141st Year of
Fall 2024

College of Liberal Arts Commencement

December 14, 2024

Order of Ceremony

Processional – Colorado State Brass Quintet

Welcome – Dean Kjerstin Thorson

Presentation of Colors – Army ROTC Color Guard

National Anthem – Kristy Shuck

Introduction of Platform Party – Dean Thorson

Recognition of Undergraduate Students – Dr. Michelle Stanley

Introduction of Student Speaker – Dr. Ellie Light

Graduating Student Speaker – Leah Dunphey

Commencement Speaker – James Iacino

Congratulatory Remarks – President Amy Parsons

Presentation of Class – Dean Thorson

Conferring of Baccalaureate Degrees – President Parsons

Distribution of Diplomas – Department Chairs

Closing Remarks – Dr. Stanley

Alma Mater – Kristy Shuck

Platform, Faculty, and Student Recessional – Colorado State Brass Quintet

Members of the Platform Party

Amy Parsons, J.D., President, Colorado State University

James Iacino, Chair, TIGER21

Dr. Kjerstin Thorson, Dean of the College of Liberal Arts

Dr. Elissa Braunstein, Research Associate Dean

Dr. Ryan Claycomb, Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs

Dr. Ellie Light, Assistant Dean for Student Success

Dr. Rosa Martey, Faculty Coordinator of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Dr. Michelle Stanley, Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies and Interim Vice Provost for Undergraduate Affairs

Dr. Michael Pante, Chair, Department of Anthropology and Geography

Dr. Ellie Moseman, Chair, Department of Art and Art History

Dr. Nick Marx, Associate Professor and Director of Undergraduate Studies, Department of Communication Studies

Dr. Daniele Tavani, Chair, Department of Economics

Professor Tom Conway, Master Instructor, Department of English

Dr. Robert Gudmestad, Chair, Department of History

Professor Kevin Foskin, Program Director, Interdisciplinary Liberal Arts

Dr. Marilee Long, Chair, Department of Journalism and Media Communication

Dr. Jonathan Carlyon, Chair, Languages, Literatures, and Cultures and Interim Director of International Studies

Dr. Dan Goble, Director of the School of Music, Theatre, and Dance

Dr. Ken Shockley, Chair, Department of Philosophy

Dr. Bob Duffy, Chair, Department of Political Science

Dr. Sushmita Chatterjee, Chair, Department of Race, Gender, and Ethnic Studies

Dr. Tara Opsal, Chair, Department of Sociology


Dr. Eileen Connell, Instructor, Race, Gender, and Ethnic Studies

Dr. David Wolfgang, Associate Professor, Journalism and Media Communication

Dr. Robert Gudmestad, Chair, Department of History

College Faculty Marshals

Dr. Cate DiCesare, Associate Professor, Art and Art History

Dr. Nathan Cory Seymour, Student Engagement Coordinator, Art and Art History

Dr. Ted Fabiano, Instructor, English

Professor Gina Robinson, Instructor, Interdisciplinary Liberal Arts

Dr. Jessie Harney, Assistant Professor, Political Science

Dr. Pete Taylor, Professor, Sociology

College of Liberal Arts

Candidates for University Honors Scholar
Fall 2024

Rachel Allan, Communication Studies major with a minor in Business Administration. Thesis: Netflix’s The Queen’s Gambit and Its’ Rhetorical Proclivities. Thesis Adviser: Dr. Elinor Light.

Braden L. Bomgaars, English major with a concentration on Literature and a second major in Political Science with a concentration on U.S. Government, Law and Policy. Thesis: Negotiating Freedom, Belonging, and Dependency: Eco-Cosmopolitanism in Samuel Selvon’s Fiction. Thesis Adviser: Dr. Philip Tsang.

Ava Campbell, English major with a concentration on Creative Writing and a minor in Art History. Thesis: Harvest Moon: A Work in Progress. Thesis Adviser: Dr. Lisa Langstraat.

Cailee Chapman, English major with a concentration on Literature and a minor in Legal Studies. Thesis: Beyond the Text: Exploring Constitutional Interpretation Through Judicial Dissension. Thesis Adviser: Angelina M. Robinson, J.D..

Chandler Dalton, Journalism and Media Communicaion major with a minor in Political Science. Thesis: An Analysis of the USA Gymnastics Sexual Abuse Scandal: Building a Crisis Communication Plan for Sports Organizations. Thesis advisor: Darrell Blair.

Jacob Ellis, Journalism and Media Communicaion major. Thesis: The World of Pet Birds. Thesis Adviser: Steven Weiss.

Joya Haskin, English major with a concentration on English Education. Thesis: Build Your Own (and Our) Story: A Creative Writing Writing Unit to Develop a Classroom Anthology. Thesis Adviser: Dr. Rosa Nam.

Jules Heatley, English major with a concentration on Creative Writing and a minor in Science Communication. Thesis: Love Hunts with Sharp Teeth. Thesis Adviser: Dana Masden.

Abbey Ladegaard, Sociology major with a concentration in Criminology and Criminal Justice and a minor in Women’s Studies. Thesis: How to Support Individuals with Disabilities in the Dating World: A Proposed Guidebook for Participants in the Friendship and Dating Program and Their Caregivers. Thesis advisor: Dr. Erin O’Callaghan.

Ethan Moore, Economics major with a minor in Geospatial Information Science for Natural Resources. Thesis: Brain Drain in Developing Countries and Potential Policy Solutions. Thesis Adviser: Dr. Anita Alves Pena.

Mary Taryn Moran, Sociology major with a concentration in Criminology and Criminal Justice and a minor in Leadership Studies. Thesis: Pledges of Harm and Healing: Analyzing Fraternity and Sorority Policy Related to Accountability and Justice. Thesis Adviser: Dr. Stephanie Moreira.

Jackson Patrick, Journalism and Media Communicaion major with a minor in Data Science. Thesis: Fly Fishing for All. Thesis Adviser: Matt Gohl.

Abby Powell, International Studies major with a concentration on Global Studies, a minor in Women’s Studies, and a second minor in French. Thesis: Modern Witchcraft Accusations in the Global South. Thesis Adviser: Dr. Meagan Todd.

Jaeden Sayers, Political Science major with a concentration on U.S. Government, Law and Policy and a second major in Economics. Thesis: Educational Inequity and the Colorado Public School Funding Formula. Thesis Adviser: Dr. Courtenay Daum.

Abbygail Snogren, History major with a concentration in Social Studies Teaching. Thesis: On the Brink of Catastrophe: Antebellum America Unit Plan. Thesis Adviser: Dr. David Korostyshevsky.

College of Liberal Arts

Candidates for Baccalaureate Degrees
Fall 2024


Dean Kjerstin Thorson



Brentlinger, Sophie Gale

Foley, Jacob Richard *

Herrington, Brooke A. ^

Kasza, Sara K.

Laufman, Matthew J.

Lee, Kathryn M.

Maranville, Robert Cole *

McRay, Anna Mule’

Rosas, Walter J.

Spahr, Kayla M.

Stringer, Brandon Joel

Sullivan, Kevin J.

Wallace, Natalie Katy-Ana


Crabb, Emily Grace

Duran, Elisia Isabela

Glaser Cheek, Sydney *

Grover, Conner Hazard

Jara, Zoe Esther *

LaHood, Emily R. *

Park, Brittany Elizabeth

Regas, Ava Renee *

Reynes, Mia *

Sherrill, Samuel Dan *

Stibley, Brittlyn Faithe

Stortz, Shannon Rose *

Swingle, Izabella Luv *

Communication Studies

Allan, Rachel Mackenzie Stone *

Atkinson, Riley Nicole *

Banas, Lauren Elise * ^

Bobo, Kendall Kathryn *

Bohlmann, Murphy *

Burney, Spencer M. *

Chaidez, Dominick Michael *

Clynch, Campbell Teague *

Conway, Francis Martin *

Danni, Sloane Marie *

Fredrikson, Ella James *

Fricke, Adam Patrick *

Frosch, Elaine Catherine *

Given, William Dean *

Gottlieb, Jack Adin

Greenwald, Matt S. *

Guagenti, Elizabeth Grace *

Guidry, Jaelyn Ruth *

Hauser, Minnie *

Herman, Emery *

Howell, Jack Thomas *

Hubble, Davis M. *

Johnson, Kole M. *

Katz, Kayla N. +

Kenney, Josephine P. *

King, Jeremy Matthew *

King, Kya Samantha *

Kirkel, Kyra H. *

Knutson, Sarah Elizabeth *

Kutter, Dameris Natalia * ^

Ledée, Olivia A. *

Lilley, Ryann Ella Grace *

Lowell, Brandon Alex *

Luster, Denim Taylor *

Marsh, Madelyn Anne *

McMahon, Jacob Henry *

Miller, Ayden Elizabeth *

Mitchell, James A. *

Paolini, Romy Maria *

Poliquin, Krystal Montana *

Pyle, Tanner Cade

Quiñones, Elizabeth *

Radcliff, Hudson Paul *

Rodenberg, Brooke Ann *

Romero, Josiah Jacob *

Shoemaker, Riley M. *

Teofilo, Trent Neal *

Thomas, Hutchinson Spencer *

Tucker, Joshua L. *

Walsh, Lauren Chandler *

Whipple, Jack Dean *

Wunder, Julia K. *


Militare, Morgan V. +

Smith, Brianna Dilara +


Begner, Evan Lewis * ^

Bennett Goble, Peter Evan

Briles, Erik Joseph *

Carpenter, Oakley *

Chittanavong, Karson A. *

Constant, Cooper Jetter *

Corpuz, Marc Joseph *

Dancy, Gabriel Elvis *

Eckburg, Driggs Henry *

Fox, Dylan Conrad *

Garcia, Brandon N. *

Geiser, Megan Rita *

Gonzalez, Sebastian A. *

Goudie, Braxton Scott *

Guerin, Ryan Michael *

Laffey Jr., Stephen Patrick * ^

Le, Nathan Ngoc *

Lester, James E. *

Moore, Ethan Price * #

Ohmart, Jack A. *

Schuepbach, Bjorn *

Shalz, Marisa K. *

Sweazea, Jessica *

Sylvester, Anthony Maxwell *

Thies, William Garett + *

Thomas, Reid Ernesto *

Whitlock, Victoria Elizabeth *

Wilson, Aiden Cole * ^


Bickford, Cassandra C.

Bomgaars, Braden Lee + =

Bower, Devon =

Brecka, Kendra L.

Cailene, Emma Lia * =

Campbell, Ava Leigh * #

Chapman, Cailee Rose * #

Flores, Guadalupe

Forrester, Ian Alexander *

Haskin, Joya M. ^

Heatley, Juliet * ^

Kennedy, Matthew Jay

Kusbel, Mary Elizabeth

Mccraw, Alexander Charles

Omari-Anim, Emmanuella

Parker, Payton Wiley #

Pixton, Grace Emily *

Rath, Sanyukta *

Ricci, Joshua M.

Scaggs, Lily Hannah

Stewart, Trevor Michael ‡

Swim, Andrew James *

Tomcak, Kellen Edward =

Venegas, Jesse ^

Waggoner, Ricky D.

White, Aimee Mae *

Ethnic Studies

Bharara, Nisha S. *

Day, Shaelyn Hunter

Stillman, Victoria Marina *


Adcox, Caleb Andrew

Angel, Liam Ezekiel *

Baker, Kagan Hunter *

Butler, Roanna Brynn +

Carpenter, Jackson Tucker

Cooper, William Berry *

Dickens, Terrance Clarke *

Fertitta, Gavin Michael *

Flock, Alec James *

Harper, Jenna Munro * #

Harrison, Matthew Daniel +

Kothe, David Barry

Liles, Gabrielle Marie *

Marion, Peyton M. * #

McMurry, Ian Michael *

Meyer, Lauren M.

Morin, Sophie Elizabeth *

Moring, Shane

Phillips, Mariah Mae

Roderick, Tatum *

Smith, Samantha Ellen *

Snogren, Abbygail D’Nae =

Stoner, Abbigail Leanne

Varney, Jason

Wardell, Brynne Elizabeth

West, Lillian Anya

Interdisciplinary Liberal Arts

Bakovich, Kellen John *

Blank, Justin *

Conradson, Ashlyn Reese *

Cook, Jamar J. *

Dahl, Rebecca *

Dayhoff, Shirin *

DeMatteo, Andrew P. *

Edwards, K.J *

Grayson, Tyrell Deshaun *

Harrison, Alexia Camille *

Haug, Jakob P. *

Hontz, Logan C. *

Horton, Tory *

Johnson, Kobe Tyrese *

Jones, Dominic M. *

Katsilis, Sophia *

Knudson, Corrin *

Laffey, Brian William *

Lombardo, Nina M. *

Montini, Peter Anthony *

Murad, Zahra B. *

Nord, Jason *

Pagel, Isabella Mccrea *

Peterson, Lily Estelle * ^

Polowski, Samantha *

Retland, Jasmine Marie *

Schaefer, Zachary T. *

Wallower, Amy M. * ^

Williams, Haylie Yvonne *

International Studies

Callis, Owen *

Dankowski, Maya A. * ^

Fields, Reaghan Delaney *

Gracheck, Lindsey S. *

Mairs, Andrew R. +

Najar Armendariz, Sheccid Jezabel +

Pattyn, Guillaume Pierre Jean Ghislain *

Powell, Abigail Elizabeth *

Schurade, Lottie Leigh Ann *

Younghanz, Katelyn Hope + * #

Journalism and Media Communication

Altenborg, Christopher A. *

Bedalov-Valde, Ryan J.

Bolitho, Campbell Isabella * ^

Brady, William Keiler *

Brill, Kloe Shad *

Brown, Malachi

Cook, Damon William *

Dalton, Chandler Jean * #

Daly, Mia Maylis

Ellis, Jacob Winslow ^

Fehrenbach, Michelle

Ferguson, Brooklyn

Giller, Savannah *

Gomez, Asa Grifin *

Hammer, Sydney

Harvey, Joshua Dylan *

Henry, Brendan Patrick *

Jehlicka, Jenna

Kelley, Olivia Grace

Landry, Jenna

LeFever, Brody Samson *

Lewallen, Nicholas Wayne *

MacPhail, Abigail Margaret Dorothy *

Mason, Chloe Elizabeth *

McMillan, Adah * ^

Nikiel, Lauren Elizabeth

Nordstrom, Samantha *

Patrick, Jackson roy *

Paulsen, Elise Cynthia *

Ramirez, Jacob Dylan

Ranney Smith, Daisy Blake *

Roke, Jared M. *

Siyoum, Meron A. *

Sophir, Erik Bradley *

Strasheim, Madison Lee *

Styer, Shelby Demetri

Szetela, Frances

Teubel, Nolan Patrick *

Tomanek, Libby P.

Vestecka, Erin *

Wentworth, Jordyn Marie

Withey, Sarah Lorraine ^

Languages, Literatures, and Cultures

Bergman, Ryan Dominik Jagmin

Galyean, Ashlyn Marie +

Hixon, Sawyer P. *

Vaughn, Eliina M. +

Whaley, Peighton + *


Allen, Hunter Autumn *

Raharja, Reynaldi =

Souders, Sarah Kate


Flynn, Jackson O. *

McKinney, Cody *

Nedeljković, Josif Dušan

Trosper, Cody A. +

Political Science

Baker, McKayla Marie *

Barron, Alicia Roxana *

Baumgarten, Michael Joseph *

Berhe, Huldah S.

Bowman, Lucy Charlotte *

Brandman, Kaitlyn Marie + * ^

Brouk, Olivia Ann *

Camp, Ryan McDuffie *

Chacon, Hailie Vanessa *

Dews, Andrea Julianna + *

Fitzgerald, Bailey C. *

Frakes, Christopher John *

Gomez, Lorenzo Antonio +

Hadley, Madi J. *

Harrison, Emma Elizabeth *

Jaggard, Kimberly Diane *

Kahler, Samantha G. * ^

Luna, Ximena *

Mattson, Eric Ennis *

Melka, Justin Todd *

Mosher, Josi Laurel *

Murphy, Colin M. *

Neener, Hailey Elizabeth *

Parra-Arreola, Lizbeth *

Roig, Jessica Lynn + ^

Sayers, Jaeden A. +

Torcivia, Azareya

Wahl, Halee Jo * #

Wendlantd, Juan Carlos *

Weston, Tristin Marie + *


Allen, Julian Michael

Andel, Brooke Mackenzie

Bassett, Haley Jean

Bellas, Alexis Anne

Bishop, Cassidy Jamie

Bogin, McCartney J.

Bowman, Peter Alexander

Bracamontes, Luis

Cicala, Sean Thomas *

Cobb, Duncan Celeste

Crutcher, Madelyn L.

Drobny, Kyle Anne *

Ferguson, Sophia Adelaide *

Finelli, Viviana

Juarez, Mary Abegael *

Kelley, Cassandra Jean *

Ladegaard, Abbey Elaine * #

Lopez, Antonio Luis

Manduca, Kayla *

Marquez Ayala, Maitte Jessica *

McCarter, Abigail Scott

McClatchey, Kaitlin A.

McGill, Mark D.

Medina, Carlos Andres

Moran, Mary Taryn * #

Morgan, Nissa D. ^

Noyes, Jordan Thomas

Olvera, Diego M.

Owens, Xan Leigh + *

Palacio, Emeri

Parrott, Edwin A.

Perque, Mitch Elisabeth

Quintana Prieto, Kimberly *

Roberts, Ivy Rosabelle

Saavedra, Andrea

Siekmeier, Lilly Ann * =

Silverstein, Bennett Rudolph

Slade, Riley Grace

Spicher, Cade W. * ^

Steingesser, Sarah * ^

Stephenson, Grace Eileen

Tinkler, Andrea

Wacker, Matty Lynn

Ward, Jala Marie * ^

Wilcox, Rachael Mae


Bowman, Ethan L. *

Cordova, Anna M.

Miller, Avi Alessandra * #

Simonson, Katherine Kay *



Altmaier, Jo

Begay, Desiree Haazbaa

Browne, Parker

Cahill, Blake Edward

Christensen, Annaka Kaylan

Contreras Delgado, Rocio (Ro) Corina

Foster, Paige Elizabeth *

Francis, Falan Tanzania

Hart, Benjamin Eric

Jensen, Josiah Duane

Joseph, Lijo =

Lee, Jahvon Dileon

Meadors, Chase R.

Mendez Gomez, Nyah Aurora

Niswender, Jarrin T.

Noton, Charlotte Louise ^

Okano, Ali

Partain, Nicholas T. *

Perryman, Catherine Mary

Ray, Steven Billy

Sherman, Alexander Joel

Shultz, Benjamin Daniel * ^

Slick, Jessica L. *

Weaver, Cole Austin

Winborne, Lance Matthew

Wirtz, Julia Christine

Wolnick, Sommerset Hazel

Young, Caden Christopher *


Gandara, Hector M.



Ave, Laurel Cassie

Beyer, Katherine Ann

Cunningham, Claire Marie

Dunphey, Leah Dawn #

Fling, Brookelynn Rose

Irwin, Bradley J. ^

Landfair III, Benny Allen



Beerline, Michael

Martin, Timothy Joseph

Vincent, Alanna Faith Binti * ‡

College of Liberal Arts

Candidates for Baccalaureate Degrees
Summer 2024


Interim Dean Elissa Braunstein



Brown, Kaylie A. * ^

Cameron, Jack A.

De Luca, Theresa Renate

Denney Jr., Everette H.

Espinoza, Juan Antonio

Fillweber, Jackson Patrick *

Flynn, Katharine Franzese

Harlan, Jaden May

Kopecky, Alexandra Caitlin

Lee-Smith, Rachel E. +

Parker, Travis Lafayette

Weiland, Tianna Jean


McGill, Tre’Lani *

Rivero, Mia Dakota

Communication Studies

Beckish, Jakob D. *

Cera-Herrera, Christopher *

DeLuca, Jacob Steven *

Fox, Nicholas Anthony *

Gaspari, Chiara L. * ^

Hammerschmidt, Hunter James *

Hernandez, Yahaira *

Lewis, Ashley Grace *

Lockett, Annabel Margaret *

Macias, Cinthia *

Malloy, Erin E. *

McIvor, Brian R. *

Moore, Aaron Alexander *

Moore, Tristan N. *

Odle, Joshua Timothy *

Parker, Beau James *

Parker, Jazmine Artulia *

Peluso, Sarah Abigail *

Ray, Tyler Charles *

Sanders, Cole *

Spencer, Kaija Isabelle *

Steege, Katherine May *

Swanson, Zachary J. *


Zavattaro, Mikayla


Al Raisi, Isra Abdul Rahman Shamrid *

Dickhausen, Joshua *

Fagehi, Fawaz M. *

John, Andrew Christian *

Kazda, Brandon *

Kilmer, Thomas Martin *

Ma, Wei Tse *

Matto, Casey John *

Munoz, Ian Andrew *

Parvin, Kourosh *

Petersen, Hallie M. *

Seiler, Teagan Allen *

Sokolov, Gleb M. *

Speir, Tal Mathew *

Vyas, Sanskar Rajesh Kumar +


Carr, Cairn Page =

Clark-Johnson, Cayden Robert

Glover, Mitchell

Lauderdale, Christina Marie *

Owokoya, Adedimeji Temitoyosi *

Rugh, Casey James


Bates, Andrew Alexander *

Cohen, Courtney J.

Evans, Haley Mahan *

Fredericksen, Joseph Richard

Worthem Cumming, Jaron T.

Interdisciplinary Liberal Arts

Carmosino, Megan Renee *

Cawthon, Jayna E. *

Collins, Zackery Owen *

Cook, Samuel Morrison *

Dangerfield, Thomas *

Duran, Abria Genell *

Evilsizer, Ruth Josephine *

Farr, Chloe G. *

George, Nicholas Andrew *

Harris, John Allen *

Mazzei, Kelsey Noelle *

Mills, Brandi Maxine Holland *

Moreira Vaz, Joseana Patricia *

Morrow, Avery Cortay *

Raymond, Taye L. *

Self, Christopher David *

International Studies

Ciezadlo, Ava Margaret *

Journalism and Media Communication

Bletscher, Abigail

Caudle, Shelby Lynn

Chaney, Lentheus Raynard

Garcia-Magaña, Cindy *

Hojnowski, Luke W.

Jackson, Charles Comp *

Jensen, Grant Stanley *

Mandzi, Ryan Shea *

Marks, Zachary S.

Monticue, Amanda Michelle #

Schaberg Mather, Rowan *

Seiffer, Alli L.

Shadle, Sydney E.

Templeton, Eleanor

Thompson, Aleta M. *

Windley, Carissa

Languages, Literatures, and Cultures

Babcock, Grace A. =

Political Science

Adrian, Javier A. *

Barrett, Jack Ambrose *

Cassady, Elena L. *

Goldstein, Tyler A. *

Granados-Prieto, Jessica Damaris

Hinrichs, Marah Nicole *

Kelley, Maximilian James *

Lambert, Cosette Giselle *

Lester, Zachary Henri Aaron * #

Mayer, Jade Arora *

Raymond, Emily Christine *

Sanchez, Samantha Savannah *

Watson, Matea Hope *


Andrews, Laura Michelle *

Carey, Daniel Wyatt

Clayton-Stankowski, Nel Weston *

Duarte-Muñoz, Vanessa *

Espinoza, Saul

Grajeda, Nayeli Magdalena

Granados-Prieto, Jessica Damaris

Lorash, Skyler M. *

Musset, Sylvia Haydan-Sophia

Nicholas, Olivia Jeanette

Pennie, Hazel Emilia Autumn *

Reinke, Abigail Faye

Rice, Shaelyn Reason * ^

Sanchez, Alyssa Dani

Sanchez-Ruiz, Natalia *

Shopmaker, Lexi Rae *

Stumpf, Isabella Marie * ^


Bush, Samuel Matthew James *

LaFontano, Courtney Logan

Wieland, Caitlin R.

Women’s and Gender Studies

Gonzalez Garcia, Vanessa Ivette *



Benton, Lucy A.

Carter, Grace ^

Congdon, Kaylee Nickol *

Coppin, Caleb R.

Dimulu, Miriame M.

Fojut, Jackson *

Folz, Caroline Noel

Heller, Sarah Kamalei #

Torres Anariba, Carlos Daniel

Weber, Sarah Ashley ^

Wilkes, Kelsi Kristine



Benson, Brigitte Quinn ^

Gilbert, Ethan K.

McReynolds, Stacy Linder #

Moretti, Chloe C. ^

Olivera, Jacquelyn Nancy ^

* Candidates with minor
+ Candidates with second major
^ Candidates for cum laude
# Candidates for magna cum laude
= Candidates for summa cum laude
‡ Awarded posthumously