Estranged/Distanced Relationships.

Charlotte Pardo, Liberal Arts major and History and Legal Studies minors. Thesis title: Herspectives: An Analysis of Legal Perspectives on American Feminist Jurisprudence.

John Perry, History major with General History concentration and Political Science major with Environmental Politics and Policy concentration and Environmental Affairs and Mathematics minors. Thesis title: Environmental Protection: Limiting Accessibility in Late 19th Century and Early 20th Century America.

Dustin Pokorny, Journalism and Media Communications major and Legal Studies and Sports Management minors. Thesis title: Can the Government Force Private Corporations Such as the Formerly Named Washington Redskins to Change Their Inappropriate Names?

Eliana Pritchett, Political Science major and Journalism and Media Communication major. Thesis title: Evolving Media Effects: Climate Change Coverage and Intermedia Agenda Setting.

Abigail Thomas, English major with Creative Writing concentration and Ethnic Studies minor. Thesis title: A Chapbook.

Brooke Toothaker, Anthropology major with Archeology concentration and Sociology major with Criminology and Criminal Justice concentration. Thesis title: An Asylum of Broken Bones: Trauma Analysis Across 19th Century Mental Health Facilities.

Caroline Vacante, English major with Writing, Rhetoric and Literacy concentration. Thesis title: Zelda and F. Scott Fitzgerald: Marriage Dynamics, Plagiarism Claims, and Mental Hospital Stays.

College of Liberal Arts

Candidates for Baccalaureate Degrees
Spring 2022

College of Liberal Arts

Dean Benjamin Withers



Abeyta, Robert W. *

Andrist, Shelby Ellen Kim

Boroski, Elizabeth Lynn

Call, Ranae N. +

Cath, Niri A. * =

Charnoff, Breanna E.

Coghlan, Shay Castle

Cooling Davis, Deborah Ann

Costello, Sarah Beth

Curcio, Jolene Janie

Damrongsang, Trisai Mink

DeBell, Marisa Mae

Del Valle, Diana Eleonora + =

Dunphy, Caroline Cloyd + * ^

Freeman, Natalie Grace + =

Garcia-Perez, Ariel Mercedes

Garrison, Kalila Ann Jersie ^

Good, Mary V.

Hiller, Tess Fitzgerald + ^

Hodgson, Liam =

Johnson, Jacob Murray *

Jorgensen, Ellison Lynn

Korn, Rebecca Charlene

Kruger, David Michael

Magyar, Kristina Lynne =

Mensendiek, Blair M. * ^

Minthorn, Danika Rose

Morris, Ian Robert

Rodriguez, Idali *

Rothschild, Clinton Leland *

Sheldon, Korra J.

Smith, Emily Selby +

Stavast, Riana Taylor

Szatkowski, Sabrina L.

Taagen, Claire Kelley

Timmons, Bronwyn J.

Toothaker, Brooke Lynn +

Tor-Agbidye, Sesugh Solomon

Tower, Avry B. + * ^

Versweyveld, Sian Carol

Walker, Norah Aloevera

Ward, Rachel R.

White, Theresa

Willkomm, Brandon J. *


Billiot, Hayley M. +

Bolz, Lauryn Elise * ^

Brian, Kara M. *

Califf, John A. *

Carson, Ellie Mariah ^

Cecil, Chloe A. + * #

Douglass, Bailey M’Rae

Gordon, Ethan Parker *

Hughbanks, Marguerite Jane

Khoury, Mackenzie Julianne *

Mathieson, Abigail R. * ^

Nix, William H. *

Communication Studies

Abbajay, Isabel Quinn *

Abeyta, Vincent Joseph *

Ackerman, Spencer Chamberlin *

Allen, Zara Elisabeth + *

Alms, Emma *

Anderson, Tristan Tyler *

Atencio, Isaiah Richard *

Bader, David Ansel *

Barthelman, Peyton A. *

Bates, Morgan Taylor *

Bell, Emma Elizabeth *

Bentley, Keaton B. *

Bostwick, Ashley Brooke *

Bouayad, Mariam *

Brown, Gavin James + *

Brown, Keajah-Rae Samone *

Bynum, Isa Ishmael *

Campanella, Elizabeth Ellen-Rose *

Chavez Tena, Yulissa + * #

Chen, Scott Joseph *

Clary, Alexander Garland *

Collins, Connor James *

Contestable, Lillian T. *

Cooper, Olivia Ryann *

Daley Jr., Anthony D. *

Delmonico, Mary Rose *

Dundon, Jack Ryan *

Ehrenkrantz, Joshua Adam *

Flood, Margaret Mary *

Force, Morgan Edward *

Forman, Jacob B. *

Hamilton, Jack R. *

Haverluk, Claire Elise +

Hemperly, Andrew Robert Rahzin *

Hubbard, Westyn Casey *

Jackson, Warren K. *

Jew, Cory Joseph *

Johnston, Aubrey Grace + ^

Katsuba, Victoria *

Kengott, Dylan M. *

Kessler, Haley F. *

Kim, Heidi S. *

King, Jeremy Matthew *

Klarich, Lukas R. *

Kotsyuba, Anastasiia *

Kube, Molly D. *

Kubly, Peter Michael *

Lamoreaux, Rain Valencia *

Lennie, Nicole Taylor *

Lesnefsky, Justine M. *

Linne, Avree Noelle *

Lolli III, Francis John *

Long, Dawson Joseph *

Lubin, Brian Nicholas *

Mason, Cinque Dominic *

Mayle, Madison Mae *

McAllister, Krista Anne * ^

McMullen, Devon Elizabeth *

McQueen, Mia Alejandra * =

Mekelburg, Amber Grace *

Meredith, Amy Layne * #

Miner, David Malachy *

Moritz, Laura Eileen * =

Noel, Olivia Frances *

Olmstead, Jaelen Molly *

Ontiveros, Jordan Ashley *

Parker, Bailey Renee * ^

Patterson, Ashley Lanee * #

Patterson, Lauren McKenzie * ^

Poelma, Anna Noelle *

Ray, Lukas Charles *

Reese, Paul I. *

Reiter, Ross A. *

Rhyne, Destiny *

Rinaldi, Bianca Ruth * ^

Rocco, Gabriella Terese *

Rosenberg, Andrew Taylor *

Sanchez, Dominic *

Schoenborn, Jack Richard *

Schoeningh, Layla Belle *

Sheetz, Mary Grace Elizabeth *

Smith, Liliya * ^

Smotherman, Britton *

Stasica, Nicole Alexis +

Stidham, Isabel Giovanna *

Stone, Jack Henry *

Taylor, Jack Everett *

Thomas, Justin N. *

Tomka, Anna Rose *

Tomlinson, Christian E. *

Topfer, Sloan *

Tran, Nathan Dam *

Turmell, Amber A. *

Vincent, Cooper Riley *

Westbrook, Courtney Taylor *

Wyman, Steven T. *


Gusinde-Duffy, Elise Christinne


Al Busaidi, Al Moather H.

Al Maaini, Jawaher * ^

Al Mukhaini, Dala Eid * ^

Bailey, Matthew Robert +

Baker-Carr, Alexander Phemister Teesdale *

Bigford, Max *

Blakeslee, Reilly McKenna + * ^

Bonilla, Uriel *

Brooks, Anna Catherine *

Bull, John Lee *

Castro III, John Arthur *

Charlett, Christopher S. *

Chen, Yaojia *

Chowdhury, Sajid Hasan *

Cropley, Marcus Roy *

DeCelles, Paul C. * ^

Doogan, Connor James *

Fedel, Joseph F. *

Fernando, Yohan Khor *

Filippo, Thomas N. *

Fisher, Mark Peter * 

Flinn, Cameron G. *

Frutig, Mark David *

Goree, Cole F. *

Graoui, Mariam +

Gress, Jordan E. *

Hayes, Zachary J. * ^

Hernandez, Max *

Hodgkins, Thomas George *

Hughes, Carson R. *

Janney, Jacob Robert *

Jenkins, Kaitlyn Leanne *

Johnson, David Cameron *

Kuharski, David Mitchell *

Kuhlmann, Hans Dieter *

Lighthiser, Carmen Elise *

Macdonald, Kyle Maclean *

McCutcheon, Kennedy Jo *

Meier, Julian Sabra *

Miller, Nicholas D. *

Nguyen, Anh Ngoc *

Nopenz, Connor Kennedy *

Ozoude, Jessica I. *

Palmer, Wyatt Michael *

Peña, Daniel *

Peng, Hui

Rappa, Justin G. *

Saenz, Estanislao Segundo +

Silver, Brian Lee *

Storm, Henry Christopher *

Tamez, Mitchell B. *

Thongngam, Arisa * ^

Townsend, Elijah Layne *

Underwood, Shacresa L. *

Uyanage, Chirantha De Silva * 

Ward, Isaac Andrew

Warnken, Dawson Clark

Workman, Michael R. *


Atkinson, Morgaine Blakeslee

Bouska, Hannah Jade

Brankle, Allison D.

DeJong, Meghan Eileen

DePascal, Isaac R. +

Egghart, Anne Elise * ^

Ferris, Noah G. * =

Gillette, Nicolas Lee

Gorham, Mariah Florence * ^

Heffelfinger, Audrey Claire ^

Hill, Jared K.

Ho, Theron ^

Hubbs, Edgar Paul

Hunter, Zaria Lanay *

Hutchinson, William Bryan

Jackson, Bridger Douglas

Jenkins, Elizabeth F. *

Johnson, Annabelle Elizabeth

Jonas, Allison Joann *

Kim, Jee Yoon

Kinnaman, Alex

Kochendoerfer, Jessica L.

Lee, Eliana Grace #

Lundgren, Eric James

Lutz, Kenneth Baxter

Lyders, Christopher A. *

Martin, Julia Belle *

Miller, Kiersten Regina ^

Mykleby, Miranda Kaye

Peterson, Lillian G. *

Praznik, Annabelle Fern * ^

Ricci, Aldo Christopher

Rivera Hernandez, Alexandra *

Robertson, Megan Sara +

Sanders, Ellie Francis

Scott, Julia Elizabeth

Suttee, Charlotte Ann * ^

Tarr, Emily G.

Tennison, Avery Michael

Thomas, Abigail Julie Ann * ^

Vacante, Caroline Grace * ^

Vaughn, Shelby A.

Whitney, Bailey Kay

Wright, William Davis

Ethnic Studies

Castaneda, Maria

Castellanos, Jayline

Girimbabazi, Ornella N. *

Parga-Martinez, Kevin Jair *

Toro Rivera, Yurixhi *


Adams, Sierra Jade =

Apodaca, Kyle Edward

Blum, Sophia E. *

Carlson, John Thomas *

Cook, William Jacob +

Davis, Tara Bryn * #

Dodson, Joseph Fletcher

Dreas-McAdoo, Lincoln *

Dunn, Aaron Heath * #

Fagan, Grady McKenna * ^

Finger, Kyle Jay *

French, Mackenzie Danielle *

Gaenzle, Nikolai G. *

Garcia, Bianca Isabel

Greer, Jessica Marie

Haase, Autumn Marie * ^

Heydt, Andrew Alan

Huggins, Daniel Lee *

Kelly, Paige Lynn

Kinney, Breanna Nicole

Knott, Brady Kjelden + *

Kortz, Julia C. *

Lovato, Nicholas D. *

McEntee, Gunner Pierce #

McLaughlin, Shay Quinn *

Neufeld, Daniel Travis *

Oldani, Davis Bennett #

Ostrander, Shynia Marie

Perry, John Robert + *

Rebelez, Devon Carlos *

Rudnick, Augusta Claire * ^

Sosa, Taylor Marie + =

Tandberg, Allyson Rae

Unsell, Nicolas Bryan *

Weinstein, Daniel Kevan *

Widhalm, Taylor Hana

Wilson, William Thomas * #

Wood, Nathan F. +

Interdisciplinary Liberal Arts

Anderson, Fiona Rae *

Benson, Magaret G. *

Brinnon, Quinn Taylor *

Bull, Brennan D. *

Bunn, Brittany Lynne * ^

Burgess, Josette Elizabeth *

Čanji, Brittany Nicole *

Ciprianni, Bryce D. *

Clum, Kaitlyn Raina *

Farr, Bryon *

Heede, Margaret N. *

Hilton, Ashley R. *

Horton, Kallie *

Lindquist, Erik Victor *

Lytle, Alexander James *

Malone, Caitlin A. *

McMillan, Madison Elizabeth *

Mohr, Nicole Mae *

Mundt, Luckas *

Pardo, Charlotte Wren * ^

Perez, Nicolas Jose *

Phillips, Joctavis J. *

Radcliff, Easton Michael *

Randel, Kai M. *

Rothenberg, David Michael *

Ryan, Joseph S. *

Seefried, Justin M. *

Smith, Arrion Monique

Tanksley, Brittani Marie *

Taormina, Cade Johnny *

Trulson, Kate Anne *

Watson, Leslie N. *

Zellers, Sydney Lynne *

International Studies

Carlson, Anika Rose + * ^

Castillo-Barrales, Braiam Ezleyter

Chavez Cisneros, Tiana Teresa +

Chen, Yantong

Douce, Isabel Alexa + * #

Estes, Hannah Nicole *

Fennell-McCrillis, Harriet A. *

Fennell-McCrillis, Rowenna G.

Frable, Jayden Emily * #

Harris, Ana Gabriella

Hashimoto, Michael Akio #

Heinsma, Katelyn Iris Nicole + * ^

Hovland, Jackson Keith *

Hunt, Alexis *

Jones, Gabriella Christine + * ^

Kingsmore, Cameron Olivia *

Lopez-Mendez, Antonio *

Marinelarena Olvera, Alejandra +

Martinez, Tyler Dawn

Michelizzi, Lucie V. *

Montecino, Natalie Renee * =

Nagesh, Lakshitha +

Penland, John Christopher + *

Pothibuathong, Venuschagarn

Rivera, Kimberly *

Santillán, Karla Andrea + *

Wong, Kevin + * ^

Zarlingo, Maya Rae + ^

Journalism and Media Communication

Aceves, Liliana Guadalupe *

Agrigento, Alyssa Marie *

Aguilar Rubio, Cinthia

Allen, Kaleb L. *

Babcock, Kota Simon *

Bedard, Baylee Renae +

Black, Shane Brennan

Brito-Amador, Alexandra *

Burback, Scott Andrew *

Busby, Grace Olivia +

Cavallaro, Adalyn Grace *

Constable, Kendall Rose *

Cummings, Mary Lee * ^

Dakovich, Dominic Robert *

Davis, Matthew Preston *

Devereaux, Natalie Ruth * 

Dotts, Paul Michael

Dubinskas, Brandon Douglas *

Ellis, Michelle Barbara *

Enriquez, Ike Zacarias *

Fink, Maxwell Parker *

Flores, Aspen Brooke * =

Garcia, Priscila

Gardner, Morgan Alexandra *

Garrison, Olivia Danielle *

Gingles, Hayley +

Godinez, Javier

Grimm, Sierra J.

Gutierrez, Sabrina A. #

Hagerman, Greer Starling *

Hawley, Hayden Kevin *

Hogencamp, Hannah Elise +

Holberton, Electra Semmes *

Janzen, Jeremiah August *

Jaskulski, Kayla Dene *

Jimenez Garcia, Jose Manuel

Johnson, Christina Rose *

Johnson, Owen Alexander *

Kjar, Brooke Emily *

Leemhuis, Sydney Joanna

Leibee, Katrina Rae + ^

Lockrem, Ashurbanipal Joseph *

McHugh, Connor M. *

McKissick, Nathaniel Cole *

Moran, Ryan Louis #

Neff, Sarah L. *

Pasley, Noah J. *

Pitts, Jackson Thomas Richard *

Pokorny, Dustin James * #

Prejeant, Dalton Clay ^

Raymer, Kendall Joyce *

Reed, Emma Kathrine *

Renteria, Litzy Nohemy * ^

Ridley, Sophia Rose *

Sanburg, Grace Ann

Schatz, Grace Cecelia *

Schiavone, Jenna Michelle

Schindler, Anton C. *

Schutt, Ian Patrick *

Scott, Elena L. +

Scullion, Mara Fleming + *

Shannon, Elizabeth Eileen *

Sherman, Savannah *

Smith, Isabelle M. *

Speece, Mara Linda

St Hilaire, Natalie G.

Sublette, Kristen Nicole *

Thorpe, Kadyn Rae *

Tinius, Courtney Michelle *

Tracy-Thompson, Kessei Merced *

von Pechmann, Anneliese Yoonkyung *

Wadsworth, Lauren Eve +

Walston, Courtney Suzanne

Walton, Alizayña Raelynn-Dae *

Wasmundt, Nicholas J. *

Watt, Aissata + *

White, Elizabeth Cornell *

Wilder, Paige Elizabeth *

Williams, Hattie Rose *

Wilson, Kyle David *

Winfrey, Ivy L. *

Workman, Reyna J. *

Wyman, Torey Rene *

Young, Joshua Perry

Languages, Literatures, and Cultures

Aguilera, Florentino + ^

Balentine, Emily Lauryn *

Bjorkman, Annika Marie

Carcamo, Joaquin N.

Garcia Jurado, Gizel Elena *

Garnier, Oliver Erik

Gershon, Kyle Craig Francis *

Kralewski Van Denburg, Ann Kathrine

Meister, Jillian Faith *

Mroz, Dylan K.

Mulberry, Aubrey Ann

Rodriguez, Manuel E. *


Firebaugh, Andy Lincoln-James +

Hu, Jingyuan

Kilpatrick, Lucas *

Minthorn, Kyle *

Owens, Zachary WIlliam *

Rose, Paul Allan Cabanban *


Kos, Maximillien Walter

Law, David Benjamin

McInerny, Reed Parker +

Meyers, Haden Garrett

Miller, Matthew R. *

Morgan, Kaleb Guy

Steadman, Michael R. +

Strick, Brenden David

Urban, Walker D.

Political Science

Acosta, Alyssa Marahya *

Adams, Brynne Marie * ^

Ahmed, Mahamoud *

Arguelles, Dennis Lorenzo *

Bakewell, Brett Christopher * #

Barry, Reagan McClain *

Batchelder, Timothy J. *

Berne, Ryeson Peter *

Bolesta, Grace + #

Breitkreutz, Sophie Michelle +

Brickley, Samuel Troy *

Bridges, Denver W. *

Brooks, Ava L. +

Brousse, Natalie Etoile LaRiviere +

Brown, Bella-Analise Tiara *

Brumley, Liam Johnathan Doherty *

Carney, Aja *

Cashin, Grace Amanda *

Cathey, Samantha Lynn +

Chang, Turner +

Conrad, Kathryn Allison + *

Cusick, Marie +

Dailey, Peyton Leigh + * ^

Doescher, Luke * ^

Downs, Christopher William +

Ewing, Gabriel Leonard *

Farho, Corrina L. + ^

Frey, Connor William *

Garcia, Naomi Y. *

Gaspar, Julio Cesar *

Gebretsadik, Merry Abreha +

Gonzalez, Andre Antonio *

Goonan, Francis P. *

Guillen, Marco Ross *

Haraway, Dalton James *

Hendricks, Frankie Shea *

Hensley, Aspen Kayla + *

Holden, Owen S. *

Hontz, Chase E. *

Huene, Joshua Roark *

Jenson, Ryan Taylor *

Johnson, Addy Ann *

Keyes, Benjamin R. + *

Kleisner, William Randall * #

Klene, Logan D. +

Koenig, Randy Keeley *

Kucera, Amanda C. +

Kurtz, Mackenzie Walker * #

Larrenaga, Mackenzie Anne *

Lorusso, Kevin +

Madrigal Garcia, Jesus Oswaldo + *

Martinez, David *

Mastin, David James * ^

McDonald, Madeline Justine Foley *

McKeel, Dalton Stuart + *

Millson, Taylor Kate +

Montgomery, Evan Michael +

Montori, Victor *

Moreno, Alberto R. *

Neustadter, Corinne Isabella + =

Newhouse II, Todd Eastman *

Nicol, Oliviah K. *

O’Mara, Connor James *

O’Neill, Maureen Delphine *

Orji, Joslyn A. *

Pritchett, Jacob James *

Pylate, Mackenzie Jianna + *

Rau, Sean Millett *

Rue, Jared Scott *

Schichtel, Zane Everett + *

Schwartz, Meghan Elizabeth *

Scott, Parker N. *

Shepherd, Bailey K. *

Southwell, Julia Ariana *

Storey, Aurora Gina-Lynn *

Studebaker, Nico * ^

Tibbs, Kiara Nichole +

Torres, Bronson Francisco +

Trees, Kathryn Rose *

Tyler, Isabelle Anne *

Uhler, Margaret C. * ^

Unbehagen, Avery J.

Villaseñor Ponce, Paulina *

Vu, Uyen Phuong + *

Welch, Garrett Michael

Wenstrom, Noah W. *

Williams, Dakota James + *

Wright, Roylyn Joy *


Adler, Gracie Malia

Alby, Evelyn +

Allen, Lydia Rose + ^

Allen, McKenna

Andrews, Brenden Paul

Asaro, Ryan J. *

Berti, Ryan Federico

Bish, Alexandria I. * =

Bock, Syd

Brankin, Elizabeth M.

Brown, Emma Shannon * #

Bundy, Rylee Aspen

Carney, Alexa Grace *

Carpenter, Allyea N.

Corioso, Sophia M. +

Doton, Brianna *

Eshleman, Wesly S.

Gizzi, Sylvie L. ^

Hagan, Alexander F. #

Harris, Taylor Ann

Hernandez, Xenia Dialis +

Howery, Christopher James *

Hummel, Jack Matthew

Hurtado Flores, Perla Eunice *

Ingle, Amanda Gabrielle * ^

Jackson, Dequan Terron

Jaggers, Emily A. *

Jameson, Ella Margaret *

Kimball, Conner William

Lawrence, Amanda Shinice

Leeret, Connor Fuller

Letzel, Lily Annabelle *

Lovett, Katherine Grace

Luna, Alex Ivan *

Maher, Anna Terese ^

Major, Brandon A.

Maldonado-Martinez, Larry

Mallow, Marissa S.

Mancuso, Grace Jaclyn

Matesi, Ellie Nicole *

Mayer, Audrey Elizabeth * #

McCullough, Madison Lynn *

McManus, Kaidlin Jo *

Medina-Andrade, Esperanza M. +

Moon, Aspen Jade *

Moore, Kendle G.

Moroka-Fisk, Ariana M. *

Munoz Juarez, Naylet +

Myers, Amanda Faye *

Nikkola, Riley Jahn *

Oliva Hernández, Maira +

Pankey, Kali Mae

Pennington, Nell A. *

Pfeiffer, Madeline Patricia *

Ray, Jaden Logan *

Richardson, Katherine Isabel *

Robles, Jessica *

Rodriguez, Diego Raymond

Rolseth, Erin Christine

Saenz-Santos, Kristie

Salz, Michael Canino *

Sandro, Antoinette J.

Schaefer, Riley Christopher *

Schamp, Rebecca Rose ^

Scholes, Sydney Jane * =

Smith, Alexis Michelle *

Sommers, McKenzie Deborah *

Steiner, Emily Mae

Sypniewski, Anna Marie *

Tambunan, Tiara Dessandra *

Taylor, Emily O’Neal

Thomas, Zachary D.

Thompson, Lauren Riley *

Vado, Isabella M. *

Veratudela, Gabrielle *

Volesky, Chloe A. *

Wacker, Matty Lynn

Washington, DeVon Aliz’e

Washington-Ceballes, Inez Elizabeth Jai +

Weekley, Madelaine Zion

Welsh, Erin Noel *

White, Jessica Mae Sutton

Whittington, Ian M.

Williams, Liam Denis *

Woods, Savannah Kelly

Woods, Sofia Boicelli *

Zitterkopf, Rylee Rose


Allison, Abigail Caitlin + =

Baptiste, Taylor Reann + *

Boesch, Lauren Nicole *

Coleman, Tre’Vonne Marquis *

Fagan, James William

Fedele, Frances Filomena + =

Federico, Liliana Rae

Hacker, Kaleb William

Isaacs, Adam Tobias *

Jakober, Kelby Lynn *

Koski, Danielle J.

LePiere, Sarah Elizabeth +

Lessman, Morgan C. *

Randal, Kyle Steven

Spreng, Christopher Douglas *

Stephens, Lorna K. * ^

Toth, Victoria Inez

Wilson, Alexander Mitchell *

Zacchini, Fantasia Linda * ^



Kuhr, Aleah + ^

Languages, Literatures, and Cultures

Garcia López, Yulissa +

Haass, Amy Elizabeth +

Schilling, Charles Mitchell +

Political Science

Myli, Lauren Lynn +


Piersee, Jackson Charles +



Alhadeff, Micah Sefarad

Arnold, Sara Kathryn *

Bachus, Jordan Elizabeth

Baumann, Gabriele D. *

Baynham, Kelty Elizabeth *

Baynham, Myka Diane *

Chacon, Joshua A.

Chrisman, Heidi Nicole

Christen, Taylor Marie

Cronin, Katrina K.

Cutilletta, Dominic L.

Dillon, Katherine Charlotte * =

England, Justin Charles * ^

Fichter, Courtney Morgan

Haynes, Robert Makenzie *

Hernandez, Alanis Nayan

Hernandez, Sofia Ailicez

Hutson, Maranda Jo

Hwang, Micah Sungwook

Jelden, Anna May Yudan *

Johnson, Olivia Ann

Kaufman, Drew Allan *

Kost, Karah Sommer

Kutz, Katie Lorraine ^

Lambert, Emma Grace *

Lessard, Elizabeth Ann

Lissau, Peyton Ann *

Maranon, Abril G. + ^

Moore-Bonbright, Christine Xuan * =

Ostertag, Shelby G. *

Piazza, Tessa Jeanelle

Renstrom, Hannah J.

Sauceda-Lindsey, Irie Skye +

Stephenson, Alisondra T. *

Weber, Maxwell Quinn


Mann, Abbey Christine =

Strader, Molly Kathryn #

Yadao, Kourtney Kimi Shirota



Andretsos, John George

Beyer, Katherine Ann

Brandriff, Cassandra Michelle #

Doyle, Megan Ashley #

Fagerberg, Markus Edvard

Hirn, Laura Leigh

Jansky, McKenna Jeanice ^

Michael, Brandon S.

Moore, Jenna Marie * =

Morris, Natalie Lee =

Palmer, Jessica Mary

Precie, Myah K.

Shryock, Everett Johnson

Shuffler, Trevor

St. Gemme-Pate, Katherine Jo #

Stordeur, Benjamin Juan Carlos

Van Hook, Zachary R. *

Wald, Irene Frances

Zimmerman, Joshua M.



Bisset, Cooper Wynn ^

Kowalski, Amanda Elizabeth Anne + * =

Valdez, Giovanni Eduardo

College of Liberal Arts

Candidates for Baccalaureate Degrees
Summer 2022

College of Liberal Arts

Dean Benjamin Withers



Augustin, Aiesha Le’Nae

Balistreri, Alexis Rose

Bettoney, Carol R.

Grossen, Hannah Laren *

Henson, Rodney Dean

Thomas, Cordelia Lynn

Wheal, Lucas C. *


Tornello, Erin Delaney

Communication Studies

Ajayi, Rashad Malik *

Alper, Doga Bengisu *

Bentien, Kobey Michael *

Blixt, Alexis C. *

Brown, Caitlin Marie *

Callas, Andonia Bonnie *

Demers-Gosnell, Joseph Alexander *

Hast, Jennifer Mei *

Henery, Giovanna Leah

Hubert, Titamus James *

Loeb, Sophia *

Lopresti, Breanna Michelle *

MacVean, Rachel Elizabeth *

Meang, Chanthana J. *

Meeker, Clayton B. *

Nehme, Salim George *

Oldham, Paul Anthony *

Palone, Rhiannon E. * ^

Schultz, Easton Baylor *

Shao, Rita *

Smith, Jason Francis * ^

Whipple, Amy Elizabeth *

Wiederkehr, Sondra Lee *

Wu, Guanyi *

Zimmerman, Jacob D. *


Reichardt, Gabrielle Maya +


Arellano, Christian Speed *

Barrera, Laura H.

Chapman, Abbie Jean *

Collins, Kobe A. *

Kalagara, Sai H. *

Kennedy, Jessica Kailin *

Krebill, Jarod McDowell *

Lin, Yanyu *

Magobet, Jake Harrison *

Mai, Cam H.

Marez, Nash Thompson *

Mello, Rebecca J. *

Nelson, Blake S. *

Omilian, Jackson Muneio *

Patel, Jayesh H. *

Perryman, Charles Wesley +

Sloan, Alexander Herbert *

Swan, Jace Aiden *

Winkler, Parker Todd *


Barlock, Audrey Jane

Brown III, William Henry *

Feng, Pipi

Garland, Rachel Taylor *

Griner, Maria Shanti +

Jian, Ruiyi

Kellogg, Holli D. +

Liu, Yangfeng

Sagadraca, Jacob Fumio Ka’imiloa

Tan, Yawen

Ethnic Studies

Fuentes, Jennifer *

Guerra Arevalo, Darlenne

Lopez, Marisol *

Steffenhagen, Edith M.


Bacmeister, Lucas Alejandro *

Bourland, Luke Anthony *

Davis, Camille A. *

Hammond, J’Nae D. *

Kelley, Maximilian James *

Luddy, Ethan John +

Pantoja, Bryce P.

Soma, Kiyoshi G.

Tukker, Elke Petronella Elizabeth

Yanke, Jacob D. *

Interdisciplinary Liberal Arts

Agyeman-Konadu, Nana Y. *

Billingsley, Brandon

Blasco Jr., John J.

Butzke, Sabrina

Cochran, Chaney Claire *

Cox, Justin Neil *

Earley, Mika *

Elliott, Joseph Dale *

Fulton, Elizabeth Leslie *

Gleason, Hunter P. *

Gulbrandson, Noah Donald *

Hatch, Krista A. *

Iovine, Michael P.

Knee, Katie Ann *

Kokron, Thomas *

Moncayo, Amanda

Natal, Lucia

Pacheco, Anyssa Denise *

Pham, Micah Van Thach *

Rhoades, Dalton J. *

Spencer, Charlene J. *

Stokman, Cristofer Reis *

Wachsmuth, Cody Philip James

International Studies

Carlson, Emily Marie

Skelton, John A.

Vivens, A’Jon Kamari

Witkin, Elliott MacCormack

Ziska, Taylor Ann * ^

Journalism and Media Communication

Braitberg, Jackson Palmer *

Chavez, Jose Daniel *

Davidson, Madison L. *

Dawson-Charles, Christopher J.

Derrickson, Sam Elliot *

Dorleus, Martin *

Fuentes Vidriales, Xenia Tisbe *

Giles, Michael Renee * ^

Harvey, Mikell Ephesians *

Hybarger, Vivie Jo

Korinek, Kelsie Danielle *

Labaki, Ashley

Lopez, Kimberly Nicole

Negasy, Isaias Yemane *

O’Shea, Molly

Patel, Reena Diptesh

Phillips, Matthias Dillon *

Pritchard, Mary McCormick

Rieber, Case Dane *

Salzman, Grace A.

Schneider, McKenzie Rae

Sell, Jacob Daniel

Steinke, Garrett Luke

Tubbs, Ryan P. * ^

Vermeulen, Naia M. *

Languages, Literatures, and Cultures

Bjorkman, Annika Marie *

Nisbet, Jessica D.

Olson, Alena Elizabeth +


Whincop, Taran Jordan *


Dunn, John Michael

Hudiburg, Devon James

Political Science

Alkhelaifi, Mohammed Abdulrahman *

Arnerich, Mae Noelle *

Cookson, Jenna Paulette *

Freeman, Cody Wyatt *

Freitik, Isabelle E. +

Geurden, Samantha Megan *

Gorno, Caroline Ann

Heuvel, Quentin Beck *

Hunter, Jackson D. + *

Johnson, Yolonda Lynette *

Kniss, Jonathan G.

Mendoza, Leah Rose +

Nelson, Matthew Walker *

O’Donnell, Grace Catherine *

Pritchett, Eliana Rose + #

Rusert-Cuddy, Joseph Matthews *

Santiago Preciado, Ricardo Rey

Suárez, Christian A. *

Thieler, Jared M. *

Thomas, Richard Wesley *

WhiteBull-Delgado, Brindy Dolores *

Winkler, Keenan D.

Yelamanchi, Varen Deep *


Benallo, Sophia Ann

Hankey, Allison Paige

Hebel, Matthew Deon

Kemp, Kristin

Marshall, Elizabeth

Mountz, Scott Gabriel

Murphy, Aidan James

O’Neal, Hailey Nicole *

Ordorica, Ethan Miles

Perez, Alan Edmundo

Riley, Allison Nicole *

Snellgrove, Regan Lee

Taylor, Christopher S.

Wildman, Grace Elizabeth


Brearton, Kiva B. +

Stumpf, Marin N.



Blanco, Vivienne Elyse

Maypole, Tristan Scott

Phan, Thanh An

Rees, Logan Mitchell

Sigg-Brown, Tiana Nicole

Tossing, Daniel Joseph

Toum, Rothavie Meas *



Boe, Meghan Jewell

Dunn, Sierra Carlee

Eckroth, Ashley L.

Ellison, Emmaline C. ^

Figueroa Mendoza, Jazmin M.

Fong, Rachel Lynne Kiyoko

Nagata, Yuka *

Steffen, Sydney Sophia

Tyrcha, Amanda Valerie

* Candidates with minor
+ Candidates with second major
^ Candidates for cum laude
# Candidates for magna cum laude
= Candidates for summa cum laude
‡ Awarded posthumously