140th Year of
Fall 2023

Walter Scott, Jr. College of Engineering Commencement

December 16, 2023

Order of Ceremony

Processional 1 – Colorado State Brass Quintet

Presentation of Colors – Air Force ROTC Wing Walker Honor Guard

National Anthem 2 – Amity Matthews and Audience

Welcome and Introductions 1 – Dean Allen Robinson

Recognition of First Generation Graduates – Dr. Melissa Burt

Recognition of Honorary Society Members – Dr. Rebecca Atadero

Recognition of University Honors Program Scholars – Dr. Atadero

Student RemarksPayton Belli

Introduction of Speaker – Dean Robinson

Commencement Address – Dave Seidl

Conferring of Baccalaureate Degrees

Presentation of Class – Dr. Atadero

Conferring of Degrees – Dr. Jan Nerger

Diploma Distribution – Dean Robinson and Department Heads

Charge to the Graduates – Dean Robinson

Welcome to the Alumni Association – Evan Ronzone

Closing Remarks and Announcements – Dean Robinson

Alma Mater 2 – Amity Matthews and Audience

Recessional 1 – Colorado State Brass Quintet

1 Audience will stand
2 Audience may remain seated

On the Platform

Dr. Rebecca Atadero, Interim Associate Dean, Academic Affairs

Dr. Dan Baker, Teaching Associate Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering

Payton Belli, Chemical and Biological Engineering, Colorado State University

Dr. Melissa Burt, Associate Dean, Diversity and Inclusion and Interim Associate Dean, Student Affairs

Dr. V. Chandrasekar, Associate Dean, International Programs

Dr. Edwin Chong, Department Head, Electrical and Computer Engineering

Dr. David Dandy, Department Head, Chemical and Biological Engineering

Kyle Henley, Vice President for Marketing and Communications

Dr. Matt Kipper, Associate Dean, Graduate Programs

Dr. Jan Nerger, Interim Provost

Dr. Ketul Popat, Director, Undergraduate Program, School of Biomedical Engineering

Dr. Christian Puttlitz, Department Head, Mechanical Engineering

Dr. Kenneth Reardon, Associate Dean, Research

Dr. Allen Robinson, Dean

Evan Ronzone, Mechanical Engineering, Colorado State University

Dave Seidl, Chemical and Biological Engineering, Colorado State University

Dr. Charles Shackelford, Department Head, Civil and Environmental Engineering


Brett Beal, Senior Undergraduate Academic Advisor, School of Biomedical Engineering

Shannon Miller, Undergraduate Advisor, Civil and Environmental Engineering

College Marshals

Dr. Dan Baker, Marshal
Chase Jackson, Assistant Marshal
Betty Sims, Assistant Marshal

Dave Seidl, Commencement Speaker

Dave Seidl graduated from Colorado State University in 1983 with a degree in Chemical Engineering. He immediately began his career upon graduation with Lockheed Martin Space Systems company in Littleton, Colorado as a test engineer on the Peacekeeper Missile system.

Throughout his career, he worked in increasingly responsible roles as both an individual contributor and subsequently as a leader in quality engineering, manufacturing engineering, launch site processing for satellites and process engineering.

He relocated several times for Lockheed Martin finally retiring in 2017 in Sunnyvale, California. In one of his final roles at Lockheed Martin he was responsible for the recruitment and management of the Space Systems Company Operational Leadership Development Program designated for new college graduates with future leadership potential.

Dave is currently assisting the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering as a class assistant for the senior design class.

Walter Scott, Jr. College of Engineering

Candidates for University Honors Scholar
Fall 2023

Whitney Burleigh, Civil Engineering major. Thesis title: Reintroduction of Native Trout: Aquatic Organism Passage on Bennett Creek.

Christian Conrady, Mechanical Engineering major. Thesis title: Autonomous Navigation Using Route Optimization through a 2D Occupancy Grid.

Caleigh Haid, Mechanical Engineering major. Thesis title: Conversion of the CSU Rocket Test Stand to Liquid Fuel System.

Bailey Latka, Chemical and Biological Engineering major with Spanish concentration. Thesis title: The Upscaling Process of the Metakaryote Cell Line.

David Rohrbaugh, Computer Engineering major and Computer Science minor. Thesis title: Senior Design Project: ECE Student Projects Lab.

Grant Willsie, Mechanical Engineering major. Thesis title: A Solution for Canine Patellar Luxation.

Corban Yeakley, Electrical Engineering major with Electrical Engineering concentration. Thesis title: Senior Design: Machine Learning and Image Processing for Snow Research.

Walter Scott, Jr. College of Engineering

Candidates for Baccalaureate Degrees
Fall 2023

Walter Scott, Jr. College of Engineering

Dean Allen Robinson


Biomedical Engineering

Valdez, Isabel Anastasia

Chemical and Biological Engineering

Antillon-Bencomo, Diana Lizeth *

Belli, Payton Marie

Foslien, Ryan *

Kelly, Brian James *

Latka, Bailey Elizabeth + ^

Ortiz-Garcia, Josue

Civil Engineering

Anderson, Tom J.

Brightbill, Emily Ann ^

Bui, Huy Khoa

Burleigh, Whitney Stokes Clark

Cortes Bastida, Darwin

Ederhoff, Preston Lowell *

Eifert, Matthew Aaron

Gill-Cox, Cameron Jack

Henderson, Cade Palmer

Huntzinger, Alexander J.

Jones, Dylan K.

Lloyd, Abel Jared

Siviski, Preston Gene

Stickel, John D.

Whipple, Dustan S.

Computer Engineering

Castillo, Christian D.

Lohmiller, Cael Truss

Lyon, Jacob O.

Rackow, Andrew Thomas *

Rohrbaugh, David J. *

Schlink, Jonathan C.

Segelhorst, Parker Thomas * ^

Wagers, Ian M. *

Whited, Pacen

Electrical Engineering

Lo, Chun-che

Ozmen, Burak

Panem, Brent Michael *

Richardson, Truett Jack

Riley, Austin C.

Shih, Kai Hsuan *

Yeakley, Corban B. #

Engineering Science

Guzman, Amber Marie *

Environmental Engineering

Evans, Kyle Cobb

Huang, Chengzhuo

McCarthy, Luke Joseph

Rettig, Catalina Ann *

Saavedra, Mayca Alessandra

Shepard, Jessie Daniel

Sturm, Benjamin F.

Turner, Spencer Dean

Unsworth, Luke Thompson

Urynowicz, Joseph Thaddeus

Witkowski, Drew M.

Mechanical Engineering

Baldwin, Patrick Flanagan ^

Bushby, Cameron Daniel

Conrady, Christian

Contreras, Daniel

Crawford, Luke Thomas

Crespin-Abele, Bryce

Dunham, Mikalah Lynn

Dunteman, Katie R.

Farrell, Corey J.

Fennell, Landon Oliver *

Folgoni Borsa, Thomas

Haggard, Benjamin Jackson

Haid, Caleigh Hendrie

Hart, Anthony Brian

Henderson, Max M.

Jackson, Ryan

Johnston, Robert R.

Kelly, John Robert Francis

Kennedy, Aaron

Lacuesta, Joaquin T.

Leone, Cole Haskell

Medina, Daniel A.

Mills, Lukas James

Minifie, Brandon Thomas

Mollenhauer, Mason Alexander

Monarski, Ethan Cota

More, Matthew William

Nygren, Wade E.

Nyland, Reece Bradshaw

Otterson, Jack

Portouw, Bradford Wallace

Quinn, Evan James

Raffa, Justin Michael King

Ramels, Theo Akira

Rice, Jordan G.

Ronney, Peter Scott

Turner, Robert J.

Van Tiggelen, Caroline

Weimholt, Connor

Westall, Michael Reed

Wildermuth, Charles Adam

Willsie, Grant Martin

Wilson, Seth William ^

York, Zachary Daniel *

Walter Scott, Jr. College of Engineering

Baccalaureate Degrees Awarded
Summer 2023

Walter Scott, Jr. College of Engineering

Interim Dean Ken Reardon


Biomedical Engineering

Duran, Ryan Zachary

Chemical and Biological Engineering

Duran, Ryan Zachary

Jellison, Aaron Drake #

King, Kaden Landers

Wettlaufer, Ian D. *

Civil Engineering

Taylor, Drake C.

Tsimbalist, Artem Aleksandrovich

Computer Engineering

Barber, Joshua

Electrical Engineering

Alfailakawi, Ali Abdullah

Higgins, Mason E.

Thompson, Corby Tay

Environmental Engineering

Breen, Bailey Henderson

Karkouh, Hashem

Marsh, Julia Renee *

McWilliams, Claire Lee

Mechanical Engineering

Higgins, Steven Connor

Stockton, Nicholas Michael

Zulch, Rebecca Aida

* Candidates with minor
+ Candidates with second major
^ Candidates for cum laude
# Candidates for magna cum laude
= Candidates for summa cum laude
‡ Awarded posthumously