Doors open one (1) hour ahead of recognition, hooding and commissioning ceremonies, and two (2) hours before University-wide Commencement begins.
Guests and graduates should arrive at the same time to find their seats and join the graduate line-up, respectively.

The schedule below includes all ceremonies and events for commencement weekend in a searchable format. You may also find recognition ceremonies grouped by college here.
Unless otherwise noted, master’s candidates should attend the recognition ceremony for their academic unit; doctoral candidates should attend the hooding ceremony with the Graduate School with the exception of DVM candidates.

Please note that large, public University events are captured through photo and video. Review the full notice.

EventCollegeAcademic Unit(s)DateTimeLocation
Recognition CeremonyCollege of BusinessMaster's of Business Administration (MBA) Thursday, May 152-4 p.m.Moby Arena
Recognition & Hooding CeremonyCollege of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical SciencesDoctorate in Veterinary Medicine (DVM)Thursday, May 152-4 p.m.Lory Student Center, Grand Ballroom
Recognition CeremonyUniversity-wideUniversity Honors ProgramThursday, May 156-8 p.m.Moby Arena
Recognition & Hooding CeremonyGraduate SchoolAll doctoral candidatesThursday, May 156-8 p.m.Lory Student Center, Grand Ballroom
Commissioning CeremonyUniversity-wideArmy and Air Force ROTCThursday, May 156-8:30 p.m.University Center for the Arts, Griffin Hall
Recognition CeremonyWalter Scott, Jr. College of EngineeringChemical and Biological Engineering; Electrical and Computer Engineering; Mechanical Engineering; School of Biomedical EngineeringFriday, May 168-10 a.m.Moby Arena
Recognition CeremonyCollege of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical SciencesBiomedical Sciences and Neuroscience, bachelor's degreesFriday, May 168:30-10 a.m.Lory Student Center, Grand Ballroom
Recognition CeremonyCollege of Natural SciencesBiochemistry and Molecular Biology; Chemistry Friday, May 168:30-10 a.m.Canvas Stadium, Stadium Club
Recognition CeremonyCollege of Liberal ArtsSchool of Music, Theatre, and DanceFriday, May 168:30-10 a.m.University Center for the Arts, Griffin Hall
Recognition CeremonyGraduate SchoolMaster's candidates: Cell and Molecular Biology; Ecology; Materials Science and Engineering; School of Public HealthFriday, May 168:30-10 a.m.Lory Student Center, Theatre
Recognition CeremonyWalter Scott, Jr. College of EngineeringAtmospheric Science; Civil and Environmental Engineering; Systems EngineeringFriday, May 1612-1:30 p.m.Moby Arena
Recognition CeremonyWarner College of Natural ResourcesFish, Wildlife and Conservation Biology; Geosciences; Human Dimensions of Natural ResourcesFriday, May 1612-1:30 p.m.Lory Student Center, Grand Ballroom
Recognition CeremonyCollege of Liberal ArtsHistory; International Studies; Languages, Literatures, and CulturesFriday, May 1612-1:30 p.m.University Center for the Arts, Griffin Hall
Recognition CeremonyCollege of Natural SciencesPhysicsFriday, May 1612-1:30 p.m.Lory Student Center, Theatre
University-wide CommencementUniversity-wideAll graduatesFriday, May 164:30-6 p.m.Canvas Stadium, field
Recognition CeremonyCollege of Natural SciencesPsychologySaturday, May 178-9:30 a.m.Moby Arena
Recognition CeremonyCollege of BusinessManagementSaturday, May 178-9:30 a.m.Lory Student Center, Grand Ballroom
Recognition CeremonyCollege of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical SciencesAll master's candidates Saturday, May 178-9:30 a.m.University Center for the Arts, Griffin Hall
Recognition CeremonyCollege of Liberal ArtsAnthropology and GeographySaturday, May 178-9:30 a.m.Lory Student Center, Theatre
Recognition CeremonyCollege of Natural SciencesBiologySaturday, May 1711:30 a.m.-1 p.m.Moby Arena
Recognition CeremonyCollege of BusinessMarketingSaturday, May 1711:30 a.m.-1 p.m.Lory Student Center, Grand Ballroom
Recognition CeremonyWarner College of Natural ResourcesEcosystem Science and SustainabilitySaturday, May 1711:30 a.m.-1 p.m.University Center for the Arts, Griffin Hall
Recognition CeremonyCollege of Liberal ArtsEconomicsSaturday, May 1711:30 a.m.-1 p.m.Lory Student Center, Theatre
Recognition CeremonyCollege of Natural SciencesComputer ScienceSaturday, May 173-4:30 p.m.Moby Arena
Recognition CeremonyCollege of Liberal ArtsInterdisciplinary Liberal Arts; Sociology; Arts Management; Sports ManagementSaturday, May 173-4:30 p.m.Lory Student Center, Grand Ballroom
Recognition CeremonyCollege of BusinessComputer Information SystemsSaturday, May 173-4:30 p.m.Canvas Stadium, Stadium Club
Recognition CeremonyWarner College of Natural ResourcesForest and Rangeland StewardshipSaturday, May 173-4:30 p.m.University Center for the Arts, Griffin Hall
Recognition CeremonyCollege of BusinessAccounting; Finance and Real Estate Saturday, May 176:30-8 p.m.Moby Arena
Recognition CeremonyCollege of Liberal ArtsJournalism and Media Communication; Communication StudiesSaturday, May 176:30-8 p.m.Lory Student Center, Grand Ballroom
Recognition CeremonyCollege of Natural SciencesData Science; Statistics; Mathematics; Natural ScienceSaturday, May 176:30-8 p.m.Canvas Stadium, Stadium Club
Recognition CeremonyCollege of Agricultural SciencesAnimal Sciences; Agricultural and Resource EconomicsSunday, May 188-9:30 a.m.Moby Arena
Recognition CeremonyCollege of Health and Human SciencesDesign and Merchandising; Construction ManagementSunday, May 188-9:30 a.m.Lory Student Center, Grand Ballroom
Recognition CeremonyCollege of Liberal ArtsEnglish; Philosophy; Race, Gender, and Ethnic StudiesSunday, May 188-9:30 a.m.Canvas Stadium, Stadium Club
Recognition CeremonyCollege of Agricultural SciencesAgricultural Biology; Horticulture and Landscape Architecture; Soil and Crop SciencesSunday, May 1811:30 a.m.-1 p.m.Moby Arena
Recognition CeremonyCollege of Liberal ArtsArt; Art HistorySunday, May 1811:30 a.m.-1 p.m.Canvas Stadium, Stadium Club
Recognition CeremonyCollege of Health and Human SciencesFood Science and Human Nutrition; Health and Exercise ScienceSunday, May 183-4:30 p.m.Moby Arena
Recognition CeremonyCollege of Liberal ArtsPolitical ScienceSunday, May 183-4:30 p.m.Canvas Stadium, Stadium Club
Recognition CeremonyCollege of Health and Human SciencesHuman Development and Family Studies; School of Education; School of Social WorkSunday, May 186:30-8 p.m.Moby Arena