Warner College of Natural Resources Commencement Program
140th Year of
Fall 2023
Warner College of Natural Resources Commencement
December 15, 2023
Order of Ceremony
Processional ¹ – Big Thompson Brass
National Anthem ² – Madelynn Flanagan
Introduction of Platform Party – Dr. Monique Rocca
Opening Remarks – Dean A. Alonso Aguirre
Commencement Address – Emily R. White Hat
Recognition of Honors Program Graduates and Honorary Society Initiates – Dr. Rickey Frierson
Recognition of Commissioned Graduates – LTC Matthew Tillman
Charge to the Class and Conferring of Degrees – President Amy Parsons
Awarding of Diplomas – Dean Aguirre, Rocky Coleman, and Department Representatives
Graduating Senior Address – Katherine S. Nieuwlandt
Closing Remarks – Dean Aguirre
Alma Mater ² – Madelynn Flanagan
Recessional – Big Thompson Brasss
1 Audience will stand
2 Audience may remain seated
On the Platform
Amy Parsons, J.D., President, Colorado State University
Dr. Thomas Siller, Interim Vice Provost for Undergraduate Affairs
LTC Matthew Tillman, Army ROTC
Dr. A. Alonso Aguirre, Dean, Warner College of Natural Resources
Dr. Monique Rocca, Associate Dean, Warner College of Natural Resources
Emily R. White Hat, J.D., Alumnus, Warner College of Natural Resources
Katherine S. Nieuwlandt, Graduating Senior, Ecosystem Science and Sustainability
Dr. Rich Conant, Department Head, Ecosystem Science and Sustainability
Dr. Brett Bruyere, Professor, Human Dimensions of Natural Resources
Dr. Eric Toman, Department Head, Forest and Rangeland Stewardship
Dr. William Clements, Professor, Fish, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology
Dr. Rick Aster, Department Head, Geosciences
Dr. Rickey Frierson, Assistant Dean for Diversity and Inclusion, Warner College of Natural Resources
Rocky Coleman, Master Instructor Emeritus
Nicole Stafford, Director, Environmental Learning Center
Dr. John Moore, Director, Natural Resource Ecology Lab
Dr. Kevin Crooks, Director, Center for Human-Carnivore Coexistence
Dr. David Anderson, Director, Colorado Natural Heritage Program
Matt McCombs, Director, Colorado State Forest Service
Cecilia White, Fish, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology
Paul Layden, Human Dimensions of Natural Resources
Dr. Wilfred Previant, Forest and Rangeland Stewardship
Dr. Kaye Holman, Ecosystem Science and Sustainability
Dr. Lisa Stright, Geosciences
The Mace
The mace, originally a weapon of offense, has long been the insignia of authority. The mace carried in today’s ceremony was presented to Colorado State University by the College of Natural Resources in 1981. The three-and-half-foot black walnut staff, surmounted by a carved rams head, is embellished in silver with the emblems of Colorado State University and the State of Colorado.
Emily R. White Hat, Commencement Speaker
Emily R. White Hat, J.D., (Nape Waste Win, “Good Hand Woman”) Sicangu Lakota, Aske Gluwipi Tiospaye, is the Vice President of Programs at the American Indian College Fund where she supports implementation of place-based programming to strengthen educational opportunities for Native students at tribal colleges and universities.
Emily earned a juris doctorate and a natural resources law certificate from the University of New Mexico School of Law. She has a bachelor’s degree in forestry with a concentration in fire science and a minor in rangeland ecology from Colorado State University, and an associate of arts degree in Lakota history and culture from Sinte Gleska University. Her experiences as a former firefighter, emergency medical technician, policy researcher, and legal background have all been vital to her work in program development and implementation with tribal nations and tribal colleges using a capacity-building approach.
In 2015, Emily was recognized by the National Center for American Indian Enterprise Development as one of the “Native American 40 Under 40” award recipients.
Emily enjoys quilting, beading, landscaping her yard with native plants, and riding her motorcycle.
Warner College of Natural Resources
Candidates for University Honors Scholar
Fall 2023
Kyla Carpenter, Fish, Wildlife and Conservation Biology major with Wildlife Biology concentration. Thesis title: Ideal Habitat Connectivity and Protection in the Context of Urban Conservation Issues with Florida Panthers (Puma concolor coryi).
Ally Claar, Ecosystem Science and Sustainability major and Mathematics minor. Thesis title: Decisions for Xeriscaping Based on Community and Environment.
April Dossett, Fish, Wildlife and Conservation Biology major and Statistics minor with Wildlife Biology concentration. Thesis title: Thermal Videography Analysis of Bat Emergence.
Riley Krudop, Ecosystem Science and Sustainability major and Spanish minor. Thesis title: A Compilation of Local Sustainability Resources for the Residents of Fort Collins.
Cavan McCabe, Natural Resource Tourism major and Entrepreneurship and Innovation minor with Natural Resource Tourism concentration. Thesis title: Identities and Oceans: A Regional Analysis of America’s Attitudes and Beliefs Surrounding Environmental and Personal Ethics.
Katie Nieuwlandt, Human Dimensions of Natural Resources major and Conservation Biology minor. Thesis title: My Nature Guide: An Explorative Nature Activity Book for Denver Youth.
Nathan Williams, Forest and Rangeland Stewardship major with Forest Fire Science concentration. Thesis title: Comparing The American Wildfire Crisis Strategy to the Canadian Wildfire Strategy: International Perspectives on Fire Management and Barriers to International Collaboration.
Laramie Woods, Ecosystem Science and Sustainability major and Environmental and Natural Resource Economics minor. Thesis title: Northern Colorado Farmers’ Perspectives and Barriers on Soil Health Practices.
Warner College of Natural Resources
Candidates for Baccalaureate Degrees
Fall 2023
Warner College of Natural Resources
Dean A. Alonso Aguirre
Ecosystem Science and Sustainability
Aggett-Carosella, Bronwyn Madison
Byrne, Jenna Nicole
Cho, Abby Lilah
Claar, Ally * ^
Cole, Ana Elizabeth
Conboy, John M.
Diederichs, Mitchell S.
Dominguez Vidal, Daniel *
Elvins, Amanda Taylor
Halsey, Hannah Nicole
Jett-Moore, Curran Michael *
Johnson, Hilary Elaine *
Kinsella, Colby Catherine
Krudop, Riley Addison * =
Lesnick, Amelia *
Martin, Elsa J. * =
Mischen Gazzo, Chandler Thomas
Plomer, William John *
Rowe, Casey C.
Shoemaker, Grace Marie
White, John Brendan
Woods, Laramie G. * ^
Fire and Emergency Services Administration
Jackson, Travis Lee
Fish, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology
Babu, Benjamin Paul
Campbell, Zachary Gordon
Carpenter, Kyla Anne
Clements, Kelly Ann *
Dossett, April Nicole + *
Fredrick, Hailey *
Haynes, Matthew G.
Hilverding, Tyler
Kearney, Thomas Patrick
Knight, Kara Cathleen
Kruis, Amber Kali *
La Canfora, Grace Noel *
Leimgruber, Seth A.
Lim, Preston Ethan
McCarthy-Zayach, Bryan J.
McDonough, Melanie Ann *
Muraoka, Jack M.
Payne, Griffin James
Ripley, Treston Lee *
Russell, Andrea Margaret Emily
Schleicher, Kyle Robert
Smith, Alexander D.
Stankiewicz, Ella *
Vogt, Adam Miachael
Wallace, Matthew S. =
Weigang, Michael Jacob
Woolums, Julianna Nicole
Young, Preston D. *
Forest and Rangeland Stewardship
Anaya, Efren Antonio
Bolke, Thomas Allen
Coulter, Nathaniel River
Dukeminier, Clarissa Allie
Gatton, Robert L. *
Gracia, Margaret D. *
Long, Mitch W.
Lundgren, Audrey M.
May, Jered Tyler #
McLennan, Sean Matthew
Moss, Christopher
Reed, Brogan Maguire
Smith, Wyatt Lee
Williams, Nathan
Wilson, Alan S. *
Al Shahi, Maather Ibrahim *
Bauerschmidt, Zoe Alexis
Carlson, Colby Glenn
Edwards, Adam D. *
Ferguson, Madeline R. ^
Fillweber, Rocko M.
Judy, Hayden Solo
McDonald, Ann Laura
Parol, Adam F.
Streets, Bradley W.
Human Dimensions of Natural Resources
Canavan, Anna Marie
Cummings, Payton Ann
Escapita, Dayana Gisel
Forche, Skyler Daniel
Heilgeist, Nicholas Andrew * ^
Hendershot, Katrina Elizabeth Anne *
Higgins, Lily Marie
Hoban Soyka, Erick Joseph
Klei, Anna Delaney *
Moats, Rebekah Ruth =
Munson, Noah Michael
Nieuwlandt, Katherine Scout * #
Park, Annisa E. *
Schneider, Quinn Owen
Stricker, Roxie Elizabeth Peck
Natural Resource Tourism
Bates, Emily Alysse * =
Borchelt, Grant *
Cowgill, Carissa
Dougherty, Janet A.
Gallop, Sally Rae
Goines, Chanel Cera
Leatherman, David Alexander
McCabe, Cavan Marie *
Muller, Brett
Patterson, Bryce H.
Romero, Justin Michael
Spencer, Maxwell Gilreath *
Tucker, Alexis Paige *
Wehrly, Jenna Christine +
Natural Resources Management
Cates, Ragen Michaela *
Ellis, Bailey Elizabeth *
Richardson, Ian *
Rios, Abigail Jean * ^
Stimson, Kate E. *
Whitehair, Kelly Chloe *
Wilson, Conner James +
Wilson, Samuel D. *
Restoration Ecology
Doyle, Chloe Michele
Graeff, Lauren Elizabeth * ^
Liebe, Meaghan McKenzy
Musgrave, Grant William *
Paff, Gregory James
Waterman, Parker David
Watershed Science
Ladow, Jakob Felix
Warner College of Natural Resources
Baccalaureate Degrees Awarded
Summer 2023
Warner College of Natural Resources
Dean A. Alonso Aguirre
Ecosystem Science and Sustainability
Baker, Shelby Elise *
Buck, Scott H.C.
Castell, Ryan Phillip #
Eberly, Alexander C. *
Hayes, Morgan L. *
Nordbrock, Benjamin Matthew * =
Saoutine, Anastasia
Sharkey, Rylee Nenagh
Weigand, Brandon Richard
Wojcik, Connor Michael
Fish, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology
Ayala, Kaycey Anthony
Berdik, Claire Elizabeth ^
Gonzalez, Isaiah Lee
Hall, Sabrina G. *
Hanson, Trevor
Maguire, Serena Anne
Pressley, McKenna Marie
Reuther, Mikiya Ashley
Spence, Rachel M. *
Wolfe, Troy James
Adams, Atiya Keelin
Auer, Brendan Thomas
Clary, Devin E.
Mannino, Mitchell Tucker
Human Dimensions of Natural Resources
Abrams, Taylor Kathryn *
Anderson, Ashley Jo *
Butki, Alisha R. * #
Etheridge, Tanner Riley-Krebs
Hendrix, John M. *
Matzinger, Sarah * ^
Shipman, Rylie Mckenna *
Vargo, Haleigh Elizabeth Grace *
Natural Resource Tourism
Hook, Charlton Sanders
Maniscalco, Abigail
Marshall, Matthew Keith
Natural Resources Management
Allor, Lacey B. * =
Restoration Ecology
Mason, Daniel James
* Candidates with minor
+ Candidates with second major
^ Candidates for cum laude
# Candidates for magna cum laude
= Candidates for summa cum laude
‡ Awarded posthumously