140th Year of
Spring 2024

College of Agricultural Sciences Commencement

May 10, 2024

Order of Ceremony

Processional – Colorado State Brass Quintet

Welcome and Presentation of Colors – Dean James Pritchett and Army ROTC Color Guard

God Bless America and the National Anthem – Nathan Messina-Anderson

Land Acknowledgement – Dean Pritchett

Introduction of Platform Party, Faculty and Staff, and Commencement Speaker – Dean Pritchett

Commencement Address – Dave Daley

Recognition of Latin Distinction and First Generation Graduates, Military Service – Quatez Scott

Recognition of University Honor’s Program Graduates – Shawn Bingham

President Remarks and Presentation of Class – President Amy Parsons and Dean Pritchett

Conferring of Baccalaureate Degrees – President Parsons

Diploma Distribution – Addy Elliott, Dean Pritchett, and Department Heads

Student Remarks  – Jess Diehl and Brit Meis

Alumni and Closing Remarks – Matt Camper

Alma Mater – Nathan Messina-Anderson

Recessional – Colorado State Brass Quintet


Dr. James Pritchett, Vice President for Engagement and Extension, Colorado State University and Dean, College of Agricultural Sciences


Dr. Cynthia Brown, Department Marshal, Agricultural Biology

Dr. Jordan Suter, Department Marshal, Agricultural and Resource Economics

Dr. Sarah Matlock, Department Marshal, Animal Sciences

Dr. Ioannis Minas, Department Marshal, Horticulture and Landscape Architecture

Dr. Francesca Cotrufo, Department Marshal, Soil and Crop Sciences

On the Platform

Dr. Stephen Coleman, Professor and College Marshal, Animal Sciences

Dr. James Pritchett, Vice President for Engagement and Extension, Colorado State University and Dean, College of Agricultural Sciences

Dr. Dave Daley, Commencement Speaker

Amy Parsons, J.D., President, Colorado State University

Dr. Blanche Hughes, Vice President for Student Affairs, Colorado State University

Dr. Shawn Bingham, Director, University Honor’s Program, Colorado State University

Dr. Amy Charkowski, Associate Dean for Research and Executive Associate Dean, College of Agricultural Sciences

Dr. Eugene Kelly, Associate Dean for Extension and Director of the Agricultural Experiment Station, College of Agricultural Sciences

Dr. Quatez Scott, Assistant Dean for Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity in Agriculture, College of Agricultural Sciences

Matt Camper, Assistant Dean of Teaching Practice and Academic Programs, College of Agricultural Sciences

Addy Elliott, Assistant Dean of Advising and Student Success, College of Agricultural Sciences

Dr. Noa Roman-Muniz, Interim Department Head, Agricultural Biology

Dr. Hayley Chouinard, Department Head, Agricultural and Resource Economics

Dr. Patrick Doyle, Department Head, Animal Sciences

Dr. Mengmeng Gu, Department Head, Horticulture and Landscape Architecture

Dr. Chris Pires, Department Head, Soil and Crop Sciences

Dave Daley, Commencement Speaker

Dr. Dave Daley (’84) is a fifth-generation cattle producer born and raised in California. He earned his M.S. and Ph.D. from Colorado State University in animal sciences after completing his B.S. at California State University, Chico. In his time at Colorado State, Dave was heavily involved in beef and meats research and served as the coach of the livestock judging team.

Daley’s experiences as a cow-calf producer and an educator make him invaluable to California’s beef producers and the state’s cattle industry. He is a professor emeritus at California State University, Chico where he spent more than 30 years in a number of different roles educating and lecturing on livestock production systems and the connection of agriculture to other societal issues.

Daley and his son, Kyle, manage the family ranch near Oroville, California, and after obtaining U.S. Forest Service grazing permits for many generations in the Plumas National Forest, he is well versed in the issues public lands ranchers face. His passion about preserving public lands grazing and leadership in California’s beef industry has led him to serve in multiple positions at the local, state, and national levels.

He is currently chair of the California Public Lands Council, chair of the Public Lands Council Forest Service Committee, and past chair of the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association’s Federal Lands Committee. In addition to his public land-related leadership roles, he currently serves as Chair of the California Cattle Council. Daley is also past president of the California Cattlemen’s Association.

College of Agricultural Sciences

Candidates for University Honors Scholar
Spring 2024

Jeni Backes Kincher, Animal Sciences major. Thesis title: Effectiveness of Tylosin and Monensin and Their Impact on the Prevalence of Liver Abscesses in Beef Cattle.

Elena Boehr, Landscape Architecture major. Thesis title: The Revitalization of Rhoads Terrace Park.

Brooke Brunson, Landscape Architecture major. Thesis title: Unveiling Place Attachment: A Multidisciplinary Exploration.

Isabelle Cabrera, Animal Science major. Thesis title: The Silent Offender: Zoonotic Diseases.

Emma Fortman, Environmental and Natural Resource Economics major and Sustainable Water minor. Thesis title: Review of School Gardens and Community Resilience from Academic and Personal Perspectives: My Time Serving Irish Elementary.

Maddie McCabe, Equine Science major. Thesis title: Ocular Inflammatory Cytokines Can Be Used as a Predictor for Horse with Equine Recurrent Uveitis.

Brittani Meis, Soil and Crop Sciences major and Global Environmental Sustainability minor and Chemistry minor. Thesis title: Carbon Mineralization: A Periodic Review.

Amanda Mills, Animal Science major. Thesis title: Diversifying the Pipeline for Improved Animal Health.

Madison Rattler, Environmental and Natural Resource Economics major and Global Environmental Sustainability minor. Thesis title: Impacts of Consumer Sustainability Preferences on Producer Production and Supply Chain Transparency in the Fashion Industry.

Margaret Salter, Animal Science major. Thesis title: A Guide for the Nutritional Health of One’s Pet.

Emily Wilson, Animal Science major. Thesis title: The Impact of Personality Traits on the Susceptibility of Dairy Calves to Sickness.

College of Agricultural Sciences

Candidates for Baccalaureate Degrees
Spring 2024


Dean James Pritchett


Agricultural Biology

Keeble, Heide Ann

Meyer, Camden Edward

Young, Delaney G.

Agricultural Business

Birkeland, Riley John *

Cantu, Kailani Renee

Cass, Gwendeline M.

Crespo-Jaquez, Brian

Delis, Peter L.

Erick, Claire M. *

Feeney, Colin Patrick

McBride, Matthew L.

McGee, Elizabeth A.

McGuffin, Jalyn Marie *

Miller, Isaac

Morrisroe, Benjamin Anthony *

Rippley, Jack Thomas

Tanabe, Trenton Kiyoshi

Agricultural Education

Brown, Jessi LeAnn *

Carlson, Brooke * ^

Chance, Jordyn Rae *

Animal Science

Backes Kincher, Jeniffer Ann ^

Bailey, Lora Leann

Bolles, Kaitlyn *

Boyers, Isabella Mackenzie

Bridgman, Riley Nikol

Cabrera, Isabelle Alexandria

Carpenter, Hazel Janeen

Contursi, Christopher J.

Copley, Amber Rose *

Cruz, Kylah Ashanti

DeGregorio, Gail Angelica

Diehl, Jessica Ann * =

Dintcho, Andreas Lio

Duncan, Brooke Sawyer

Gibbons, Ashlee Ann

Goble, Haley Grace

Godina, Kendra Lynn

Haggard, Ryne Darnell ^

Hatch, Alexander J.

Horick, Danielle Edna

Johnson, Cora Colleen

Kautzky, Carina Nicole ^

Lancaster, Allison Mae ^

Luttmann, Erika Gabrielle

Lynch, Kaitlyn Marie +

Marentette, Mackenzie Beth *

Martinez, Briana Alondra +

Mills, Amanda Perry

Mitchell, Reilly J. + #

Morgan, Treasure S. *

Mullinnix, Kalynn

Nannen, Jetta Barbra

Parrent, Savanna Ann

Reynolds, Julia H.

Rupp, Karli Alyssa

Saganey, Sageene Sara

Salter, Margaret

Schneider, Jaeden I.

Sheehan, Ryan Scott

Siverio Sanchez, Javier

Torres Carrillo, Leonardo *

Tyrell, Kennedy Adara

Varela, Alexandria Jenavieve

Vogelsang, Teagan Anneliese *

Weng, Alex Matthew

West, Ryli Cale

Williams, Sabrina Nichole Marie

Wills, Hunter Austin

Wilson, Emily Jeanette

Environmental Horticulture

Bennett, Isabelle Lucy

Christenberry, Ryan Max

Goodwin, Gabriel M.

Jung, Max

Kratochvil, Madison *

McKenzie, Catherine Grace + ^

Plank, Madison Rose

Price, Collin Steven

Silver, Aric Nicklaus

Spitzley, Virginia Lane

Weddington, Saffron Tara-Logan

Environmental and Natural Resource Economics

Blake, Ryan Patrick

Bondurant, Jean Louis

Elmore, Noelle Christine ^

Fortman, Emma Jean * ^

Hill, Kai David

Marsh, Anastasia Logan *

Rattler, Madison McKenzie *

Rhoten, Seth Michael *

Riley, Alisha ^

Wasserman, Tyler Clay

Weder, Shelby #

Equine Science

Bahny, Jessica Rose + ^

Brown, Audra Lindsey Jaimes * ^

Brown, Azlynn Marie

Brown, Kathryn *

Denny, Secorra Rose

Greulich, Meg *

Hanes, Kaitlynn Paige

Hasenack, Ryley-Lynn K. ^

Hayes, Cyan Rae

Hill, Katherine Eileen

Jaques, Emily Nicole

Lane, Georgia Catherine * ^

Leuchten, Abigail Michel

Marienthal, Franchesca Anh

Matarozzo, Mackenzie S. + *

McCartney, Karrie Louise *

McDorman, Emily M. * =

Nicolls, Hailey Rae +

Parrott, Sarah Elizabeth

Petrone, Kaia J. *

Phillips, Bailee Ailis Sabatier

Reynolds, Sarah Elizabeth

Rutland, Megan Ashley =

Sewell, Chloe Blanchette *

Swanson, Bergen Ann *

Taylor, Isabella Christina

Vicchrilli, Myra M. *


Albert, Stephanie Rachelle

Baumchen, Jesse Daniel

Beckman, Kyle David

Bender, Cory

Birchfield, Shaylin M.

Bjorlow, Madison Louanna

Bonilla, Stephanie R.

Books, Jordan

Braun, Kathryn R. =

Burfeind, Pearl C.

Clancy, Ian P. *

Clemente, Kline Wolf

Concannon, Rainesong Jomi

Dash, Rita

Dettle, Bailey C.

Downing, Sara A.

Gyllenband V, Johann Franz Von Uxkull

Henderson, Patricia L. *

Hightower, Reece M.

Hopkins, Kendra J.

James, Nathan P.

Kieft, Eric William

Klein, Aspen Montgomery

Leibli, Kelsey Renee

Leon, Sam Merritt

Moore, Robyn L.

Reed, Kinzy Owen

Roberts, Ray A.

Rovner, Benjamin A.

Schicke, Lane F.

Stephens, Abigail Elizabeth

Thrash, Jennifer H.

Triglia, Michael Anthony

Valentine, Jason Michael

Villa, Salvatore Nicholas

White, Ashley A.

Landscape Architecture

Cecil, Kanyon Reed

Frederick, Dakota Erika *

Fry, Conner Payne *

Gay, Christian E.

Hansen, Thomas J. *

Kirchen, Noah Michael *

Riott, Blake E.

Schumer, Adalyn Haley

Stokes, Brian J.

Soil and Crop Sciences

Allen, Connor W.

Harper, Sarah Leanne *

Martin, Beaman Redwine Sanders

McNeill, Samuel Robert * ^

Meis, Brittani Rose * ^

Miller, Samuel Douglas

Murray, Eilee ^

Ryan, Michael Timothy

College of Agricultural Sciences

Candidates for Baccalaureate Degrees
Summer 2024


Dean James Pritchett


Agricultural Business

Bashor, Roxanne Estelle #

Heiser, Riley Michael

McDonald, Chase Alexander

Stadelmaier, Patrick Andrew

Wohlfarth, Kevin Mark

Animal Science

Belmont, Kate Samantha

Hartung, Savanah Lee

Johnson, Amanda Nicole

Spjut, Erin Enedina

Steinnagel-Taylor, Madeline

Tafoya, Alyssa J.

Taylor, Bruce Alexander #

Williams, Renee A. *

Wood, Tayler Ashley

Environmental Horticulture

Choi, Calvin Sung-Min *

Environmental and Natural Resource Economics

Aguirre, Kole E.

Johnson, Sadie K.

Larrick, Jessica Christine

Liston, Samuel Linus Cole

Millon, Chance Logan

Olebile, Tebogo

Equine Science

Berglund, Abigail Elizabeth ^

Bora, Selin

Brown, Ranise Lynn

Hammel, Jenna Nicole *

McCabe, Maddie Rose

Monahan, Meaghan Kali

Moxey, Ella Louise

Nolan, Kaitlyn Elizabeth

Wheaton, Calia Marie


Abernethy, Chloe

Donaldson-Carey, Lisa A.

Faught, Jackilynn R.

Ferdo, Karisa M.

Fergen, Trenton Michael

Girton, Audrey K.

Johnson, Elizabeth D.

Keyes, Warren Alexander

Lansing, Mackenna Elizabeth

Mahoney, Maureen

Moore, Joyce Lynn

Newman, Adonai D.

Robbins, Hope Catherine

Thompson, Aidan Rogan

Landscape Architecture

Abele-Younger, Griffin Breck

Al Bahri, Nujayma Fauzi *

Asbury, Elly M.

Boehr, Elena M.

Boys, Gareth Boys Dudley ^

Brunson, Brooke Legare

Capone, Valerie *

Gonzales, Rhyan Marcella *

Guo, Jiayi

Jesch, Isabella Eleanor *

Jordan, Tyler Scott

Kelley, Jessica Lee

Kennedy, Maisi Carlyn

Kogoya, Davidson Idrean

Mosser, Adrian Anne

Phillips, Daniel Wara

Sanchez, Jairo Antonio

Wheel, Alyssa M.

Soil and Crop Sciences

Mitchell, Hannah Catherine

Tran, David

* Candidates with minor
+ Candidates with second major
^ Candidates for cum laude
# Candidates for magna cum laude
= Candidates for summa cum laude
‡ Awarded posthumously