Warner College of Natural Resources Commencement Program
141st Year of
Fall 2024
Warner College of Natural Resources Commencement
December 14, 2024
Order of Ceremony
Processional ¹ – Big Thompson Brass
National Anthem ² – Hayley Price
Introduction of Platform Party – Dr. Monique Rocca
Opening Remarks – Dean A. Alonso Aguirre
Commencement Address – Dr. Benjamin Tuggle
Recognition of Honors Program Graduates and Honorary Society Initiates – Dr. Chris Myrick
Remarks to the Class – President Amy Parsons
Recognition of Posthumous Degree – Dr. Tony Cheng
Conferring of Degrees – President Parsons and Dean Aguirre
Awarding of Diplomas – Dean Aguirre, Paul Layden, and Department Heads
Graduating Senior Address – Desirae McCutchen
Closing Remarks – Dean Aguirre
Alma Mater ² – Hayley Price
Recessional – Big Thompson Brass
1 Audience will stand
2 Audience may remain seated
On the Platform
Amy Parsons, J.D., President, Colorado State University
Dr. A. Alonso Aguirre, Dean, Warner College of Natural Resources
Dr. Monique Rocca, Associate Dean, Warner College of Natural Resources
Desirae McCutchen, Graduating Senior, Forest and Rangeland Stewardship
Dr. Benjamin Tuggle, Guest Speaker, Warner College of Natural Resources Dean’s Advisory Council
Dr. James Pritchett, Vice President for Engagement and Extension, Colorado State University
Dr. Eric Toman, Department Head, Forest and Rangeland Stewardship
Dr. Tony Cheng, Interim Department Head, Human Dimensions of Natural Resources
Dr. Rich Conant, Department Head, Ecosystem Science and Sustainability
Dr. Joel Pederson, Department Head, Geosciences
Dr. Jennifer Boyd, Department Head, Fish, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology
Mr. Paul Layden, Master Instructor, Human Dimensions of Natural Resources
Dr. Rickey Frierson, Assistant Dean for Diversity and Inclusion, Warner College of Natural Resources
Dr. David Anderson, Director, Colorado Natural Heritage Program
Matt McCombs, Director, Colorado State Forest Service
Nicole Stafford, Director, Environmental Learning Center
Dr. John Sanderson, Director, Center for Collaborative Conservation
Dr. Mireille Gonzalez, Co-Director, Center for Human-Carnivore Coexistence
Dr. Camille Stevens-Rumann, Interim Director, Colorado Forest Restoration Institute
Shimon Watanabe, Fish, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology
Jacqie Hasan, Human Dimensions of Natural Resources
Dr. Wilfred Previant, Forest and Rangeland Stewardship
Dr. Steven Fassnacht, Ecosystem Science and Sustainability
Dr. Sara Rathburn, Geosciences
The Mace
The mace, originally a weapon of offense, has long been the insignia of authority. The mace carried in today’s ceremony was presented to Colorado State University by the College of Natural Resources in 1981. The three-and-half-foot black walnut staff, surmounted by a carved rams head, is embellished in silver with the emblems of Colorado State University and the State of Colorado.
Dr. Benjamin Tuggle, Commencement Speaker
Dr. Benjamin N. Tuggle, a dynamic conservation leader and diversity champion, was with the U.S Fish and Wildlife Service for more than 40 years prior to his retirement. He served as the Regional Director for the Southwest Region, where he provided leadership and policy direction in Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico and Arizona, successfully managing some of the nation’s most complex and controversial natural resource management issues. Later, he served as the Assistant Director for Science Applications, where he fostered collaboration among federal, state and local natural resource agencies, Native American tribes, private sector and non-governmental environmental groups in order to develop and advocate the use of sound science for fish and wildlife conservation and management.
Throughout his prominent career, Dr. Tuggle has been a tireless advocate for staff and researchers working on notable wildlife conservation issues, as well as prioritizing the development of opportunities for youth (especially minority youth) in natural sciences and natural resources management.
Dr. Tuggle holds a Bachelor of Science Degree (1975) in Biology from Fort Valley State University, Fort Valley GA; and Master of Science (1977) and Doctor of Philosophy (1982) Degrees from The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.
Warner College of Natural Resources
Candidates for University Honors Scholar
Fall 2024
Bella Bert, Fish, Wildlife and Conservation Biology major with a concentration on Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences and a minor in Business Administration. Thesis: Evaluating Cyprinus carpio (Common Carp) Swimming Performance in a Simulated Rock Ramp. Thesis Adviser: Dr. Christopher Myrick.
Kaidan Capossere, Fish, Wildlife and Conservation Biology major with a concentration on Wildlife Biology and a minor in History. Thesis: Effects of Patch Size and Land Cover on Body Size of Bee Communities in Denver Parks. Thesis Adviser: Dr. John Mola.
Sienna Colucci, Fish, Wildlife and Conservation Biology major with a concentration on Conservation Biology and a minor in Legal Studies. Thesis: Fishing Effort, Catch and Harvest of Lake Trout by Guided Trips in Lake Granby Reservoir: Insights Through Angler Diaries. Thesis Adviser: Dr. Chris Myrick.
Morgan Dunn, Ecosystem Science and Sustainability major with a minor in Spanish and a second minor in Mathematical Biology. Thesis: Enzyme Substrate Promiscuity Explains Rare Compound Transformation Ability in Novel Mycobacterium. Thesis advisor: Dr. Sara Bombaci.
Devon Loverich, Restoration Ecology major. Thesis: Solid Waste Sustainability in Fort Collins, Colorado. Thesis Adviser: Dr. Sarah Hart.
Ainsley Marks, Fish, Wildlife and Conservation Biology major with a concentration on Wildlife Biology. Thesis: Not Provided. Thesis advisor: Not Provided.
Kate Moseley, Fish, Wildlife and Conservation Biology major with a concentration on Conservation Biology and a minor in Sustainable Water. Thesis: The Conquest of Waters: A Collection of Essays on Fisheries Management and Human Domination. Thesis Adviser: Dr. Brett Johnson.
Joshua Schutt, Fish, Wildlife and Conservation Biology major with a concentration on Wildlife Biology and a minor in Entomology. Thesis: Key to Opatrini Brullé, 1832 (Insecta, Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae, Tenebrioninae) of Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, and Utah, United States of America.. Thesis Adviser: Dr. Crystal Cooke.
Peyton Tajchman, Fish, Wildlife and Conservation Biology major with a concentration on Conservation Biology and a minor in Entomology. Thesis: Not Provided. Thesis advisor: Not Provided.
Warner College of Natural Resources
Candidates for Baccalaureate Degrees
Fall 2024
Dean A. Alonso Aguirre
Ecosystem Science and Sustainability
Brady, Aidan Michael *
Callaghan, Mary Claire *
Chase, Helen Louise
Deason, Haydyn Emery *
Demartini, Victor A. *
Dowell, Ava Grace
Dunn, Morgan Evea * ^
Fisher, Jennifer *
Hutter, Dillon Paul
Norris, Amy B. *
Pira, Kiara Angel
Roberts, Ari Chancellor
Rogel, Ann-Stephanie *
Severance, Owen M. +
Skinner, Grant S.
Fire and Emergency Services Administration
Ariscar, Elie
Steiner, Marc Arthur
Fish, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology
Abbott, Annika Lynn =
Adams, Jenna Marie
Bert, Isabella Angeline *
Capossere, Kaidan William * ^
Carlson, Amanda Marcella *
Cheeseman, Nora Joan * ^
Chenoweth, Chase Eric
Clark, Peyton Orion
Cole, Matthew Lawrence
Colucci, Sienna Marie * ^
Corrales, Joely Marie
Finley Jr., Peter Joseph *
Flaming, Abigail Clair *
Fowler, Joel E.
Fridberg, Annika Lynn * #
Galanter, Jasmina Z.
Georgalos, Christopher C.
Gobell, Amber Margarita =
Green, Anna Madlin
Hand, Jacob D.
Hartwell, Allison C. *
Hirsch, Magnolia Ann * ^
Johnson, Loralye Sage
Kirby, Natasha M.
Lane, Marc S.
MacDonald, James Tavish
Marks, Ainsley Grace
Medlin, Grant William
Moseley, Mary Kathryn * #
Oman, Alyssa Nicole
Pavey, Sarah
Sanders, Cameron Paul
Schutt, Joshua Cai * ^
Soares, Morgan Lee *
Spika, Margaret M. *
Tajchman, Peyton Suzanne * ^
Talavera, Oscar
Van Cleave, Charles Scott
Vroman-Lucas, Paetra Caprice + *
Warren, Jennifer Michelle
Whitney, Riley Ann
Wilder, Lucas
Winters, Zachari
Forest and Rangeland Stewardship
Atkinson, Michael C. + *
Beierle, Joseph Boland
Christians, Max
Groshong, Bennett Ross
Grybko III, Richard J. *
Gunning, Samuel Min-Jae
Hanosh, Trevor Michael
Henry, Aidan *
Jones, Carly Alexandra
Kochanski, Vincent
Lantz, Brandon C.
Maltby, Griffin M.
McCutchen, Desirae L. *
Normandin, Spencer David
Rogers, Bennett James
Sanchez-Moreno, Heaven *
Sima, Sean J.
Tobin, Carter Matthew
Wells, Megan Virginia ^
Al Hathirami, Saif
Anderson, Garrett W.
Bishop, Jenna H.
Littleton, Palmer William
Loyd, Alexandria Rae Michele
Manseth, Colt Alan Lee
Relic, Michael George
Ruatti, Andrew F. *
Walsh, Adam Clark #
Weaver, Nathan R. * ^
Yakimisky, Hannah Grace
Human Dimensions of Natural Resources
Culligan, Skylar A.
Harrington, Ethan John
Hendershott, Ulysses Tomas *
Higgins, Lily Marie
Lambert, Anneka Marguerite * ^
Liberto, Frank Nicolas Anthony
Merfeld, Julia Shannon * ^
Ostopowicz, Katya A. *
Santos Urteaga, Priscila
Smith, Blake M. *
Teuber, Rio Eliana * ^
Wakely, Simon James Patrick *
Wilde, Caitlin Rose *
Natural Resource Tourism
Alamrani, Halah
Bennett, Blakeley Mae
Bruce, Venessa I. *
Esp, Dana R.
Farr, Isaiah John
Hodde, Halen R. *
Holtkamp, Lucy * =
Keenan, Collin P.
Klein, Joseph Dante *
Light, Lauren Elizabeth
Patton, Andrew Thomas ^
Shehan, Robert H. ‡
Willig, Joseph L.
Natural Resources Management
Caron, Cameron *
Carranza, Sebastian * =
Dykstra, Ryan J. *
Earl, Jacob Warren *
Eastman, Erin Rose *
Granquist, Blake M. * ^
Henderson, Elena Paige *
Horner II, Joshua Lewis *
Hunter, Emily Suzanne *
Igoe, Ashley G. *
Lamkin, Lukas Scott *
Lee, Allyson Marie *
Smith, Jillian Delaney *
Towers, Elizabeth Hadley *
Vandergaw, Erick William *
Welch, Jeffrey Patrick *
Restoration Ecology
Barry, Samantha Lynn
Giorgi, Savanna Lynne *
Kanya, Hunter Robert =
Kuhn, Isabell Lee *
Laughlin, Andrew James
Loverich, Devon Ashley
Mayns, David James
Norrie, Matthew Patrick
Rubidoux, Liam Andre
Stephens, Aaron Michael
Waldon, Jack Steven
Zielinski, Clark Edward *
Watershed Science
Linn, Matthew I.
Warner College of Natural Resources
Candidates for Baccalaureate Degrees
Summer 2024
Dean A. Alonso Aguirre
Ecosystem Science and Sustainability
Conboy, John M.
Dilger, Mitchel Frank *
Galick, Grace Ann *
Paulson, Joseph Hill ^
Schwartz, Benjamin A. *
Troost, Evan James *
Wegner, Elle B.
Fire and Emergency Services Administration
Nobbs, Conner Ross
Fish, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology
Aziz, Mayrah
Fullmer, Analiese
Monson, Sydnee Isabelle
Shaver, Megan A. *
Smith, Caroline Jane
Trumble, Cole Patrick
Velasco Yanez, Litzy Fatima *
Al-Souti, Mahnad *
Limbrick, Samuel Robert
Nordrum, Haakon L. ^
Pascual, Meaghan Alexandra
Pearce, Tegan Rose
Tarka, Tia Elizabeth
Windingstad, Margaret Victoria *
Human Dimensions of Natural Resources
Allenbach, Ashlynn M.
Dart, Kyra Menna
Drosihn, Kaitlin Elizabeth
Holmes, Keaton *
Martin, David Kyle
Martin, Riley Elaine
Murphy, Morgan Olivia * ^
Ralston, Grace R. *
Shields, Hayden Buck
Natural Resource Tourism
DeYoung, Hailey Grace *
Farrell, Leo Bleue
Fenner, Ezra Slome
Franzen, Allison Elizabeth *
Lambert, Ashley May
McCreedy, Justin James
Solis, Daniel Caesar
Tolnai, Aidan Thomas
Natural Resources Management
Valseca, Emiliano Tonatiuh *
Restoration Ecology
Freed, Grant Amerson *
* Candidates with minor
+ Candidates with second major
^ Candidates for cum laude
# Candidates for magna cum laude
= Candidates for summa cum laude
‡ Awarded posthumously