140th Year of
Spring 2024

College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences Commencement

Department of Biomedical Sciences

Department of Environmental and Radiological Health Sciences

Department of Microbiology, Immunology, and Pathology

May 10, 2024

Order of Ceremony

Processional 2 – Colorado State Brass Quintet

Posting of the Colors – Army ROTC Color Guard

National Anthem 1 – Hayley Price and Colorado State Brass Quintet

Welcome and Introductions – Dean Sue VandeWoude

Student Remarks – Veronica Neujahr and Alex Silverhart

Recognition of Outstanding Achievements of Graduates – Dr. Sandra Quackenbush

Presentation of Class – Dr. Quackenbush

Conferring of Degrees – Dr. Marion Underwood

Diploma Distribution and Recognition 2 – Department Heads

Welcome to the Alumni Association – Dr. Phillip Quirk

Closing Remarks and AnnouncementsDr. Colin Clay

Alma Mater and Recessional 2 – Hayley Price and Colorado State Brass Quintet

1 Audience will stand

2 Audience may remain seated

College Marshal(s): Mr. Chase Weldon

Diploma Distribution: Dr. Phillip Quirk, Director, Assistant Professor, Undergraduate Neuroscience Program; Dr. Jennifer McLean, Associate Head, Associate Professor, Microbiology, Immunology, and Pathology; Dr. Christianne Magee, Associate Professor, Associate Department Head, Biomedical Sciences

On the Platform

Dr. Marion Underwood, Provost, Colorado State University

Dr. Kauline Cipriani, Vice President for Inclusive Excellence

MAJ Adam Graetz, Army ROTC, Military Sciences

Dr. Shawn Bingham, Director, University Honors Program

Dr. Sue VandeWoude, Dean, College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences

Dr. Colin Clay, Executive Associate Dean, Professor, College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences

Dr. Sandra Quackenbush, Professor, Associate Dean for Academic and Student Affairs

Dr. Naomi Nishi, Assistant Dean for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Dr. Naomi Ward, Professor, Department Head, Microbiology, Immunology, and Pathology

Dr. Bret Smith, Professor, Department Head, Biomedical Sciences

Dr. Alexander Brandl, Professor, Interim Department Head, Environmental and Radiological Health Sciences

Dr. Noreen Reist, Professor, Director, Molecular, Cellular and Integrative Neurosciences Program

Dr. Christianne Magee, Associate Professor, Associate Department Head, Biomedical Sciences

Dr. Phillip Quirk, Director, Assistant Professor, Undergraduate Neuroscience Program

Dr. Jennifer McLean, Associate Head, Associate Professor, Microbiology, Immunology, and Pathology


Dr. Sheryl Magzamen, Associate Professor, Environmental and Radiological Health Sciences

Dr. Christianne Magee, Associate Professor, Biomedical Sciences

Dr. Traci Kinkel, Instructor, Microbiology, Immunology and Pathology

Kenny Ivie, Instructor, Biomedical Sciences

College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences

Candidates for University Honors Scholar
Spring 2024

Isla Anderson, Biomedical Sciences major and Spanish minor with Microbiology and Infectious Diseases concentration. Thesis title: Peripheral Mycobacterium tuberculosis Infection Results in Neuroinflammation and Accumulation of Misfolded Proteins in Non-Human Primates.

Zoe Atkinson, Neuroscience major and General Sociology minor with Behavioral and Cognitive Neuroscience concentration. Thesis title: Assessing Glial Reactivity and Extraneural Peripheralization of Distinct Prion Strains.

Sierra Belezos, Biomedical Sciences major with Microbiology and Infectious Diseases concentration. Thesis title: Burnout in Healthcare Workers: A Systemic or Personal Issue?

Evelina Bouckova, Neuroscience major and Biomedical Sciences minor with Behavioral and Cognitive Neuroscience concentration. Thesis title: Ketamine’s Rapid Antidepressant Effects are Mediated by Ca2+-Permeable AMPA Receptors.

Hailey Brown, Biomedical Sciences major with Anatomy and Physiology concentration. Thesis title: Validation of a Novel Preclinical Murine Model of Chronic Ankle Overuse Injuries via Mechanical Induction.

Kathryn Coffin, Biomedical Sciences major and Entomology minor with Microbiology and Infectious Diseases concentration. Thesis title: The Use of Ivermectin-Treated Bird Seed for Mosquito Population Control.

Cierra Dobney, Biomedical Sciences major and Spanish minor with Anatomy and Physiology concentration. Thesis title: The Exploration of Alzheimer’s Disease Through the Development of Pre-Clinical Animal Models.

Meagan Eickelbeck, Biomedical Sciences major with Anatomy and Physiology concentration. Thesis title: Review of the Current Gaps Veterinary Students Face Concerning the Underdeveloped Virtual Equine Anatomy Programs.

Kayla Fairweather, Biomedical Sciences major and Biomedical Engineering minor with Anatomy and Physiology concentration and Spanish minor. Thesis title: Delivery of Lipoteichoic Acid to Promote an Anti-Tumor Macrophage Response in the Treatment of Osteosarcoma.

Camille Fancy, Biomedical Sciences major and Food Science/Safety minor with Environmental Public Health concentration. Thesis title: Feral and Stray Cats: A Population Crisis Study.

Tatum Flatt, Biomedical Sciences major and Food Science/Safety minor with Environmental Public Health concentration. Thesis title: Neuropathological Changes in the Aged Canine with Canine Cognitive Dysfunction.

Sarah Hallberg, Biomedical Sciences major with Anatomy and Physiology concentration. Thesis title: Breaking the Cycle: Understanding and Addressing Period Poverty in our Community.

Eleigha Hamari, Biomedical Sciences major with Anatomy and Physiology concentration. Thesis title: The Intersectionality of Communication and Health for Intimate Young Adult Relationships.

Brayden Harris, Biomedical Sciences major and Food Science/Safety minor with Environmental Public Health concentration. Thesis title: Human Impact on the Environmental and Ecological Health of National Parks.

Nizhoni Hatch, Biomedical Sciences major and Indigenous Studies minor and Chemistry minor. Thesis title: Identifying Plasma Biomarkers for ALS Utilizing Human and SOD1G93A Mouse Model.

Grace Hatheway, Biomedical Sciences major with Anatomy and Physiology concentration. Thesis title: Systems of the Human Body Pyrography.

Rebecca Isaac, Biomedical Sciences major with Anatomy and Physiology concentration. Thesis title: Assessing the Benefits and Challenges of Transitioning to a Raw Ferret Diet.

Kyla Jacobs, Neuroscience major and Spanish minor with Cell and Molecular Neuroscience concentration. Thesis title: Intracranial Ventricular Injection of Neuropeptide Y Suppresses Luteinizing Hormone Pulses in Female Mice.

Isabelle Johnson, Biomedical Sciences major with Microbiology and Infectious Disease concentration and Anatomy and Physiology concentration. Thesis title: Fueling the Future Microbiologists.

Sydney Johnson, Neuroscience major and Chemistry minor with Cell and Molecular Neuroscience concentration. Thesis title: Bacterial Metabolites and Their Effects on Autistic Individuals.

Tyler Johnson, Biomedical Sciences major with Anatomy and Physiology concentration. Thesis title: Investigation into the Perceived Effects of Sodium, Potassium, and Added Sugar Intake on Hypertension Pathogenesis as Complared to Current Literature and Commonly Consumed Foods.

Jo Kindsfater, Biomedical Sciences major and Spanish minor with Anatomy and Physiology concentration. Thesis title: High Temperature Vapor Silylation and Reduced HACTA Particle Diameter as a Means of Generating Greater Percent Yield of the Polar Biomaterial Silyl Hyaluronan Cetyltrimethylammonium (SHACTA).

Julianne Kindsfater, Biomedical Sciences major and French minor with Anatomy and Physiology concentration. Thesis title: Synthesis and Characterization of Pure Hyaluronic Acid Films for Biological Compatibility Assessment.

Joshua Langhorne, Neuroscience major with Behavioral and Cognitive Neuroscience concentration. Thesis title: Auditory Entrainment as a Therapeutic Mechanism for Treating Behavioral Dysfunction and Loss of Motor Control.

Ashlynn Madril, Neuroscience major with Behavioral and Cognitive Neuroscience concentration. Thesis title: A Shellfish Journey: Characterizing an Inhibitory Receptor in the Crustacean Molt Cycle.

Zachary Marcolina, Biomedical Sciences major and Chemistry minor with Anatomy and Physiology concentration and Biomedical Engineering minor. Thesis title: Accessibility in STEM.

Maya Matsubara, Biomedical Sciences major with Anatomy and Physiology concentration. Thesis title: Implementing Interventions in Female NCAA D1 Student-Athletes with Burnout.

Rachel McMillan, Biomedical Sciences major and American Sign Language minor with Microbiology and Infectious Disease concentration. Thesis title: An Analysis of the Quality of Deaf/HoH Patient Experiences.

Jordan Navarro, Biomedical Sciences major and Chemistry minor with Anatomy and Physiology concentration and Zoology major. Thesis title: Constructing a Supplemental Activity for MIP 342.

Veronica Neujahr, Biomedical Sciences major and Food Science/Safety minor with Environmental Public Health concentration. Thesis title: Dr.

Skylar Nollenberger, Biomedical Sciences major with Anatomy and Physiology concentration. Thesis title: International Infant Mortality: An Examination of Influences on Death Rates.

Santiago Pinedo, Biomedical Sciences major with Anatomy and Physiology concentration and Languages, Literaturess and Cultures major with Spanish concentration. Thesis title: An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Caminos Program in Encouraging Students Towards Postsecondary Education Through a Focus on Cultural Wealth and Ideas to Improve Effectiveness.

Kayleigh Rees, Biomedical Sciences major with Environmental Public Health concentration. Thesis title: An Evaluation of Disinfection Methods at a Local Daycare.

Julia Siegel, Neuroscience major and Biomedical Sciences minor with Cell and Molecular Neuroscience concentration and Chemistry minor. Thesis title: Disruptions in Tight Junctions at the Blood Brain Barrier Correlated to Neurological Disorders.

Alex Silverhart, Biomedical Sciences major and Spanish minor with Anatomy and Physiology concentration. Thesis title: Queer Sex Education for the Greater Fort Collins Area.

Matthias Simmons, Neuroscience major and German minor with Behavioral and Cognitive Neuroscience concentration. Thesis title: Evaluating Interventions Used in Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrests and Their Contribution with Neurologically Intact Survival: A Comprehensive Review of Literature.

Abi Somers, Biomedical Sciences major with Anatomy and Physiology concentration and Languages, Literaturess and Cultures major with French concentration. Thesis title: Improving the Language Barrier Between French Speakers and American Physicians.

Olivia Van de Kerkhove, Biomedical Sciences major and Legal Studies minor with Anatomy and Physiology concentration. Thesis title: Posthumous Human Rights.

Sophie Wasem, Neuroscience major with Behavioral and Cognitive Neuroscience concentration. Thesis title: Executive Function Following Acquired Brain Injury.

Kristin Weninger, Biomedical Sciences major and Music minor with Environmental Public Health concentration and Microbiology and Infectious Disease concentration. Thesis title: Neurotoxicity Induced by Urinary Tract Escherichia coli Infection Results in Neuroinflammation in a Guinea Pig Model.

Mackenzie Widmer, Biomedical Sciences major and Spanish minor with Anatomy and Physiology concentration and Chemistry minor. Thesis title: Surfactant Replacement Therapy in Neonates.

Eja Willis, Neuroscience major and Anthropology minor and Behavioral and Cognitive Neuroscience concentration. Thesis title: The Use of Probiotics as Treatment for Alzheimer’s Disease: A Review.

Kathryn Worrell, Biomedical Sciences major with Microbiology and Infectious Diseases concentration. Thesis title: Spontaneous Prion Diseases and Prion Therapeutics.

College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences

Candidates for Baccalaureate Degrees
Spring 2024


Dean Sue VandeWoude


Biomedical Sciences

Ainscough, Eden Elisabeth +

Anderson, Alexus Kaelyn

Anderson, Isla Kreutzer *

Andert, Madison C.

Baird, Samuel V. ^

Balsamo, Marion *

Belezos, Sierra

Bobbett, Samantha T.

Boulgarides, Daniel

Bradford, Emily A. *

Brady, Erin

Brock, Olivia Danielle

Brown, Hailey Kae

Chase, Eli Steven

Chaston, Emily Christine +

Coffin, Kathryn Lynn *

Cook, Caelinn Raichael

Cremeans, Carter V.

Danner, Ashley R. =

Delaney, Marley Elizabeth

Dirham, Mason Thomas

Dobney, Cierra Jean *

Dorsey, Samuel Jeremy

Dosenbach, Brendan Dylan

Eickelbeck, Meagan J.

Fairweather, Kayla Hope * =

Fancy, Camille Elise *

Flatt, Tatum Caroline * ^

Franquemont, Christopher Kohl *

Freeman, Fionna Lee * ^

Gance, Jacob A. *

Gehlert, Grace E.

George, Sean K. * =

Glycenfer, Jessica

Hager, Megan Rilee * =

Hallberg, Sarah Emily

Hammond, Katherine Marie * ^

Hamroun, Nora Camelia

Harrill, Nathaniel Cole

Hartanto, Vanessa

Hatch, Nizhoni Aspen *

Hatheway, Grace Lynn

Hennigan, Daria Paige + ^

Hill, Mia

Holifield, Griffin James +

Hopkins, Caleb

Hurtado, Evan R. *

Ioannides, Nicholas Constantine *

Isaac, Rebecca Rae

Johnson, Anna Elizabeth *

Johnson, Isabelle L.

Johnson, Zoe Elizabeth *

Jones, Gannon Lee *

Jost, Heather Charlene *

Juarez, Katrina Gabrielle

Juarez Garcia, Karla I.

Jung, Minji

Kiel, Katherine Valera *

Kindsfater, Joanna G. *

Kindsfater, Julianne M. * =

Koenen, Catie Ann *

Kohlhepp, Maya *

Korte, Colin R.

Lamson, Ryan Weston

Leyendecker, Hunter K.

Lincoln, Lianna Aliza *

Lowe, Logan J. *

Lynch, Kylie M. *

Malone, Dylan Alan *

Marcolina, Zachary Frank *

Matsubara, Maya ^

McGrail, Dayton Rand

McMillan, Rachel E. *

Miles, Elka Stram #

Minaga, Madison Leigh *

Musso, Madison

Navarro, Jordan Elizabeth + *

Neujahr, Veronica Rae * =

Ninke, Elizabeth Ann

Nollenberger, Skylar Elizabeth

Ochoa, Marissa Lynne

O’Neill, Quinn =

Overturf, Roman Len Berg

Peralta, Janese

Perez, Olivia Rose

Pinedo, Santiago Jose + ^

Pinto, Samantha M.

Pitamber, Dillon Rupesh

Rees, Kayleigh Rose #

Richardson, Wyatt

Ridenbaugh, Logan A. *

Roberts, Katie Lynn *

Rodriguez-Marshall, Cheryl Allyson + *

Ruscher, Christopher John *

Ryan, Carole Renée

Sager, Haley Elizabeth *

Sanford, Ella Marie * #

Sawicki, Zachary *

Shenkenberg, Brooke Elyse

Sherwood, Carson Leigh

Siebert, Carissa Louise

Silva, Haylee N.

Silverhart, Alex M. * #

Somers, Abigail Anne +

Soto Antunez, Jesus Epifanio

Stokes, Jordan Elizabeth *

VandeBurgt, Madison K.

Van de Kerkhove, Olivia M. *

Veazey, Rayne

Vetter, David Thomas

Villanueva, Aliyah Kaitlyn ^

Wallen, James Richard +

Waller, Abigail Elizabeth *

Waltemath, Peyton Riley *

Webster, Rebecca Brooke *

Weninger, Kristin *

Wham, Jesse Thea Shaffer *

Widmer, Mackenzie Rose *

Wilson, Althea Maude *

Woods, B

Worgan, Cassidy R.

Worrell, Kathryn R.

Wright, Athena Dionysia

Wustrau, Madison Helen

Yusuf, Taslima

Zarecki, Brooke Elizabeth *

Environmental Health

Nowak, Kathryn M.

Zhang, Zhijiao


Aryal, Suhani

Atkinson, Zoe Nikate *

Badger, Cameron Constance *

Bollegar, Andrew R.

Bouckova, Evelina *

Butler, Abril Ashely

Carricaburu, Etta

Gibb, Joseph Andrew *

Gonzalez, Luis A. *

Herbst, Corinne Taylor

Hopkins, Mia Christine *

Hougen, Erik Louis

Hunt, Dakota Daleraye

Jacobs, Kyla Dale * ^

Johnson, Sydney Kendall *

Kapples, Mackenzie Joelle

Karr, Charles Huntington

Langhorne, Josh E.

Lonergan, Jacob H. *

Lubow, Lily *

Madril, Ashlynn M. ^

Mansour, Sarina Suzanne Nabil

Medina, Madelaine Sahar *

Mulder, Emily Claire *

Mun-Williams, Sok Ku

Nielsen, Jack P. *

Norris, Alex Michele

Siegel, Julia Lihuan * ^

Simmons, Matthias Rose *

Solt, Daisey Rae

Valdez, Liliana Michele

Vizcarra, Sergio I.

Vrooman, Claire Marie

Walter, Alisa H.

Warburton, Erin Alayna

Wasem, Sophie Elizabeth

Weisman, Grace Marie *

Wiles, McKennon J.

College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences

Candidates for Baccalaureate Degrees
Summer 2024


Dean Sue VandeWoude


Biomedical Sciences

Berg, Isabella Mackenzie

Breeden, Cassandra Raquel *

Brettl, Breana Denee

Decker, Ashleigh Nicole

Eldridge, Bianca Johanna *

Graham, Patrick

Hale, Cassidy

Hamari, Eleigha R.

Harris, Brayden Wayne * ^

Hennen, Andrew James *

Johnson, Tyler Michael

Jones, Ezra Martin

Martinez, Annabella Aron *

Pacitto, Nicolas Constantine

Perkins, Gray Ellis *

van de Lindt, Julia Milou


Bridge, Kristian S.

Kitzman, Annika Giselle *

Layne, Hartlee Judith Sandra

Norris, Alex Michele

Simpson, Kira C. *

Willis, Eja Imani *

* Candidates with minor
+ Candidates with second major
^ Candidates for cum laude
# Candidates for magna cum laude
= Candidates for summa cum laude
‡ Awarded posthumously