College of Business Commencement Program
139th Year of
Fall 2022
College of Business Commencement
December 16, 2022
Order of Ceremony
Processional 1 – The Colorado Brass Ensemble
Presentation of Colors – Wing Walker Honor Guard
National Anthem 2 – Emmanuel Bonilla
Welcome and Introductions – Dr. Ken Manning
Announcement of Newly Commissioned Officers – Maj Blake Friend
Recognition of University Honors Program Graduates and Graduates with Distinction – Dr. Paul Mallette
Recognition of Graduate Programs LEAD Award Recipient – Dr. Troy Mumford
Dean’s Remarks – Dean Beth Walker
Student Speaker – Anuja Sande
Presidential Remarks – Interim President Rick Miranda
Charge to the Class – Lisa Hackard
Conferring Undergraduate and Graduate Degrees – Dean Walker and Interim President Miranda
Presentation of Diplomas – Department Heads and Dr. Mumford
Alumni Association Remarks – Ms. Grace Wright
Alma Mater 2 – Emmanuel Bonilla
Recessional – The Colorado Brass Ensemble
On the Platform
Dr. Ken Manning, Associate Dean for Research and Faculty
Mx. Patrice Palmer, Assistant Dean for Social and Cultural Inclusion
Dr. Lisa Kutcher, Chair, Department of Accounting
Dr. Leo Vijayasarathy, Chair, Department of Computer Information Systems
Dr. Hilla Skiba, Chair, Department of Finance and Real Estate
Dr. Laura Jensen, Vice Provost for Planning and Effectiveness
Dr. Blake Naughton, Vice President for Engagement and Extension
Dr. Susan Golicic, Chair, Department of Management
Dr. Dave Gilliland, Chair, Department of Marketing
Mr. Rick Miranda, Interim President, Colorado State University
Mrs. Lisa Hackard, KPMG, Audit Partner
Dr. Beth Walker, Dean
Dr. Paul Mallette, Associate Dean for Undergraduate Programs
Anuja Sande, Masters in CIS, Student Speaker
Dr. Troy Mumford, Associate Professor, Management
Ms. Grace Wright, Alumnus, Instructor, Impact MBA and Sustainability Initiatives Specialist
Maj Blake Friend, Air Force ROTC, Assistant Professor of Aerospace Studies
Ms. Keelin McGill, Administrative Assistant, Impact MBA
Ms. Amy Kozlarek, Career Management Center Counselor and Instructor
Dr. Ken Manning, Grand Marshal
Dr. James Stekelberg, Accounting
Dr. Nick Roberts, Computer Information Systems
Dr. Rob Schwebach, Finance
Mr. Chris Stein, Financial Planning
Dr. Samantha Conroy, Human Resource Management
Dr. Rob Mitchell, Management and Innovation
Ms. L.A. Mitchell, Marketing
Dr. Pete Thrasher, Real Estate
Dr. John Macdonald, Supply Chain Management
Dr. Derek Johnston, Master of Accountancy
Dr. John Hoxmeier, Master of Computer Information Systems
Dr. Asad Aziz, Impact MBA
Ms. Catie Rohloff, MBA
Ms. Tonja Rosales and Mr. Shawn Utecht, Faculty and Staff
Lisa Hackard, Commencement Speaker
KPMG – Audit Partner
Lisa Hackard is an audit partner based in Denver and serving as part of KPMG’s Department of Professional Practice and Risk Management. She is the lead partner for KPMG’s U.S. system of quality control annual assessment, which provides the foundation for audit and attestation quality. Lisa also serves as the U.S representative on the global working group developing methodology, technology and guidance for the implementation of forthcoming quality control standards and also leads teams in supporting KPMG firms in South America. Lisa represents KPMG in a variety of external forums, including the Center for Audit Quality and the Colorado Society of CPAs. Lisa is also an SEC Reviewing Partner, the highest technical designation at KPMG, responsible for the quality review of audits of SEC Registrants and their related SEC filings. Lisa is the national chair for KPMG’s Abilities in Motion network, serves as part of the firm’s Accelerate 2025 task force, focused on DE&I and leads the U.S. Firm’s Resiliency pillar as part of the Culture network. Lisa promotes awareness of disabilities and mental health matters through local and national events, internal and external publications and workshops on topics including stress management, self-care, resiliency and happiness.
1 Audience remain seated
2 Audience please stand
College of Business
Candidates for University Honors Scholar
Fall 2022
Emma Brendle, Business Administration major with Finance and International Business and Organization and Innovation Management concentrations. Thesis title: Empowering Women through MicroFinance.
Sydney Ritschard, Business Administration major with Accounting and Supply Chain Management concentrations. Thesis title: Distribution of the COVID-19 Vaccine: Moderna vs. Pfizer.
Jessica Snyder, Business Administration major with Organization and Innovation Management, Finance and Accounting concentrations and Entrepreneurship and Innovation minor. Thesis title: Batter Up Bakery and Coffee Shop Business Plan.
College of Business
Candidates for Baccalaureate Degrees
Fall 2022
College of Business
Dean Beth Walker
Business Administration
Aguilar, Daniel
Aidun, Arvand A. *
Al-Khatib, Ahmad Jamal Ahmad
Altimore, Allison *
Ammerman, Cadie Nicole
Andersen, McKenna Rebekah
Andrews, Clark G.
Armas Veleta, Lizmirelly A.
Azusenis, Alexander Julian
Baerenstecher, Garrett Thomas
Barrett, Rosie R.
Baugh, Aron H.
Bechtel, Samantha Lynn
Bejar, Nikolas A.
Bernier, Jason M.
Bieganek, Luke Jonathan
Blackman, Hollyann Elizabeth
Borger, Joshua J.
Brazeau, Dominic A.
Brendle, Emma Lee =
Brzeczek, Chase Martin
Budd, Riley Elizabeth
Burke, Bailey Diane
Burner, Cody Ray
Calhoon, Duncan Conery
Cameron, Bridger Alexander
Carlin, Alanna Susann
Cawdrey, Timothy Dieckmann
Cerrone, Kaylee Christine
Cervantes, Claudia
Chaudhary, Minahil Qamar
Clarke, Cory J.
Clifford, Carlee Rachael ^
Coin, Dana June
Colley, Samuel Matheson *
Compean-Avitia, Jesus David
Coogan, Aidan Eric
Crabtree, Donovan William Morse
Cyr, Jenny Nicole
Danaj, Cindy Ina *
Davis, Kara Isabella Ngoc
Delatorre, Jorge Miguel
Destasio, Andrew Charles
Dielmann, Andrew B.
Dines, Lucas Fisher
Dowlin, Marissa Denae
Dreyer, Cameron Michael
Duong, Linh Thuy
Elges, Cole Josef *
Elliott, Lauren Shelece
Ellwood, Kimberly Morgan
Farad, Khalil Jelani
Farmer, Eli Michael
Farris, Matthew Payton
Feilmeier, Amanda Elyse +
Figenskau, Thor Halverson
Forbes, Madeleine Elizabeth
Frank, Laeona Elaine Marie
Gallipo, Cameron Jason
Gonzales, Isabell Marie
Gonzales, Jovan A.
Gottwals, Brandon
Govan, Riley
Howard, John R.
Haas, Zane Logan
Harris, Jessica Lynne
Hawn, Sayer Michael
Heath, John Gordon
Herrera, Jacob T.
Higgins, Abigail Lynne =
Holub, Colton Scott
Hyatt, Nicholas Ryan
Hyland, Brandon T.
Hylton, Lake W.
Ignelzi, Collin V.
Ittershagen, Jamie Nicole =
Jamnik, Justin R.
Jiang, ZhiYuan
Johnson, Christian Myles
Jones, Ashley Ann
Jones, Sierra Milli
Kaplan, Brett Ryan
Kappel, Kellen R. =
Kefer, Daniel Christopher
Kelly, Logan Michael
Kiley, Jadyn R.
Kivari, Christian J.
Klein, Jadyn J.
Kramer, Megan Sue
Kruse, Brandon Chase #
Kuettel, Jack B.
Langas, Aron David
Laue, Trevor D.
LeBlanc, Matthew Alan
Ledezma Vega, Carlos J.
Lenderink, Macy Anne * ^
Lethen, Abigail Grace
Levy, Miranda A.
Lindahl, John E. *
Lisowy, John A.
Loughrey, Kali
Lowe, Nathan Edward
Luc, Nghi M.
Lucas, Caroline Dru
Lyndon, Thomas C.
Malley, Sean Patrick =
McCabe, Connor Daniel
Mena Perlera, Cristian Alexander
Mendoza Hinojos, Ivan Adolfo +
Mesa Patino, Valentina
Miller, Harrison
Minter, Carter B.
Montoya, Damian Joseph
Moore, Kailani Parrish ^
Mulder, Keegan Michael
Naff, Margot G. *
Nassif, Sarah Leanne
Nelson, Morgan Elizabeth
Nguyen, Jennifer * ^
Nichols, Grady Lewis *
Nicholson, Carly Jaimes
Nielson, Cassie Renee * ^
Nuila, Jaylen Arianna
Nyapola, Tevin Ogollah
Ochoa Hernandez, Alfredo De Jesus * ^
O’Neil, Annika E. *
Pando, Eliseo
Patterson, Scott William *
Pedersen, Frank Brayden
Pérez Rocha, Sabrina
Pfeiffer, Sonya Kathryn ^
Price, Heather Robyn
Raffa, Taylor
Ramirez, Marlon Marcel
Remley, Trevor Kyle
Reynolds, Andrew J. *
Ricciuti, Matt V.
Rinella, Matthew James
Ritschard, Sydney
Robison, Hannah Lynne
Rowland, Benjamin Bastiaan
Saucedo-Zavala, Armando
Savidge, Ray Christopher
Scadden, Sydnee R.
Scarlett, Brittney A. *
Schindler, John N. *
Schmidt, Mac Todd
Schmitt, Chris B.
Shen, Yi
Sherwin, Savannah
Shockley, Conor L.
Shulman, Sam Elijah * ^
Soucek, Jesse Dalton
Southard, Sophia Evangelina
Stack, James Charles
Stark, Adam J.
Steese, Trenton W.
Stevenson, Maria Nicole *
Stiel, Jonah
Stovall, Melquan Da’Jon
Surmeier, Josie Mae
Surratt, Spencer
Tangeman, Daniel J.
Taylor, Becca Ann ^
Terry, Jonathan Vernon
Tesfa, Abel Kahsu *
Theel, Alexander Drew
Thomas, Cole Nathaniel
Thornton, Brendyn M.
Thouvenot, Zachary Charles
Tobias, Orion Anthony
Torgerson, Kelley Marie
Utz, Sophie Elizabeth *
Vlier, Robert Michael +
Wang, Yifei
Weaver, Avery Ann
Weber, Sophie Marie
Weis, Joshua Robert
Westenbrink, Tobias Mente
Wood, Miranda Grace *
Wyrick, Levi Forrest =
Yang, Haoran
Yee, Jacob S.
Zamora, Catalina Marie
Zavala Ratti, Geronimo
Zietlow, Isabelle A. *
College of Business
Baccalaureate Degrees Awarded
Summer 2022
College of Business
Dean Beth Walker
Business Administration
Wu, Yuhe +
Business Administration
Bernsten, August James *
Dempsey, Kilie Shae
Glynn, Courtney Paige-LaDeau
Hoffman, Andrew Jacob John
Kahn, Haley Ann
Klomparens, Connor Allyn
Lawton, Luke Jonas
Mancini, Nicholas Welsh
Mather, Liam Raymond
Mismas, Jake
Montanes, Matthew Blake
Morales Dubón, Andrea María
Munson, Christopher B.
Norman, Tanner Scott
Peña Conde, Brenda Nallely *
Prieto Lopez, Christian
Rakhmatov, Abdulaziz
Rivera-Valencia, Grant Elway
Robles, Marco Antonio
Sinclair, Samantha J.
Tasch, William
Theodorakos, Grace Catherine
Thomas, Christian Tyler
Tostanoski, Bohdan
Traughber, Ryan Michael Matthys #
Trevenna, Evan Michael
Villalovos-Estrada, Matxalen Yannedith *
Weiman, Tyler A.
Willer, Hannah Oliviah
Woodworth, Dillon Taylor * #
* Candidates with minor
+ Candidates with second major
^ Candidates for cum laude
# Candidates for magna cum laude
= Candidates for summa cum laude
‡ Awarded posthumously