College of Liberal Arts Commencement Program
139th Year of
Fall 2022
College of Liberal Arts Commencement
December 17, 2022
Order of Ceremony
Processional – Colorado State Brass Quintet
Welcome – Dr. Benjamin Withers
Presentation of Colors – Wing Walker Honor Guard
National Anthem – Emmanuel Bonilla
Introduction of Platform Party – Dr. Withers
Recognition of Undergraduate Students – Dr. Roze Hentschell
Student Commencement Speaker – Samantha May
Commencement Address – Professor Wes Kenney
Presentation of Class – Dr. Withers
Conferring of Baccalaureate Degrees – Dr. Janice Nerger
Distribution of Diplomas – Department Chairs
Closing Remarks – Dr. Hentschell
Alma Mater – Emmanuel Bonilla
Platform, Faculty, and Student Recessional – Colorado State Brass Quintet
Members of the Platform Party
Dr. Janice Nerger, Interim Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
Professor Gregory Luft, Interim Vice President for Marketing and Communications
Dr. Andrea Duffy, Assistant Vice Provost
Dr. Albert Bimper, Interim Chief of Staff, Associate Dean, and Executive Director of Professional Master’s Programs
CPT Kevin Frey, Army ROTC
Maj Jason Blantin, Air Force, ROTC
Professor Wes Kenney, Director of Orchestras, Colorado State University; Music Director, Fort Collins Symphony; and Music Director, Denver Young Artist Orchestra
Dr. Benjamin Withers, Dean, College of Liberal Arts
Dr. Roze Hentschell, Interim Chief Academic Officer, CSU System, and Senior Associate Dean for Academic Programs
Dr. Ellie Light, Assistant Dean for Student Success
Dr. Ryan Claycomb, Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs
Dr. Mica Glantz, Chair, Departments of Anthropology and Geography
Dr. Ellie Moseman, Chair, Department of Art and Art History
Dr. Greg Dickinson, Chair, Department of Communication Studies
Dr. Elissa Braunstein, Chair, Department of Economics
Dr. Sushmita Chatterjee, Department of Ethnic Studies
Dr. Louann Reid, Chair, Department of English
Dr. Robert Gudmestad, Chair, Department of History
Professor Kevin Foskin, Director, Interdisciplinary Liberal Arts
Dr. Marilee Long, Chair, Department of Journalism and Media Communication
Dr. Jonathan Carlyon, Chair, Department of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures and Interim Director, International Studies
Professor Emily Morgan, Interim Director, School of Music, Theatre and Dance
Dr. Matt Mackenzie, Chair, Department of Philosophy
Dr. Bob Duffy, Chair, Department of Political Science
Dr. Pete Taylor, Chair, Department of Sociology
Dr. Andrew Du, Assistant Professor, Anthropology and Geography
Dr. Greg Dickinson, Chair, Communication Studies
College Faculty Marshals
Dr. Martin Shields, Professor, Economics
Professor Gina Robinson, Instructor, Interdisciplinary Liberal Arts
Dr. Alyssa Miller de Rutte, Assistant Professor, Languages, Literatures and Cultures
Professor Grace Gallagher, Assistant Professor, Music, Theatre and Dance
Dr. Ryan Scott, Assistant Professor, Political Science
Dr. Pat Hastings, Assistant Professor, Sociology
College of Liberal Arts
Candidates for University Honors Scholar
Fall 2022
Catherine Allman, Art major with Integrated Visual Studies concentration and Psychology major with General Psychology concentration. Thesis title: Pickles Moves Schools: Teaching Coping Skills in Early Childhood.
Rachel Baschnagel, Journalism and Media Communications major and Business Administration minor. Thesis title: Fort Collins Feature.
Meghan Boe, Music major with Music Therapy concentration. Thesis title: Songs with Lyrics by Dorothy Fields.
Katrina Clasen, Art major with Graphic Design concentration and Creative Writing minor. Thesis title: An Investigation in Student Produced Fine Arts Publications: Pursuing Action Towards Building Community and Engaging Scholarship.
Liam Conlon, Journalism and Media Communications major and Human Dimensions of Natural Resources major. Thesis title: NISP Documentary.
Christian Dykson, Political Science major with U.S. Government, Law and Policy concentration and Spanish and Environmental and Natural Resource Economics minors. Thesis title: Ranked-Choice Voting: Analytical Review of a Promising Electoral Reform.
Brenna Freer, Economics major and International Development minor. Thesis title: Alienation through Education: The Nature of the Classroom to Cubical Pipeline and the Corresponding Societal Impacts.
Tristan Greene, Journalism and Media Communications major and Sport Management minor. Thesis title: Understanding Mental Health of College Athletes.
Claire Johnson, History major with General History concentration and Languages, Literatures and Cultures major with French concentration. Thesis title: Rising Above the Misogyny: Politically Active Courtesans in Antiquity.
Kristina Richter, Sociology major with General Sociology concentration and History minor. Thesis title: Prisons Pollute.
Taryn Smith, English major with Literature concentration. Thesis title: Adapting Shakespeare for a Modern Classroom: Expanding the High School Canon.
Lauren Trujillo, Music major with Music Therapy concentration. Thesis title: Inclusive Bible Study at Colorado State University: The Need and the Implementation.
College of Liberal Arts
Candidates for Baccalaureate Degrees
Fall 2022
College of Liberal Arts
Dean Benjamin Withers
Abshire, Haley R.
Berland, Hayley Natzke
Blake, Miranda Brittni
Davis, Krysten S.
Dolata, Ashlyn Kay
Doolittle, Berit Hunter
Flot, Olivia Marie
Forgue, Alexander Geoffrey #
Fuerst, Matthew A.J *
Good, Mary V.
Jabalameli, Zahra
McEwen, Eleanor Quinn
Mixon, Rachel Leigh
Syring, Michael Bennitt
Thomas, Cordelia Lynn
Timmons, Bronwyn J.
Toothaker, Brooke Lynn +
Wheal, Lucas C.
Allman, Catherine Marie +
Deegan, Brooke Emily
Evans, Launa La Blanche *
Geer, Lillian Holmes +
Kelley, Madison A. *
Myers, Cheyenne Cierra
Newman, Alice Sara
Perez Fuentes, Sindell Kadafnee
Pradhan, Skyler K.
Winship, Joseph A.
Communication Studies
Allen, Milla *
Amirrezvai, Ariya Reza *
Bealmear, Cahil Ray *
Bennet, Garrison Lee
Boyer, Logan Asbury *
Burke, Katarina C. *
Bush, Kacie Marie *
Callas, Andonia Bonnie *
Carter, Camron Jevon *
Cuthbert, Cameron Whitney *
Egbune, Chigoziem Alex *
Fowler, Marek D. *
Francis, Tywan Malik *
Garcia-Resendiz, Oscar *
Goeken, Tess Elizabeth *
Golden, Troy Maurice *
Grzesiak, Ruby M. *
Hartland, Brett Jameson *
Jackson, Andrew Chesed *
Kalcevic, Asia Katherine *
King, Jeremy Matthew *
Knollenberg, Kenna Anne *
Long, Nathan Allan *
McQuaid, Dylan James *
Necessary, Aaron Jennings *
Overturf, Savanah Faith *
Phillips, Devin T. *
Remington, Sophie Anne *
Ridgeway, Joshua W. *
Rue, Michael Lawrence *
Salazar, Maria Isabel * #
Sexton, Brennan James *
Shay, Alexander L. *
Sheldon, Trevor Adam *
Solis, Yunuen Aimee *
Vincent, Tanner Bryce *
Weintrob, Grace A. *
Al Alawi, Sultan Nasser * ^
Alonso, Kevin *
Ambrose, Marcus Gianni *
Bartlett, Jackson Grant *
Coffman, Victoria Charlene *
Cuntz Jr., John Flynn *
Driscoll, Rachel Hannah * =
Eckholm, Austin Christopher +
Fernando, Yohan Khor *
Flight, Matthew James *
Freer, Brenna Suzanne * ^
Guillen, David Jonathan *
Gutwein, Maxwell A. *
Marcil, Halen Richard *
Meeks, Levi A. *
Miller, Nicholas D. *
Morgan, Clayton H. *
Reid, Dylan *
Rice, Mitchell W. *
Santoro, Nickalus Andrew *
Thomson, Scott Michael *
Trimble, Alina M. *
Wagnon III, David Hodge *
Ward, Isaac Andrew
Wibaux, Max Christoph *
Zakanycz, Christina D. *
Arias, Justin Robert *
Barlock, Audrey Jane
Cartellone, Kayla Johanna
Garland, Rachel Taylor
Griner, Maria Shanti
Jian, Ruiyi *
Kahihikolo, Caitlin Renee-Kalani *
Lehman, Stephen Russell
Lindell, Katherine T. + =
Meenan, Timothy Jon
Michaelson, Gavriella L. *
Repenning, Jack McCoy
Reyes, Adriana I.
Robertson, Trinity Jade
Smith, Taryn Brooke
Stansfield, Chloe Rei
Suto, Jamie LeeAnne * #
Tarbutton, Sheridan L.
Trump, Daniel Reza *
Zhang, Chuer
Zimmer, Jack Charles
Ethnic Studies
Castaneda, Maria
Castellanos-Orozco, Jayline
Davis, Constance Ann Margaret *
Fuentes, Jennifer * ^
Girimbabazi, Ornella *
Guerra Arevalo, Darlenne
Martinez, Liliana *
Roberson, Carlyn Elizabeth *
Steffenhagen, Edith M.
Tewolde, Lula Mesfin *
Anderson, Cole James
Bouwens, Nathaniel Lyle + *
Bullard, Jackson Charles *
Cash, Jessica Michelle
Castle, Nicholas Pérez
Champion, Ian Francis
Chiru, Raul Sebastian *
Dudley, Colten Dennis
Gentrup, Jacob
Gonzales, Mikayla M. *
Harper, Chance Joseph +
Holmes, Megan Nicole
Johnson, Claire Renee + ^
Kauza, Nicholas M. *
Mathews, Ashley Joy
Moran, Evan F. * #
O’Brien, Conall F. *
Pantoja, Bryce P.
Plombon, Maria Michelle
Rachwalski, Kyle *
Ridgway, Christopher
Smith, Madeleine Rose *
Spendlove, Katherine Leigh *
Stevens, Robert K.
Wahl, Kory G. *
Yoder, Dalton Michael
Interdisciplinary Liberal Arts
Brown, Leilani M. *
Buono, Sean M. *
Clark, James A. *
Farkas, Petra *
Hickerson-Rooks, Brandon *
Hilton, Ashley R. *
Hudgens, Grace Lucia * #
Kimball, Janet Ann * #
Kutcher, Cristofer Reis *
Kwasigroch, Joseph C. *
Lyons, Cassandra Oiykoossewa *
Machado, Lindsey Elizabeth *
Mohr, Nicole Mae *
Nelson, Forrest James *
Nguyen, Peter (Clyde) *
O’Brien, Kathleen Elizabeth * ^
Pranger, Faith A. *
Rhoades, Dalton J. *
Rulon, Theresa * ^
Sanders, Allie Elizabeth *
Schnabel, Alexius Anna Maria *
Springer, Audrey Elizabeth *
Thomas, Jenna Lynn *
Trott, Tyler Dawn *
Wade, Bria Mae *
Zondervan, Kevin *
International Studies
Clark, Molly Anne *
Hernandez Flores, Sandiluz *
Martinez, Tyler Dawn
Noble, Eleanor Grace
Risch, Madelin Elizabeth * #
Rosales-Garcia, Victor Manuel +
Ross, Sawyer Brooke *
Sharp, Arron Joseph
Tiberi, Grace A. * =
Vivens, A’Jon Kamari
Ziska, Taylor Ann * ^
Journalism and Media Communication
Armagno, Olivia Rose *
Barker, Lindsay Lawrie
Baschnagel, Rachel Analiese * =
Blair, Heather
Conlon, Liam Joseph +
Cowden, Joshua Scott Cole
Davey, Merit Sanders #
Dawson-Charles, Christopher J.
Derrickson, Sam Elliot
Drummond, Taylor
Elliott, Andrew Douglas
Esquivel, Desidere
Furman, Ruth B.
Gigliotti, Brianna Faith
Gray, Morgan *
Greene, Tristan Kwang-Woon *
Hahn, Lauren
Haskins, Brooke Elizabeth
Heydinger, Teresa O’Shea *
Hunt, Taylor Gerard
Jackson, Jacob Roy *
Kreutz, August *
Lopez, Kimberly Nicole
McLindon, Molly Claire
Osberg, Lydia McGregor *
Ramirez, Riley Thomas
Ricker, Stewart Lane *
Rieber, Case Dane *
Roalson, Claire M. * ^
Seale, Emily DeAnn + #
Sell, Jacob Daniel
Sena, Dylan Christopher
Sherman, Savannah *
Sommer, Samuel Johannes Faraj *
Surowiec, Autumn L. *
Wolff, Lea M. *
Wreschinsky II, Peter S. *
Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
Bahnemann, Lorelei L. =
Bailey, Samuel +
Bautista, Kemberly
Vizcaino, Zuleica +
Chan, Rhea +
Dixon, Kathlyn Alta * ^
Haliw, Ashleigh Nicole
Koop, Maria E.
Anderson, Fiona Sofia
Berry, Lauren E. *
Reed, Autumn Mary + #
Political Science
Bailey, Ryan James *
Bonin, Phillip *
Brown, Josephine G. *
Brown, Libby Ingram *
Capels, Ryan O. *
Dailey, Peyton Leigh + * ^
Dezell, Brianna Nicole *
Ducett, Jennifer M. *
Dykson, Christian Nel * =
Feely, Jackson T. * ^
Ferrara, Jonah Mitchell *
Gavaldon, Jordon Paul *
Gipson, Kendra Jane *
Gorno, Caroline Ann *
Haneke, Sarah Elizabeth + *
Hlavaty, Audrey * ^
Kastner, Lindsay *
Klene, Logan D. +
Koenig, Randy Keeley *
Leppert, Kiera Ann-Marie *
May, Samantha Ann * #
McKelvy, Daniel Karl *
Moylen, Michael Ryan +
Musayri, Yazeed Khalid M. *
Paci, Sofia *
Parker, Grant G. *
Patawaran, Timothy Edward * ^
Prater, Brian Pierce * #
Ramirez, Yesica *
Shaffner, Clarke W. *
Shawesh, Malak Muftah *
Skolnick, Jordan Jacob *
Thompson, Margaret Eleanor * ^
Vance, Adam *
Walseth, Nicholas J. *
WhiteBull-Delgado, Brindy Dolores *
Wolfmeier, Lily Jean *
Adames, Heaven LeeAnn
Bernot, Kendall M.
Birdsall, Jackson Bauer
Brankin, Elizabeth M.
Chrisman, Lauren Savannah #
Contreras-Vargas, Yessica * #
Escorcia Rodriguez, Andrea *
Fabert, Emma Martin
Goldstrom, Jenna Blu
Hamm, Wyatt James
Lanning, Courtney +
McDonald, Ella Davis
Miller, Joseph G. *
Nystrom, Mireya *
O’Neal, Hailey Nicole *
Ordorica, Ethan Miles
Pierson, Madelyn Renae
Ragar, Madison McClintock
Ramsey, Braden Ross
Repka, Hannah Kristine
Richter, Kristina Marita * =
Sanchez, Parker Makana *
Savickas, Connor Aleksander
Schwab, Alexis Paige *
Shields, Jennifer Clare
Skram, Caroline G.
Taylor, Michaele
Tenorio, Dimitrius A.
Vasquez, Andrea *
Brearton, Kiva B. +
Doocy, Natalie Karin *
Orenstein, Daphne +
Perry, Emma Elizabeth
Women’s and Gender Studies
Knick, Katie N. * #
Lerner, Marley Rabon *
Alves, Shonn Garrett +
Baumann, Zoe Alexandra
Bradigan, Kieran G.
Brown, Joshua J. *
Clasen, Katrina A. *
Collett, Sarah E. + #
Ellender, Evan Ross
Fernandez, Isabel Catherine Marie ^
Gonzales, Angelique Jayd
Hamlin, Collin M.
Katz, Nikolas A.
King, Dillon S. *
Lefitz, Lauren A. *
Nance, Sophie Mychaela *
Nelson, Silas Taylor
Port, Duncan +
Ray, James Henry *
Toum, Rothavie Meas *
Wright, Lucille Ann * ^
Yodis, Emily G. *
Grassia, Thomas Joseph *
Boe, Meghan Jewell
Braddy, Mika Joy #
Cline, Isabella Dawn
Schumann, Margo Ann + =
Shryock, Everett Johnson
Shortreed, Hayden Thomas *
College of Liberal Arts
Baccalaureate Degrees Awarded
Summer 2022
College of Liberal Arts
Dean Benjamin Withers
Balistreri, Alexis Rose
Grossen, Hannah Laren *
Kibbons, English Christine
Ward, Rachel R.
Communication Studies
Alper, Doga Bengisu *
Atencio, Isaiah Richard *
Blink, Carter Donald *
Brown, Caitlin Marie *
Demers-Gosnell, Joseph Alexander *
Hast, Jennifer Mei *
Hubert, Titamus James *
Loeb, Sophia *
Long, Dawson Joseph *
Lopresti, Breanna Michelle *
MacVean, Rachel *
Meeker, Clayton B. *
Nehme, Salim George *
Oldham, Paul Anthony *
Palone, Rhiannon E. * ^
Purcell, William Francis *
Reese, Paul I. *
Schultz, Easton Baylor *
Smith, Jason Francis * ^
Whipple, Amy Elizabeth *
Wiederkehr, Sondra Lee *
Wu, Guanyi *
Kling, Madeline Rose =
Anguilm, Austin P. *
Arellano, Christian Speed *
Chapman, Abbie Jean *
Isbell, Cameron Reese *
Kalagara, Sai H. *
Kennedy, Jessica Kailin *
Krebill, Jarod McDowell *
Marez, Nash Thompson *
Mello, RJ *
Omilian, Jackson Muneio
Perryman, Charles Wesley +
Shao, Chunxiao *
Sloan, Alexander Herbert *
Winkler, Parker Todd *
Zhou, Yuanyu *
Brown III, William Henry *
Feng, Weibo
Kellogg, Holli D.
Praznik, Annabelle Fern * ^
Sagadraca, Jacob Fumio Ka’imiloa
Bacmeister, Lucas Alejandro *
Bourland, Luke Anthony *
Haase, Autumn Marie * ^
Hammond, JNae D. *
Kelley, Maximilian James *
Luddy, Ethan John +
Reed, Jennifer B.
Rudnick, Augusta Claire * ^
Soma, Kiyoshi G.
Stephenson, Ivory Rose + *
Tukker, Elke Petronella Elizabeth
Yanke, Jacob D. *
Interdisciplinary Liberal Arts
Baca, Claudio L. *
Burgess, Josette Elizabeth *
Castaneda, Isabel ^
Ciprianni, Bryce D. *
Clark, John Forrest *
Cochran, Chaney Claire *
Earley, Mika *
Elliott, Joseph Dale *
Ficker, Kelsee Jo *
Fulton, Elizabeth Leslie *
Hatch, Krista Anne *
Henderson, Francine Elizabeth
Knee, Katie Ann *
Larson, Eric Nathaniel *
Lewis, Hannah Eliza *
Lytle, Alexander James *
Natal, Lucia
Pacheco, Anyssa Denise *
Spencer, Charlene J. *
Sunkle, Derek Lewis
International Studies
Skelton, John A.
Witkin, Elliott MacCormack
Journalism and Media Communication
Bartmann, Julia Anne *
Chavez, Jose Daniel *
Cohn, Austria Jade *
Garcia, Priscila
Giles, Michael Renee ^
Harvey, Mikell Ephesians *
Hybarger, Vivie Jo
Korinek, Kelsie Danielle *
Negasy, Isaias Yemane *
Patel, Reena Diptesh
Phillips, Matthias Dillon *
Pritchard, Mary McCormick
Raymer, Kendall Joyce *
Salzman, Grace A.
Schatz, Grace Cecelia *
Schneider, McKenzie Rae
Sublette, Kristen Nicole *
Vermeulen, Naia M.
Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
Bjorkman, Annika Marie *
Sanchez Ortiz, Gabriela
Political Science
Alkhelaifi, Mohammed Abdulrahman *
Arnerich, Mae Noelle *
Freeman, Cody Wyatt *
Gebretsadik, Merry Abreha +
Henderson, Francine Elizabeth
Heuvel, Quentin Beck *
Hunter, Jackson D. +
Mendoza, Leah Rose
Myli, Lauren Lynn
Nelson, Matthew Walker *
Pritchett, Eliana Rose + #
Rusert-Cuddy, Joseph Matthews *
Santiago Preciado, Ricardo Rey *
Thieler, Jared M. *
Thomas, Richard Wesley *
Yelamanchi, Varun *
Benallo, Sophia Ann
Carney, Alexa Grace *
Denzel, Madison Elizabeth
Hall, Peyton Lynne
Hankey, Allison Paige
Marshall, Elizabeth
Mountz, Scott Gabriel
Murphy, Aidan James
Riley, Allison Nicole * ^
Rolseth, Erin Christine
Snellgrove, Regan Lee
Taylor, Skyla N.
Wildman, Grace Elizabeth
Fagan, James William
Kellogg, Holli D.
Stumpf, Marin N.
Kuhr, Aleah + ^
Rees, Logan Mitchell
Sigg-Brown, Tiana Nicole
Eckroth, Ashley L.
Figueroa Mendoza, Jazmin M.
Fong, Rachel Lynne Kiyoko
Nagata, Yuka *
Steffen, Sydney Sophia
* Candidates with minor
+ Candidates with second major
^ Candidates for cum laude
# Candidates for magna cum laude
= Candidates for summa cum laude
‡ Awarded posthumously