College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences Commencement Program
140th Year of
Fall 2023
College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences Commencement
Department of Biomedical Sciences
Department of Environmental and Radiological Health Sciences
Department of Microbiology, Immunology, and Pathology
December 16, 2023
Order of Ceremony
Processional 2 – Colorado State Brass Quintet
Posting of the Colors – Air Force ROTC Wing Walker Honor Guard
National Anthem 1 – Colorado State Brass Quintet
Welcome and Introductions – Dean Sue VandeWoude
Student Remarks – Hyatt Vincent, Environmental Public Health; Emily Stewart, Neuroscience
Recognition of Outstanding Achievements of Graduates Dr. Sandra Quackenbush
Presentation of Class – Dr. Quackenbush
Conferring of Degrees – Dr. Jan Nerger
Diploma Distribution and Recognition 2 – Department Heads
Welcome to the Alumni Association – Dr. Phillip Quirk
Closing Remarks and Announcements – Dr. Colin Clay
Alma Mater and Recessional 2 – Colorado State Brass Quintet
1 Audience will stand
2 Audience may remain seated
College Marshal: Chase Weldon
Diploma Distribution: Dr. Phillip Quirk, Director, Assistant Professor, Undergraduate Neuroscience Program; Dr. Joshua Schaeffer, Associate Head, Assistant Professor, Environmental and Radiological Health Sciences; Dr. Jennifer McLean, Associate Head, Associate Professor, Microbiology, Immunology, and Pathology; Dr. Christianne Magee, Associate Professor, Associate Department Head, Biomedical Sciences
On the Platform
Dr. Jan Nerger, Interim Provost of Colorado State University
Dr. Kauline Cipriani, Vice President for Inclusive Excellence
Dr. Sue VandeWoude, Dean, College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences
Dr. Colin Clay, Executive Associate Dean, Professor, College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences
Dr. Sandra Quackenbush, Professor, Associate Dean for Academic and Student Affairs
Dr. Naomi Nishi, Assistant Dean for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Dr. Naomi Ward, Professor, Department Head, Microbiology, Immunology, and Pathology
Dr. Christianne Magee, Associate Professor, Associate Department Head, Biomedical Sciences
Dr. Phillip Quirk, Director, Assistant Professor, Undergraduate Neuroscience Program
Dr. Joshua Schaeffer, Associate Professor, Undergraduate Director, Environmental and Radiological Health Sciences
Dr. Jennifer McLean, Associate Head, Associate Professor, Microbiology, Immunology, and Pathology
Dr. Olivia Arnold, Associate Professor, Environmental and Radiological Health Sciences
Dr. Leslie Stone-Roy, Associate Professor, Biomedical Sciences
Dr. Erica L. Suchman, Professor, Department of Microbiology, Immunology, and Pathology
College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences
Candidates for University Honors Scholar
Fall 2023
Matthew Cullis, Biomedical Sciences major with Anatomy and Physiology concentration. Thesis title: Scapular Movement Model.
Erin Flaherty, Biomedical Sciences major with Microbiology and Infectious Disease concentration. Thesis title: Use of Elacridar Hydrochloride Against Chronic Wasting Disease Infection in Cells.
Sydney Fugate, Microbiology major. Thesis title: Drinking Water as a Potential Vehicle for Transmission and Infection with Mycobacterium Abscessus.
Katelyn Johnson, Biomedical Sciences major with Anatomy and Physiology concentration. Thesis title: Cardio-Land.
Maya Matsubara, Biomedical Sciences major with Anatomy and Physiology concentration. Thesis title: Mental Health Status and Possible Remedies for CSU Student Athletes.
Kylie Mcdonald, Biomedical Sciences major and Chemistry minor with Anatomy and Physiology concentration. Thesis title: Bye Bye Bacteria: Understanding Bacterial Infections and Antibiotic Use.
Alejandra Quesada-Stoner, Biomedical Sciences major and Ethnic Studies minor with Anatomy and Physiology concentration. Thesis title: Creating a Research-to-Practice Tool for Making Cultural Adaptations to Family-Based Intervention Programs for Latine Immigrant Families.
Kayleigh Rees, Biomedical Sciences major with Environmental Public Health concentration. Thesis title: An Evaluation of Disinfection Methods at a Local Daycare.
Molly Ring, Biomedical Sciences major with Microbiology and Infectious Disease concentration. Thesis title: An Investigation into Public West Nile Virus (WNV) Risk Perception and Protective Behaviors Throughout Northern Colorado.
Jordan Robinson, Biomedical Sciences major and Applied Data Science minor with Environmental Public Health concentration. Thesis title: R Data Package of Hurricane and West Nile Virus Data.
Abigail Rupp, Biomedical Sciences major with Anatomy and Physiology concentration. Thesis title: I’ll Remember Grandma.
Brenna Wright, Biomedical Sciences major and Chemistry minor with Environmental Public Health concentration. Thesis title: Gross Alpha and Beta Attenuation and Imposter Syndrome in Academia.
College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences
Candidates for Baccalaureate Degrees
Fall 2023
College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences
Dean Sue VandeWoude
Biomedical Sciences
Alexander, Grace Renee *
Argueso-Nott, Megan Rose
Asing, Brooke Kamaile Lauli’ili’i *
Bankston, Jessica Rachael
Becker, Orion Flynn
Boyd, Hannah E.
Brien-Lewis, Terance Lee
Buddenhagen, Anna Lucy
Burshek, Elayne Dominique
Byrne-Haber, Talia Janice =
Cole, Meredith Ashton
Conley, Nathan Joseph
Cullis, Matthew Scott
DeGan, Alexis Kristine
Dusek, Elle Reagin *
Flaherty, Erin
Hudick, Kyle Van
Hunsaker, Emily L.
Jimenez, Diana Carlita
Johnson, Katelyn Marie =
Juarez, Katrina Gabrielle
Lucas, Kyle M. H.
Mashek, Rachel Lauren *
McDonald, Kylie Alexis *
Moran, Megan Louise
Owens, Ana Therese
Quesada-Stoner, Alejandra Catalina * =
Reszetucha, Madison Nicole *
Ring, Molly Elizabeth
Robinson, Jordan M. * ^
Rupp, Abigail Brianne
Steward, Jenna Denise
Suleski, Gina Grace
Todd, Tamsen Sallie
Trbovich, Kristoff Jan * ^
Vincent, Hyatt * ^
Ware, Natalie Kates
Worgan, Cassidy R.
Wright, Brenna Susan *
Zeegers, Phoebe Elaine
Z Madrid, Nikole Trinity
Environmental Health
Harp, Kayden T.
Nowak, Kathryn M.
Padilla-Hernandez, Cesar Abel *
Zhang, Zhijiao
Fugate, Sydney P. ^
Pruneski, Katherine M.
Wilson, Corinne Elizabeth
Azurin, Llyanna May Tala
Berry, Kailey B. * ^
Butler, Abril Ashely
Hattis, Joshua Adam
Hunt, Dakota Daleraye
Mouriz Jr., Donovan
Orellana Cisneros, Josh *
Perkins, Kenyon Claire ^
Roesler, Dane Reed *
Smith, Taygen Dianne
Steele, Nicholas
Stewart, Emily Dominique
Torbert, Emily Louise *
Wampler, Meghan Elizabeth =
Weed-Jahnz, Samantha Emily
Yambrick, Sarah
Young, Ashley Sofia
Zulic, Leila N.
College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences
Baccalaureate Degrees Awarded
Summer 2023
College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences
Dean Sue VandeWoude
Biomedical Sciences
Martinez, Anthony Santiago
Roh, Seung Hyun
Environmental Health
Kraus, Olivia Gabrielle
Peterson, Kelly Adair Fayne
Rinker, Kylee
Sobraske, Brendon M.
Turner, Lauren Elyse * ^
Pettit, Price Wade
Sherman, Ellery Renee
Martinez, Madelynn R.
Shaffer, Payton Michelle *
* Candidates with minor
+ Candidates with second major
^ Candidates for cum laude
# Candidates for magna cum laude
= Candidates for summa cum laude
‡ Awarded posthumously