Frequently Asked Questions

Overview: University-wide Commencement & recognition ceremonies

Starting in 2025, CSU graduates will have the opportunity to attend a once-a-year, University-wide Commencement where all graduates will be honored in a single event. Graduates are also invited to participate in smaller recognition ceremonies with academic units, which are held the same weekend as the University-wide Commencement. Master’s students may join their academic units, while doctoral students are invited to participate in the Graduate School’s recognition and hooding ceremony.

The University-wide Commencement and recognition ceremony events will be held each Spring. Graduates and their supporters should plan to attend both events to have the full graduation experience.  

There will not be undergraduate ceremonies in December after fall 2024; commencement activities will happen once a year each Spring, starting in May 2025. Master’s and doctoral students will continue to have spring and fall commencement options.

Students may participate in the once-a-year commencement events: University-wide Commencement and recognition ceremony, that best aligns with the completion of their credits at CSU and their scheduling needs. Most students choose to participate in the commencement ceremony following the completion of their degree requirements; however, students may select the commencement before or after degree requirement completion based on preference or schedule.

For example:

    • A student who graduates in Summer 2025 could RSVP for Spring 2025 or wait to participate in Spring 2026 commencement events.
    • A student who graduates in Fall 2025 could RSVP for Spring 2025 or Spring 2026 commencement events.
    • A student who did not participate in Fall 2024 commencement in December 2024 following completion of their degree requirements in Summer or Fall 2024 can RSVP for Spring 2025 commencement.

Students must RSVP using this form to participate in the Spring 2025 University-wide Commencement and smaller recognition ceremonies. 

University-wide Commencement will be held 4:30-6 p.m. on Friday, May 16, 2025. Doors will open at 2:30 p.m.

Smaller recognition ceremonies will be held Thursday to Sunday (May 15-18, 2025) at various times. Recognition ceremony times, dates and locations can be found here. 

Recognition ceremonies will be held Thursday, May 15-Sunday, 18, 2025. Times, dates, and locations can be found here.

The first-ever University-wide Commencement will be hosted 4:30-6 p.m. on Friday, May 16, 2025.

University-wide Commencement offers a shared, traditional experience for all CSU graduates and their guests. Students will wear traditional regalia and engage in a processional to enter Canvas Stadium, as well as hear from university leadership and a prominent keynote speaker to celebrate the milestone of graduating college.  

Students will not cross the stage and names will not be read during University-wide Commencement. This tradition will take place in the smaller, academic-unit-based recognition ceremonies.

Smaller recognition ceremonies are grouped by academic unit. Students and faculty will wear traditional regalia (with the exception of the Honors ceremony), students will cross the stage, names will be read, and diploma covers will be distributed at recognition ceremonies.

Recognition ceremonies will range from one to two hours. Doors will open one hour before ceremony start times.

Of note, some students may be able to attend more than one recognition ceremony, for example, students with a double major, ROTC and Honors students may choose to attend multiple recognition ceremonies. Master’s students should attend their academic unit’s recognition ceremony. For doctoral students, the hooding ceremony serves as their recognition ceremony.

Ceremony details

University-wide Commencement: The ceremony will be approximately 90 minutes.

Recognition ceremonies: Recognition ceremonies will range from one to two hours.

Graduates and guests are encouraged to make a plan for where to meet following the ceremonies.

University-wide Commencement: Graduates will line up for processional just north of Canvas Stadium in lot 473. 

Recognition ceremonies: Graduates will line up at a nearby location within the same venue as their recognition ceremony. Lineup locations will vary by ceremony and will be communicated with graduates directly.

University-wide Commencement: Canvas Stadium doors will open two hours prior to the ceremony at 2:30 p.m.  

  • Guest seating is general admission and offered on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • Six (6) general admission tickets are available for each graduating student.
  • Seating for guests with limited mobility is available. Please connect with an usher upon arrival or contact [email protected] for assistance reserving accessible seating.  

Recognition ceremonies: Details for each recognition ceremony vary and can be found here. Doors open one hour prior to each ceremony.

  • Guest seating is offered on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • Limited accessible seating will be available at each venue, with overflow seating available at recognition ceremonies.

Graduates will be part of a recessional out of Canvas Stadium and should pre-arrange a meeting place with family and friends nearby. Canvas Stadium will not be open as a gathering location following the ceremony.   

Flags identifying colleges will be located around Canvas Stadium (and shared out ahead of time) to provide a focal gathering point for graduates, friends, and family.

Seating is by college for University-wide Commencement.

Yes. University-wide Commencement will be held in sunshine, rain, snow, or sleet. Please plan attire accordingly.
As with any outdoor university event, severe weather delays may occur.

For safety updates such as closed roads, building outages, and out-of-service elevators, text CSUALERT to 888777.

For safety updates at university events such as football games, concerts, or commencement text CSURAMS to 888777.

Common student questions

Yes! Students are able to select whichever Spring commencement they prefer. Simply fill out the RSVP form to note that you’re planning to attend.

The time a student participates in commencement ceremonies does not have any bearing on academic degree completion. Commencement simply refers to the celebratory events taking place each spring.

Doctoral candidates may attend University-wide Commencement early, but may not be hooded in advance of completing their degree requirements. Ceremonies for master’s and doctoral candidates are held in the spring and fall.

Visit the “For Graduates” page to learn more about graduation and commencement.

You may choose to attend just one or both recognition ceremonies for your majors. Be sure to select all the ceremonies you wish to attend when you fill out the RSVP form!

Yes! CSU Online students are absolutely invited to participate in commencement and recognition ceremonies. As with other graduating students, CSU Online graduating students should fill out the RSVP form by April 1, 2025.

Yes. All graduate students must fill out the GS25 application form to begin the multi-step Graduate School process toward degree completion. Review the Graduate Checklist and the Graduate School’s academic deadlines to ensure you’re checking every box for commencement.

Personalized graduation announcements can be ordered through CB Grad; non-personalized announcements are available at the CSU Bookstore.

Class rings can be purchased through Jostens.

All details regarding regalia (cap and gown) and what to wear at commencement can be found in the regalia section below.

Latin Distinction eligibility emails will be sent by Feb. 10, 2025 by the Office of the Registrar. 

Any student with a Summer 2025 or Fall 2025 intent to graduate (meaning they will walk in the spring ceremony before completing their degree), who would like to be considered for walking with distinction, will need to contact [email protected] to request their record be reviewed for eligibility.

The CSU Registrar’s office will mail diplomas to the mailing address on file following  degree completion. Plan on 8-12 weeks after degree conferral for your diploma to arrive in the mail.

Students should update their mailing address in RAMweb to ensure their diploma is mailed to the correct location.

Diploma covers will be handed out during recognition ceremonies. If a student is unable to attend the recognition ceremony, visit the Office of the Registrar in Centennial Hall on campus to pick up a diploma cover, or have your diploma cover shipped.

Students with multiple majors may be eligible for multiple diplomas. Please review the different degree types in the catalog:  Degree Requirements < Colorado State University.

Latin Distinction eligibility emails will be sent by Feb. 10, 2025 by the Office of the Registrar. 

Are you a Summer or Fall 2025 graduate? Students with an anticipated graduation date are also invited to participate in the Spring 2025 commencement ceremony with the Latin distinction designation. 

Any student with a Summer 2025 or Fall 2025 intent to graduate (meaning they will walk in the spring ceremony before completing their degree), who would like to be considered for walking with distinction, will need to contact [email protected] to request their record be reviewed for eligibility.

Master's and doctoral students

Yes. Master’s and bachelor’s degree students will be celebrated during academic unit recognition ceremonies

Master’s students are invited to attend the recognition ceremony with their academic unit, and doctoral candidates are invited to attend the Graduate School’s Doctoral Candidate Recognition and Hooding Ceremony. View a full, searchable schedule for commencement weekend.

The Doctoral Candidate Recognition and Hooding Ceremony is a unique recognition of the achievement of students who have earned a doctoral degree. Tradition at Colorado State University calls for doctoral students to be hooded by their advisors at the commencement ceremonies. In some cases, this may be a member of the student’s committee or someone else who has been significant to the student during their graduate career. 

Each candidate will bring an appropriate hood to the ceremony as provided with the regalia purchase.

No. There is a dedicated Doctoral Candidate Recognition and Hooding Ceremony, hosted by the Graduate School, on Thursday evening. Event details are included under the “Graduate School” tab on the recognition ceremonies page. Note that the College of Veterinary Medicine holds a separate hooding ceremony for Doctors of Veterinary Medicine.

Graduate students in these Special Academic Units can locate their recognition ceremony on the Graduate School tab.

All graduate students must fill out the GS25 application form to begin the multi-step Graduate School process toward degree completion. Review the Graduate Checklist and the Graduate School’s deadlines for completing degree requirements to ensure you’re checking every box for commencement.

If you plan to graduate in the summer of 2025 and would like your name published in the Spring 2025 Commencement Program, you must submit your GS6 Program of Study and submit the GS25 application for graduation by March 6. Access these forms on RAMweb.

More information on the Graduate School’s deadlines website.

Students may participate in the once-a-year, University-wide Commencement (spring) that best aligns with the completion of their credits at CSU and their schedule needs. Most students choose to participate in the commencement ceremony following the completion of their degree requirements; however, students may select the commencement before or after degree requirement completion based on preference or schedule.

Doctoral candidates may attend University-wide Commencement early, but may not be hooded in advance of completing their degree requirements. Ceremonies for master’s and doctoral candidates are held in the spring and fall.

Master’s and doctoral students who plan to graduate in the summer of 2025 can participate in the spring or fall ceremonies. If they would like their name published in the Spring 2025 Commencement Program, they must submit a GS6 Program of Study and GS25 application for graduation by March 6. Access these forms on RAMweb. More information on the Graduate School’s deadlines dates website.

All students must RSVP using this form to participate in the Spring 2025 University-wide Commencement and recognition ceremonies.

Graduates will purchase their regalia through the Alumni Association’s Grad Packs. Hood color varies by degree; the regalia provider has the full information, including eligible students and their degrees, and will ensure you receive the correct regalia.

If your advisor is unable to attend, you may work with your advisor to invite another CSU faculty member to the ceremony.

Diploma covers will be handed out during recognition ceremonies. If a student is unable to attend the recognition ceremony, visit the Office of the Registrar in Centennial Hall on campus to pick up a diploma cover, or have your diploma cover shipped.

The actual diploma will be mailed by the Registrar’s Office to the address that you have listed on your RAMweb account about 6-8 weeks after the last day of classes of the semester that you completed your degree requirements.


Students who plan to participate in commencement must fill out the RSVP form by April 1; the form includes University-wide Commencement and recognition ceremonies.  Each student is guaranteed six (6) tickets for University-wide Commencement and may request more via the RSVP form. Additional ticket requests will be handled on a first-come, first-served basis.

Students are asked to RSVP and provide the number of anticipated guests for recognition ceremonies to help with event planning, but the number of guests will not be limited at recognition ceremonies.  

Tickets for the University-wide Commencement will be delivered to student ticketing accounts where they can transfer tickets to guests via email. Students will receive an email when tickets are delivered in April.

Please note: the RSVP form only refers to the event RSVP. Questions about undergraduate degree completion/conferral and diploma deliveries should be directed to the CSU Office of the Registrar. Graduate students should communicate with the Graduate School for all academic and degree conferral questions.   

University-wide Commencement: Each graduate is guaranteed six (6) guest tickets. Tickets are free of charge but must be requested via the RSVP form. Tickets will arrive in student ticket accounts on April 10.

Recognition ceremonies: Guests are not limited for recognition ceremonies, but a guest number is requested in commencement RSVP for event planning purposes. Seating is first-come, first-served, with overflow areas available.

Tickets will be distributed electronically through CSU’s ticketing services.

Students will receive an e-mail from [email protected] with a subject line of “Your Mobile Tickets have arrived.”
Students will have access to their tickets and the ability to transfer them to their guests through their account at

Graduating students are guaranteed six (6) tickets for their guests. If additional tickets are needed, students must note the number they need on the RSVP form. Additional tickets will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis to graduating students who have requested them, following initial distribution in early April.

Students will receive their initial requested tickets (up to six) in their student accounts on April 10. After initial distribution, remaining tickets will be utilized to fulfill additional ticket requests on a first-come, first-served basis. Students should fill out the RSVP form as soon as possible to place their request in the cue.

A child who does not need their own seat and will be sitting on the lap of an attending adult – a lap infant – does not need their own ticket. Children older than 24 months will need their own ticket.

Students can re-submit their RSVP form before the April 1 deadline. They will need to reload the link (vs. going back to the final submission of the form) to enter to new information. The newest submission for any student will override preceding submission(s).

If you have problems accessing the form a second time, you will need to clear your browser cache before trying again.
Here are instructions for clearing your cache in Firefox, Chrome, Safari, and Edge.

Travel planning

CSU is about 65 miles from Denver International Airport (~75 minutes by car).

There are a number of options for transportation including renting a car, Lyft/Uber/taxi rides, shuttles and public transit options.

CSU is 48 miles from the Cheyenne, Wyoming Regional Airport (~50 minutes by car).

University-wide Commencement will be held at 4:30 p.m. on Friday, May 16, 2025.

Smaller recognition ceremonies, where graduate names are read and diploma covers are distributed, are grouped by academic unit and taking place between Thursday evening and Sunday (May 15-18, 2025).

VISIT Fort Collins has resources for activities and accommodations to round out the Fort Collins experience for commencement guests.

Parking & transit information

Each day of commencement weekend provides varied transit options. Information by date is included below.
Review the interactive parking map for specific locations.

Thursday, May 15

  • Parking: Paid parking enforcement will be suspended beginning at 12 p.m. (noon).  
  • Space is not guaranteed, please allow sufficient time to arrive at your desired destination.
  • Transit to campus: Transfort routes will run as normal all day.
  • Transit around campus: The free campus shuttle, Around the Horn, will run every ten minutes as normal.  

Friday, May 16

  • Parking: Parking passes will be required to park on campus.
  • Each graduating student will be issued one parking pass by RSVPing for commencement; additional parking passes may be available on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • ADA parking needs should be indicated on the RSVP form. Shuttles will run from identified ADA parking areas to Canvas Stadium both before and after the ceremony. 
  • Transit to campus: Most Transfort routes to CSU will be impacted by the traffic closures on campus, however the Max will run as normal, with 10-minute service 11 a.m. to 6 p.m., and 20-minute service 5-11 a.m. and 6-10 p.m.
  • Transit around campus: A truncated Around the Horn route will run from Lot 740 to the transit center at the Lory Student Center from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Shuttle service will also be provided to connect identified ADA lots and Canvas Stadium.
  • Due to traffic closures, Uber and Lyft drivers will not be able to access campus as normal, if you plan to use rideshare, plan for drop-off and pick-up near Newton’s Plaza, just south of the Behavioral Science Building.

Saturday, May 17

  • Parking: No paid parking or passes will be required.
  • Space in each lot is not guaranteed, please allow for sufficient time to arrive at your desired destination.
  • Transit to campus: Transfort routes will run normally on Saturday.
  • Transit around campus: The free campus shuttle, the Around the Horn, will run every 20 minutes on its normal route, 7 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., with the last bus leaving the transit center at 6:16 p.m. on Saturday.

Sunday, May 18

  • Parking: No paid parking or passes required.
  • Space in each lot is not guaranteed, please allow for sufficient time to arrive at your desired destination.
  • Transit to campus: There will be no Transfort routes on Sunday.
  • Transit around campus: There will be no Around the Horn service on Sunday.

Similar to a game-days, campus will participate in repark to move cars off main campus and allow for major event guest parking.

Students living in the residence halls will be encouraged, if possible, to move out by 2 p.m. on Friday to facilitate a smoother move out process and open parking space for commencement in the afternoon. Students who require move-out accommodations can coordinate with Housing & Dining Services. Students who are staying in the residence halls until Saturday, or moving after 7 p.m. on Friday, will need to repark their vehicles on Thursday evening, 5-9 p.m.

Final details on parking will be shared with campus via email ahead of University-wide Commencement.

Anyone accessing campus during commencement is encouraged to utilize transit, including rideshare and the MAX bus line – full transit options are available here.

CSU’s free campus shuttle, “Around the Horn,” also runs every 10 minutes on Friday and every 20 minutes on Saturday with stops at Moby Arena and the Lory Student Center.


All graduates, guests, and employees entering Canvas Stadium and Moby Arena will enter through a metal detector. 

Guests unable to be screened through metal detectors, including those with pacemakers or using wheelchairs, will be individually screened with a wand. 

Guests who refuse security screening will be denied entry.

Yes. There is a clear bag policy for events held at Moby Arena and Canvas Stadium, including University-wide Commencement.
The clear bag policy is available here.

  • A clear bag that is approximately the size of a one-gallon freezer bag or a small clutch approximately the size of a hand. Bags will be inspected by trained security staff. 
  • Flowers (no glass vases). 
  • Signs smaller than 8”x12”.
  • Empty soft-sided water bottles to refill in the stadium. 
  • Baby carriers (must be soft-sided and be able to fit below a chair).
  • Seat cushions without frames or metal. 
  • Cameras and binoculars allowed but cannot be in a bag or case. 
  • One-gallon freezer bag (like Ziplock). 
  • Accommodation may be available for medically necessary items. See the accessibility section of the FAQ below. 
  • Signs larger than 8”x12” to not obstruct other’s views. 
  • Vapes, knives and firearms. 
  • Flags on poles, artificial noisemakers, inflatable balls or balloons. 
  • Non-factory-sealed beverages or filled liquid containers. 
  • Alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs, including medical marijuana. 
  • Glass or metal bottles or cans, including hard-sided water bottles.  
  • Strollers. 
  • Bags larger than a clutch including backpacks, diaper bags, luggage of any size, fanny packs, cinch bags, camera bags, computer bags and any bag larger than the listed size. Review the clear bag policy.
  • Coolers. 
  • Seatbacks.
  • Glass vases, even if they are holding flowers.

Graduates will be held to the same guidelines as general admission guests and will be screened upon arrival at the graduate processional lineup location.  

  • Graduates should carry any personal items on their person, and should not bring umbrellas, backpacks, or other personal items, as they cannot be stored during university-wide commencement.   
  • No alcoholic beverages are permitted. 
  • In case of inclement weather, a poncho will be provided to graduates.

Guests carrying a prohibited item will not be permitted to enter the venue.

  • Guests will need to depart the line and dispose of the item, return the item to their vehicle, or use a storage locker.
  • Guests who depart the line for storage or to return to their vehicle will need to re-enter the line at its start.

Accessibility & accommodations

Yes. Closed captioning will be available at University-wide Commencement.

Yes. Sign language interpreters will be available at University-wide Commencement and recognition ceremonies.

Yes. There is ample ADA seating at Canvas Stadium, available on a first-come, first-served basis.
To find ADA seating, connect with an usher upon arrival, or contact [email protected] for assistance reserving accessible seating.

Guests carrying medically necessary bags or equipment into a venue will be required to have their bag inspected by security.

For questions about medical equipment or other needs please contact the Athletics ticket office at  1-800-491-RAMS (7267).

Yes. University-wide Commencement will be livestreamed, and a recording will be posted on this website following the event.

Yes. Food and beverage items will be available for purchase by guests in Canvas Stadium during University-wide Commencement.

Some food and beverages options will also be available in the student lineup area prior to the University-wide Commencement.

See additional food information below.

Food options

VISIT Fort Collins provides a comprehensive list of restaurants in the Fort Collins area.  

Canvas Stadium concessions will be open and food will be available for purchase during University-wide Commencement. Outside food and drink is not permitted. Empty soft-sided water bottles are permitted, and water fill stations are present throughout the stadium.    

Lory Student Center Dining offers a variety of dining options; the student center posts detailed hours of operation.

Moby Arena concessions will not be open during recognition ceremonies taking place at the arena.  

What to wear & regalia

All participating graduates are required to wear regalia reflective of bachelor, master, or doctoral degree completion for University-wide Commencement and recognition ceremonies, with the exception of the Honors Program ceremony.

Graduates purchase their regalia through the Alumni Association’s Grad Packs.

    • Graduates should plan to wear business or business casual attire under their regalia. Comfortable footwear is recommended.
    • University-wide Commencement takes place outside, so dress appropriately for the weather. Ponchos will be provided to graduates in case of rain.

Comfortable footwear and weather-appropriate attire is recommended, as University-wide Commencement is held outside.

The CSU Alumni Association sells Grad Packs, which include a cap, gown, tassel, and alumni association membership.
Grad Pack details are available here. 

There are options available that only include cap and gown. The Grad Pack webpage (linked above) also includes information on ordering graduation announcements and diploma frames. 

Grad Packs are available to purchase through the Alumni Association.

    • There are options available that only include cap and gown.
    • CSU’s official stole is “evergreen.”
    • Latin Distinction eligibility (which can impact the color robe students wear) emails will be sent by Feb. 10, 2025 by the Office of the Registrar. 
    • The 2025 Grad Pack purchase deadline is Feb. 28, 2025
    • Graduates can purchase Grad Packs on-site, if they miss the online ordering deadline.
    • The Grad Pack page also includes information on ordering graduation announcements and diploma frames. 

Regalia will be available for purchase during Spring regalia distribution at the Iris & Michael Smith Alumni Center, held April 16-18, 2025, as well as May 15-16, 2025, ahead of University-wide Commencement.

Regalia will not be shipped to students. Graduates can pick up regalia during Spring distribution (Grad Fest) from April 16-18, 2025, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. at the Iris & Michael Smith Alumni Center on campus, as well as May 15-16, ahead of University-wide Commencement.

Photo ID required for pick up. Students can arrange for someone else (family member, friend, colleague, etc.) to pick up their regalia package on their behalf. There is a check out and sign out process during distribution.

Cap, gown, hood and tassel are not rentals; the package is kept by the graduate. No returns.

Yes. If you need someone else to pick up your regalia (cap and gown) for you at Grad Fest, this is possible. The individual picking up will need to bring their photo ID and sign out the cap and gown upon pick up.

Special recognitions may include Honors, Latin Distinction, First Generation, International Students, Adult Learner and Veteran Services, current military service, and cultural centers.

Special recognition items by department, organization, or affiliation will be available through Jostens ordering (Grad Packs).

The deadline to order faculty regalia is the same as for students: Friday, February 28. Faculty ordering and shipping are coordinated by each college office. Colleges or departments work directly with the supplier, Jostens, to place faculty orders.

Contact your college commencement coordinator to coordinate your order. If you do not know who your coordinator is, please contact your college dean’s office.

Honors regalia

Jostens receives a list of students who are eligible to graduate and have indicated their intent to walk; the list informs which regalia are available to you when ordering your Grad Pack.

No, traditional commencement regalia is NOT worn at the Honors ceremony.  Since each graduate will be individually crossing the stage to receive the medallion, you will want to dress accordingly. Individuals are encouraged to wear attire such as slacks or skirts paired with a collared shirt, blouse, or dress.

You can stop by the Honors Office during normal business hours to pick up your medallion.

Yes, students are welcome to wear their Honors medallions to their academic unit recognition ceremonies and University-wide Commencement. 

Student move-out & finals

Students living in the residence halls will be encouraged to complete move-out by 2 p.m. on Friday, May 16, 2025, to facilitate a smoother move-out process and avoid congestion exiting campus as commencement guests arrive.  All hall residents must move out by 10 a.m. on Saturday, May 17, 2025. 

Students who have finals on Friday or need to stay Friday evening to accommodate travel schedules, work, or other campus obligations should review Move Out information on Housing & Dining Services’ website. All residence hall students must move-out by 10 a.m. on Saturday, May 17, 2025, with the exception of students moving directly into Summer Session Housing. 

Students moving out before 2 p.m. on Friday will not need to repark, but traffic delays and parking congestion can be anticipated. Students moving out on Saturday will need to repark to allow for major event guest parking. Final details on parking will be shared with campus via email ahead ofUniversity-wide Commencement.  

Friday morning final exams conclude before noon (12 p.m.) and should not be impacted by University-wide Commencement. Find the full schedule for finals here. 

All parking information for Friday will be communicated via email ahead of University-wide Commencement.

Faculty, staff & university community information

The deadline to order faculty regalia is the same as for students: Friday, February 28. Faculty ordering and shipping are coordinated by each college office. Please reach out to your college commencement coordinator to make your order. If you do not know who your commencement coordinator, please contact your college dean’s office.

Yes. Employees who can work from home or other remote locations on Thursday, May 15, and Friday, May 16, 2025, should consider making arrangements with their department heads or supervisors in advance. If you must come to campus, vehicles must be removed in accordance with campus repark. Supervisors are encouraged to accommodate employee requests for remote work, if feasible.

Yes. More than 800 people are needed to fill a variety of roles throughout commencement weekend. Please sign up here to be informed of opportunities.

Please connect with the commencement coordinator in your college or department for additional details. If you do not know who your commencement coordinator is, please contact your department chair or email [email protected].

Full parking information for commencement weekend is available here.

Please note that campus repark will be utilized on Friday, May 16, for University-wide Commencement, and employees are encouraged to work remotely on Thursday and Friday, if possible. Employees who need a parking pass for Friday or who are working University-wide Commencement should email [email protected].

There will be a variety of ways to participate in celebrating graduates, including new traditions and events. Additional information will be posted here as it becomes available.

Fort Collins & Northern Colorado community information

Portions of Lake, Pitkin and Meridian will be closed to through traffic Friday, May 16 – Saturday, May 17, 2025. Additional portions of campus may have limited access or congestion due to residence hall move-out.

CSU graduation traditions will be posted here.

New CSU graduation traditions will be rolled out in May 2025 that will welcome community engagement and celebration. 

University-wide Commencement tickets are reserved for graduating students’ guests.

Community members may attend with a ticket from a graduate or standby.

To honor our CSU graduates, University-wide Commencement is ticketed to ensure family, friends, and supporters of graduates will have seats.
Students will have six (6) tickets available for their guests with standby available for unclaimed tickets.

Additional questions?

Please email us with any remaining questions you have or call 970-491-GRAD (4723).